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Survey Says…… Unit 2 IB Project.

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1 Survey Says…… Unit 2 IB Project

2 G: The goal is to analyze patterns to determine relationships which simplifies complex ideas and helps us better understand differences and address those differences. R: Your job is to survey the differences about your classmates. A: Your target audience is your teacher. S: Your challenge is to create a report about the likes and dislikes of middle school students using ratio and proportional reasoning. P: You will create a report based on survey data. The report will include a summary of your finding from the survey, graphs, predictions and offer suggestions for the teacher. S: Your product must meet the following standards investigating patterns (Criteria C): consistently use appropriate mathematical language consistently use different forms of mathematical representation to present information correctly communicate clearly through coherent lines of reasoning present work that is consistently organized using a logical structure. Your Task

3 Steps Choose a survey topic.
Survey at least 30 6th graders. Create a chart that summarizes your findings. Be sure to convert your data into a fraction, decimal, and percent. Decimals should be rounded to the nearest hundredths (two decimal places) Create a bar graph. Write a report that summarizes the findings from your survey. Look for patterns in the data to find how students are related to each other. Include a paragraph that explains your survey results. You must write in complete sentences. You must accurately describe your results. You must use ONE form only of the numbers (fractions decimals or percents). Use statements that compare the results in your description. Also include predictions about what your data would show if you surveyed more students. What suggestions would you offer your teacher based on your data? Which format (fractions, decimals, graphs) best communicates the similarities and differences between your classmates likes, dislikes and interests? Why?

4 Rubric Achievement level Level descriptor Task-Specific Clarification
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. The task does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. 1–2 (D range) The student is able to: use limited mathematical language use limited forms of mathematical representation to present information communicate through lines of reasoning that are difficult to understand. In the task: Math conversions are rarely correct. Student did not survey required number of people; survey questions consistently biased. Data presented in limited ways. Graph and data table communicate information in limited ways that are often difficult to understand. Explanation describes data through lines of reasoning that are difficult to understand. Statements that compare the data, such as “greater than” and “less than” are used rarely or not at all. Written reflection shows little evidence that the student recognizes that numbers can help us see how we are all connected. Thoughts are not organized. 3–4 (C range) use some appropriate mathematical language use different forms of mathematical representation to present information adequately communicate through lines of reasoning that are able to be understood, although these are not always coherent adequately organize information using a logical structure. Math conversions are sometimes correct. Almost the required number of people surveyed; survey questions sometimes show bias Data adequately presented in fraction, decimal and percent form. Graph and data table adequately communicate information and are adequately organized. Explanation adequately describes data through lines of reasoning that are able to be understood but are not always coherent. Statements that compare the data, such as “greater than” and “less than” are used occasionally. Written reflection shows some evidence that the student recognizes that numbers can help us see how we are all connected. Thoughts are adequately organized.

5 Achievement level Level descriptor Task-Specific Clarification 5–6 (B Range) The student is able to: usually use appropriate mathematical language usually use different forms of mathematical representation to present information correctly communicate through lines of reasoning that are usually coherent present work that is usually organized using a logical structure. In the task: Math conversions are usually correct. Required number of people surveyed; survey questions usually not biased Data usually presented in fraction, decimal and percent form. Graph and data table are mostly neat, usually easy to read, usually communicate information clearly, and are usually organized logically. Explanation is typed, logical and usually describes data through coherent lines of reasoning. Statements that compare the data, such as “greater than” and “less than” are used. Written reflection shows evidence that the student recognizes that numbers can help us see how we are all connected. Thoughts are usually organized using a logical structure. 7–8 (A range) consistently use appropriate mathematical language consistently use different forms of mathematical representation to present information correctly communicate clearly through coherent lines of reasoning present work that is consistently organized using a logical structure. All math conversions are correct. Required number of people surveyed; survey questions not biased Data consistently presented in fraction, decimal, and percent form. Graph and data table are neat, easy to read, communicate information clearly, and are organized logically. Explanation is typed, logical and accurately describes data through coherent lines of reasoning. Statements that compare the data, such as “greater than” and “less than” are used consistently, Written reflection shows evidence that the student recognizes that numbers can help us see how we are all connected. Thoughts are consistently organized using a logical structure.

6 **You will need to survey your classmates to collect your data**
Example 1. I already have surveyed some 6th graders regarding their favorite ice cream flavors……….and survey says… Flavor Tally Frequency Fraction Decimal Percent # If 250 surveyed Vanilla 15 Strawberry 9 Chocolate 11 Total Surveyed 35 2. **You will need to survey your classmates to collect your data**

7 Bar Graph

8 Written Reflection Which did more students prefer?
Which did least students prefer? How many more students liked ________ than ___________? Describe how you used the data to predict the number of students that would prefer each choice, if 250 were surveyed. How do you compare with the your peers? Prior to doing this project, how did you think you would compare with your peers?

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