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Depth of Knowledge Reflected on this quote

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2 Depth of Knowledge Reflected on this quote
want students to truly learn- not just memorize and regurgitate information internalize information and be able to apply their knowledge DOK focuses on the thinking process and digs deeper into thinking to expand the learning process

3 Levels of DOK 1- students are asked to define, measure, identify things (basic recall) 2- students are asked to infer, classify, compare (can still find a quick answer but now take it a step further) 3- students are asked to draw conclusions or to develop a logical argument (outside the box thinking and reasoning) 4- applying knowledge to create a project (multi-faceted thinking)

4 DOK at Hydock Chose a topic and practiced writing questions at each level of DOK Worked with grade level partners to classify questions on most recent Journeys assessments Practiced rewriting questions to various levels of DOK Special area teachers discussed how they can present various DOK level questions to their students Began by looking at types of questions we are asking students and looking deeper into our assessments Looking at our assessments helps us to design better instruction for our students Assessments should have a good mix of questions in order to increase the complexity of our student’s thinking Discovered that we need to refine our assessments which is exactly what we are currently doing Curriculum writers are writing performance tasks to be given during each unit. Require students to synthesize information and display the learning by completing the task Extended to our special area teachers as well- incorporate various levels into their teaching

5 Depth of Knowledge Continue to challenge our students to dig deeper into their thinking to expand their learning Teachers will continue to “show our students where to look” by creating learning opportunities that allow students to inquire, create and wonder.

6 PARCC Evidence Statements
Evaluating the Data

7 6th Grade ELA


9 Where do we begin? “A key step in any effective improvement process is an honest assessment of the current reality- a diligent effort to determine the truth.” (Collins, 2001)

10 PARCC Results PARCC Met Expectation Final PARCC 2015 Results
    PARCC Met Expectation Final PARCC 2015 Results PARCC 2016 Results LAL MA Grade 3 58% 62% 55% 67% Grade 4 72% 70% 65% 57% Grade 5 80% 68% 78% 60% Grade 6 86% 73% 82% Grade 7 71% 52% Math 100%Algebra

11 Female vs Male Proficiency Language Arts

12 Female vs Male Proficiency Math

13 Subgroups Proficiency Language Arts

14 Subgroups Proficiency Math

15 Free and Reduced Lunch Proficiency

16 Special Education Proficiency

17 2016 Grade 7 Regional Student Proficiency

18 Without data, its just an opinion.

19 PARCC Analysis Grade 3 Male Hispanic/White F/R Grade 4 Asian/Black
Male (LA) Female (Math) Hispanic/Black

20 Steps toward Success

21 Administrative Steps Book Club Regional Collaboration Data Analysis
District Goals Technology “The world no longer cares how much you know; the world cares about what you can do with what you know.” ~Tony Wagner

22 Steps in the Classroom Math 21st Century Assessments Writing
Pilot in gr. 2 and 4 Normed rubrics Reading Hydock Perf. Tasks Science Title I Programs

23 Steps to Include Parents
Newsletters Curriculum Night Parent Curriculum Advisory Committee Dec. 2nd at 7:00 Committee Involvement Standards-Based Report Cards Safety ScIP DEAC Culture & Climate

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