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Curriculum Night 6th Grade Math-6R

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1 Curriculum Night 6th Grade Math-6R
September 20, 2012

2 Self Introduction - Ms. McCauley
I have 3 children of my own and I always try to treat your children how I would want my children treated in school! I love to run, bike, swim and compete in long distance running, cycling and triathlon events! I use my belief that anything is possible in teaching your children!

3 Team Info: Skyward - _access/ Grading Policy - 1 point off for each day late. Agenda Checks - Checked each day during RICA/CA

4 Curriculum This Year Decimal Review (operations with decimals, rounding, place value) Introduction to Algebra and functions (exponents, squares/square roots, order of operations, variables and expressions, properties) Integers (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing positive and negative numbers) - 2nd Period Linear Equations and Functions (writing and solving one and two step equations)

5 Curriculum Continued Fractions/Decimals/Percents (prime factorization, GCF, converting between) Applying Fractions (operations with fractions and applying those operations to real-world situations) Ratios and Proportions (ratios, rate of change, solving proportions, conversions of metric and customary units, scale drawings) Geometry (angles, polygons, area and perimeter)

6 Curriculum Continued - Pre- Algebra Period 2
Multi-step Equations and Inequalities (perimeter and area, solving multi-step equations and inequalities including variables on both sides) Ratios, Proportions, and Similar Figures (ratios, unit rates, converting measurements, solving proportions, scale drawings, similar figures, dilations, and indirect measurement) Percents (fraction/decimal/percent relationships, percent of change, simple and compound interest, circle graphs)

7 Practice Practice Assignments will be assigned most nights. Practice assignments can be found written in your child’s agenda. Practice assignments can also be found on my website:

8 Grades Comprised Of: Tests - One to two per unit depending on unit size Quizzes - Warm-Up quizzes each Monday Practice - Most nights there is a practice assignment; sometimes optional Extended Response Questions - 1 per week points each Performance Checkpoints for each new concept

9 Contact Information Phone: room 2102

10 Help at Text




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