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Welcome Ms. Lord/Phillips.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Ms. Lord/Phillips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Ms. Lord/Phillips

2 A little about Me Mommy to Jase (9months old); and day time mom to 46 kiddos starting Monday  Alma Mater- UCF 6 full years of teaching (5-5th grade, 1-6th grade) ALL at Ben Gamla!!

3 The Good, the bad, the ugly
4 state mandated tests- Writing, Reading, Math, Science Morning Arrival: 8:00 students should be in their seats- look at our tight schedule!!!! Homework Policy- there is copy in red folders. Behavior- Binder, tickets, marbles

4 Agendas vs. website Every student must have an agenda- please check it nightly for the first two weeks (building a habit and holding the student responsible) The most up-to-date assignments are in the agenda Dates for tests will be in both

5 Math Go Math Interactive Notebook Quizzes Tests IXL On ThinkCentral

6 Science-Reverse Classroom
Science Fussion-on ThinkCenral Interactive Binder with colorpages FCAT Binder Quizzes Tests Digital Lessons Students MUST complete homework to be successful and reread their notes- in other words-STUDY!!!!!!

7 Payments Dress Down- must be turned in by Thursdays (cannot accept on Fridays) Checks- $15.00 or more (nothing below $15) Must be made out to Ben Gamla (not cash) unless it is for a specific club ALL payments turned into the homeroom classroom is for the child in the homeroom

8 Uniforms All students need to have a grade level shirt for fieldtrips
Legging are not permitted as uniform pants in Ben Gamla; they may be worn under the uniform skirt or dress. Must wear closed-toe shoes.

9 Questions

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