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Managing the Firm’s Assets

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1 Managing the Firm’s Assets
part 7 Financial Management in the Entrepreneurial Firm 23 Managing the Firm’s Assets PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook 12e Copyright © 2003 South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

2 Looking Ahead After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
Describe the working capital cycle of a small business. Identify the important issues in managing a firm’s cash flows. Explain the key issues in managing accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable. Discuss the techniques commonly used in making capital budgeting decisions. Determine the appropriate cost of capital to be used in discounted cash flow techniques. Describe the capital budgeting practices of small firms. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

3 Working-Capital Working Capital Management Net Working Capital
The management of current assets and current liabilities Net Working Capital The sum of a firm’s current assets (cash, account receivable, and inventories) less current liabilities (short-term notes, accounts payable, and accruals). Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

4 The Working-Capital Cycle (cont’d)
Purchase or produce inventory for sale, which increases accounts payable. a. Sell inventory for cash. b. Sell inventory for credit (accounts receivable). Pay the accounts payable (decreases cash and accounts payable). Collect the accounts receivable (decreases accounts payable and increases cash). Begin cycle again Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

5 The Working Capital Cycle
Increases accounts payable Increases inventory Decreases inventory 2a for cash 3b Pay operating expenses and taxes 1 Purchase or produce inventory 2 Sell the 2b on credit accounts receivable Decreases payable 3a 4 Collect 5 Begin cycle again Cash decreases increases The Working Capital Cycle Fig. 23.1 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

6 Working-Capital Time Line
Order Placed Inventory Received Cash Payment for Inventory Sale Cash Collection of Receivables Days in Inventory Days in Accounts Receivable Days in Accounts Payable Cash Conversion Period a b c d Cash conversion period— the time required to convert paid-for inventories and accounts receivable into cash. Source: Adapted from Terry W. Maness and John T. Zeitlow, Short-Term Financial Management (New York: Dryden Press/Harcourt Brace, 1998), p. 4. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved. Fig. 23.2

7 Pokey, Inc.’s Beginning Balance Sheet
Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

8 Pokey, Inc.’s Monthly Balance Sheets
July Aug. Sept. Cash 400 (100) Accounts receivable Inventory 500 Fixed assets 600 Accumulated depreciation TOTAL ASSETS 1,000 1,500 Accounts payable Accrued operating expenses Income tax payable Long-term debt 300 Common debt 700 Retained earnings TOTAL DEBT AND EQUITY Changes: August to September –500 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

9 Pokey, Inc.’s Monthly Balance Sheets
July Aug. Sept. Oct. Cash 400 (100) Accounts receivable 900 Inventory 500 Fixed assets 600 Accumulated depreciation (50) TOTAL ASSETS 1,000 1,500 1,350 Accounts payable Accrued operating expenses 250 Income tax payable 25 Long-term debt 300 Common debt 700 Retained earnings 75 TOTAL DEBT AND EQUITY Changes: September to October +900 –500 –50 +250 +25 +75 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

10 Pokey, Inc.’s Monthly Balance Sheets
Changes: October to November +650 –900 –250 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Cash 400 (100) 550 Accounts receivable 900 Inventory 500 Fixed assets 600 Accumulated depreciation (50) TOTAL ASSETS 1,000 1,500 1,350 1,100 Accounts payable Accrued operating expenses 250 Income tax payable 25 Long-term debt 300 Common debt 700 Retained earnings 75 TOTAL DEBT AND EQUITY Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

11 Changes in Pokey’s Balance Sheet
Change in the Balance Sheet Effect on Income Statement Increase accounts receivable of $900 Sales $900 Decrease inventories of $500 Cost of goods sold $500 Increase in accrued operating Operating expenses $250 expenses of $250 Increase accumulated depreciation of $50 Depreciation expense $50 Increase accrued taxes of $25 Tax expense $25 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

12 Pokey’s November Income Statement
Sales revenue 900 Cost of goods sold 500 Gross Profit 400 Operating expenses: Cash 250 Depreciation 50 Total operating expenses 300 Operating income 100 Income tax (25%) 25 Net income 75 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

13 Working Capital Time Line for Pokey, Inc
Order Placed Inventory Received Cash Payment for Inventory Sale Cash Collection of Receivables Days in Inventory Days in Accounts Receivable Days in Accounts Payable Cash Conversion Period Pokey, Inc. Oct. 15 Nov. 30 Aug. 31 Aug. 15 Sept. 30 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved. Fig. 23.3

14 Working Capital Time Line for Quick-turn Company
Order Placed Inventory Received Cash Payment for Inventory Sale Cash Collection of Receivables Days in Inventory Days in Accounts Receivable Days in Accounts Payable Quick-turn Company Aug. 31 Aug. 15 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved. Fig. 23.3b

15 Managing Cash Flows The Nature of Cash Flows Net Cash Flow Net Profit
The flow of actual cash through a firm. Net Cash Flow The difference between inflow and outflows Net Profit The difference between revenue and expenses The Growth Trap A cash shortage resulting from rapid growth Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

16 Flow of Cash Through A Business
Borrowed Funds Collection of Accounts Receivable Owner's Investment Sale of Fixed Assets Payment of Expenses Payment for Inventory Dividends Cash Sales Purchase of Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved. Fig. 23.4

17 Chai Corporation: Cash Budget (July -September)
May June July August September Monthly Sales $100,000 $120,000 $130,000 $130,000 $120,000 Cash receipts Cash sales for month (40%) $ 52,000 $ 52,000 $ 48,000 1 month after sale (30%) 36, , ,000 2 months after sale (30%) 30, ,000 39,000 Step 1 Total collections $118,000 $127,000 $126,000 Purchases (80% of sales) $104,000 $104,000 $ 96,000 $ 80,000 Cash disbursements Step 2a Payments on purchases $104,000 $104,000 $ 96,000 Rent 3,000 3,000 3,000 Wages and salaries 18,000 18,000 16,000 Step 2b Tax prepayment 1,000 Utilities (2% of sales) 2,600 2,600 2,400 Interest on long-term note Step 2c Short-term interest (1% of short-term debt) Total cash disbursements $128,600 $127,706 $118,313 Step 3 Net change in cash $ 10,600 $ $ 7,687 Step 4 Beginning cash balance 5,000 5,000 5,000 Step 5 Cash balance before borrowing $ 5,600 $ 4,294 $ 12,687 Step 6 Short-term borrowing (payments) 10, ,687 Ending cash balance $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Step 7 Cumulative short-term debt outstanding $ 10,600 $ 11,306 $ 3,619 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

18 Managing Accounts Receivable
How Accounts Receivable Affect Cash Accounts receivable represent the firm’s decision to delay the inflow of cash from customers who have been extended credit. Life Cycle of Accounts Receivable Firm makes credit sale to customer. Invoice is prepared and sent to customer. Customer pays firm. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

19 Managing Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Financing Financing speeds up immediate cash flow Pledged accounts receivable Accounts receivable used as collateral for a loan. Factoring Obtaining cash by selling accounts receivable at a discount to another firm. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

20 Managing Inventory Inventory is a “necessary evil.”
Product supply and consumer demand don’t always match up. Reducing Inventory to Free Cash Monitoring current inventory Determine age and suitability for sale. Controlling stockpiles Match on-hand inventory with demand. Avoid personalizing the business-customer relationship. Avoid forward purchasing of inventory; the carrying cost for excess inventory may exceed any savings. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

21 Managing Accounts Payable
Negotiation Asks creditors for adjustments or additional time. Timing Creditors’ funds can supply short-term cash needs until payment is demanded. Accounts with cash discounts for early payment should be examined for their savings potential. “Buy now, pay later”—pay early enough to get cash discounts and timely enough to avoid late-payment fees. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

22 An Accounts Payable for Terms 3/10, Net 30
Annualized interest rate discount% Cash - 100 % discount x period Net year in Days = 56.4% or 0.564, x 18.25 = Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved. Table 23.2

23 Capital Budgeting Capital Budgeting Analysis
An analytical method that helps managers make decisions about long-term investments such as: Developing new products Replacing equipment Construct new facilities Expand sales territories Seeks to answer the question: “Do future benefits from the investment exceed the cost of making the investment?” Good decisions can add value to the firm; bad decisions can put the firm out of business. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

24 Three Rules of Capital Budgeting
Investors judging the attractiveness of an investment prefer: More cash rather than less cash. Cash sooner rather than later. Less risk rather than more risk. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

25 Capital Budgeting Techniques
Capital Budgeting Decisions Involve: Accounting return on investment How many dollars in average profits are generated per dollar of average investment? Payback period How long will it take to recover the original profit outlay? Discounted cash flows (net present value or internal rate of return) How does the present value of future benefits from the investment compare to the investment outlay? Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

26 Capital Budgeting Techniques
Accounting return on investment Evaluation of a capital expenditure based on the average annual after- tax profits relative to the average book value of an investment. Initial investment = $10,000 Year After-Tax Profits 1 1, , , ,000 2 000 10 4 3 500 1 + = , Accounting return on investment 42.5% or 0.425, 5,000 2,125 = Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

27 Capital Budgeting Techniques
Payback period Measuring the amount of time it will take to recover the cash outlay of an investment. Original Investment = $15,000 Annual Depreciation = $1,500 Acceptable payback period= 5 years Payback period = 4.86 years After-Tax Year Profits 1–2 1,000 3–6 2,000 7–10 2,500 After-Tax Cash Flows 2,500 3,500 4,000 Investment Recovery Year 1-2 Year , ,500 Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

28 Discounted Cash Flows Discounted Cash Flows (DCF)
An analysis comparing the present value of future cash flows with the cost of the initial investment. Considers that cash received today is more valuable than cash to be received in the future—the time value of money. Net present value (NPV) The current value of cash that will flow from a project over time less the initial investment outlay. Internal rate of return (IRR) The rate of return that a firm expects to earn on a project; return rate must exceed cost of capital. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

29 A Firm’s Cost of Capital
The rate of return required to satisfy a firm’s debt holders and investors. Opportunity Cost The rate of return that could be earned on another investment of similar risk. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

30 Measuring the Cost of Capital
Weighted Cost of Capital The cost of capital adjusted to reflect the relative costs of debt and equity financing. Weighted Weight Cost Cost Debt 40% 7.5% 3.0 % Equity 60% 18.0% 10.8% Total 100% 13.8% Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

31 Using the Cost of Debt as an Investment Criterion
Favorable Financial Leverage A benefit gained by investing at a rate of return that is greater than the interest rate on a loan. Debt Capacity The limit at which a firm cannot assume more debt without additional equity investment by its owners. Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

32 Capital Budgeting Practices of Small Firms
Factors Affecting the Capital Budgeting Analysis Process: Nonfinancial (personal) variables Undercapitalization and liquidity problems Uncertainty of cash flows within the firm Lack of established market value for the firm Small size, scope, and length of firm’s projects Lack of managerial experience and talent in firm Copyright © by South-Western College Publishing. All rights reserved.

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