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Education with methods in context

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1 Education with methods in context
Watch the video carefully and listen to the lyrics. Your challenge by the end of the lesson is to work out what school of thought (that’s group of sociologists) the song represents.

2 Introductory Task You are the survivors of a terrible world wide disaster. There are several hundred people. You need to pass on your knowledge to the next generation and to each other so they can rebuild the world. You have a completely free rein to design an effective education system for the survivors. What would your system be like? (in pairs, 10 minutes)

3 Feedback- what decisions did you make and why?
What do you think would be the outcome of your choices? Is your system fair for everybody (is that even possible?) How does it compare to our current UK education system?

4 Fit the perspective to the principle
Education has 3 functions that help society, teaching skills for work, sifting and sorting people for appropriate jobs and passing on society’s core values Education prepares children for the world of work and justifies inequality. The education system reinforces gender differences Feminism Functionalism Marxism

5 Fit the perspective to the principle
Education has 3 functions that help society, teaching skills for work, sifting and sorting people for appropriate jobs and passing on society’s core values Education prepares children for the world of work and justifies inequality. The education system reinforces gender differences Functionalism Marxism Feminism

6 Learning the sociological language, making sense of all the jargon!
1)Read the handouts carefully 2) In pairs underline any words that you don’t know its ok if there are lots of them learning sociological theory is like learning a new language! Be ready to feedback and we’ll create a class glossary.

7 Getting to grips with the theory
For each perspective complete a focus on 5 grid. You have 15 minutes for each perspective. PLEASE ask me about anything else you are unsure of in your reading Why are you doing this? Because targeted reading helps you learn the key information you need for the exam (AO1). It helps you apply the theory to real life situations (A02) and it helps you evaluate the strengths and weakness of the theory (AO3)

8 2) Name two functionalist theorists who commented on education
Extension questions- for some serious smug points answer these without referring to your notes 1) Name 3 functions that the education system performs according to functionalists 2) Name two functionalist theorists who commented on education 3) What did Bowles and Gintis say pupils’ experience of education had a close correspondence with? 4) What changes did Sue Sharpe see in girl’s attitudes to education?

9 So which theory does “ Another brick in the wall” relate to?
We don't need no education We don’t need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall. All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

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