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Welcome to Middle School

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1 Welcome to Middle School
Rodriguez Middle School Navo Middle School

2 Interesting Information
Wear IDs at ALL times (check out library books, get lunch, etc.) Memorize ID # 8 class periods a day (advisory period) 9 week grading periods CHAMPS Team Concept Choices at Lunch

3 So you are going to be a 6th Grader
I won’t be able to find my classes. I’ll forget which class to go to next. I won’t be with my friends. What are the school rules? The older kids will pick on me. I have to change clothes in PE! What’s the dress code?

4 Visit the Websites Handbook (dress code, rules, policy, etc.)
Bell Schedule Teachers, Counselors, Coaches, Administration, etc. Clubs Educational Links/Games Grades EVERYTHING

5 Physical Education The required uniform is a grey t-shirt and black shorts. Proper fitting tennis shoes that tie (stay on your foot when kicking). Write your name on uniforms. Remember, PE clothes must be appropriate length according to school dress code requirements. Dress out everyday. Can order uniform from the athletic department.

6 6th Grade Required Courses
English Reading/EXPO Math Science Contemporary World Studies PE Advisory REQUIRED COURSES Sixth grade students will be scheduled to take English, Reading, Math, Science, Contemporary World Societies, Advisory and PE Wellness for a full year. English Reading 6/EXPO /19600 Math Science Cont. World Societies PE Wellness Advisory

7 6th Grade Elective Choices
ELECTIVE COURSES Please number four (4) electives in order of preference with one (1) being your 1st choice. 6th grade students can have one (1) elective. If necessary, a student may be placed into an acceleration course for math and/or reading based on recommendations from their 5th grade teachers/principal. Math Accelerated and/or Reading 180 could replace an elective as determined by STAAR results. Art /Theater Arts /606603 Art Full Year Band Choir Boys Choir Girls Orchestra

8 QUESTIONS? Complete Elective Choices and Turn in today Parents will receive electronic schedule for approval This information is posted on Navo Middle School Counselor’s Webpage

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