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Support Vector Machines (SVM)

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1 Support Vector Machines (SVM)
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Support Vector Machines (SVM) Chapter 09 Disclaimer: This PPT is modified based on IOM 530: Intro. to Statistical Learning

2 9.1 Support Vector Classifier

3 Separable Hyperplanes
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods Separable Hyperplanes Two class classification problem with 2 predictors: X1 and X2. Consider “linearly separable”: one can draw a straight line in which all points on one side belong to the first class and points on the other side to the second class. Then a natural approach is to find straight line that gives biggest separation between classes i.e. the points are as far from the line as possible. This is the basic idea of a support vector classifier.

4 Classification with a separating Hyperplanes
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Classification with a separating Hyperplanes For a test observation x*, find the value of: Q: what can the sign and magnitude of f(x*) tell us?

5 Classification with a separating Hyperplanes
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Classification with a separating Hyperplanes For a test observation x*, find the value of: Q: what can the sign and magnitude of f(x*) tell us? Magnitude of f(x∗): If f(x∗) is far from zero, then this means that x∗ lies far from the hyperplane, and so we can be confident about our class assignment for x∗. On the other hand, if f(x∗) is close to zero, then x∗ is located near the hyperplane, and so we are less certain about the class assignment for x∗.

6 Maximal Margin Classifier (Optimal separating Hyperplane)
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Maximal Margin Classifier (Optimal separating Hyperplane) Consider distance from each training observation to a given separating hyperplane; Margin: smallest distance from observations to hyperplane. Maximal margin hyperplane is a separating hyperplane with largest margin—that is, it is the hyperplane that has the farthest minimum distance to the training observations. maximal margin classifier: classify a test observation based on which side of the maximal margin hyperplane it lies. Widest “slab” b/w two classes

7 STT592-002: Intro. to Statistical Learning
Support Vectors Right panel figure: Three observations are known as support vectors. They support the maximal margin hyperplane, in the sense that if they move slightly, then the maximal margin hyperplane move as well. Interestingly, the maximal margin hyperplane depends directly on the support vectors, but not on the other observations. Widest “slab” b/w two classes

8 Construction of the Maximal Margin Classifier
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Construction of the Maximal Margin Classifier separating Hyperplanes Maximal Margin Classifier M>0: Margin of hyperplane

9 One… Support Vector Classifiers
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning One… Support Vector Classifiers Add a single point Maximal margin hyperplane is extremely sensitive to change of a single point. We would like to pay a price for: Greater robustness to individual observations, and Better classification of most of the training observations.

10 Support Vector Classifiers (soft margin classifier)
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Support Vector Classifiers (soft margin classifier) Allow some observations to be on incorrect side of the margin, or even the incorrect side of hyperplane.

11 Support Vector Classifiers
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Support Vector Classifiers Maximal Margin Classifier M>0: Margin of hyperplane Ɛi are slack variables. Ɛi =0: correct side of margin Ɛi >0: wrong side of margin Ɛi >1: wrong side of hyperplane. C: tuning parameters via Cross-Validation. Support Vector: on margin or wrong side of margin/hyperplane C large, Low var; High bias Support Vector Classifier C large: Low var since many observations are support vectors but potentially high bias. C small, Low bias; High var.

12 Its Easiest To See With A Picture (Grand. Book)
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods Its Easiest To See With A Picture (Grand. Book) M is minimum perpendicular distance between each point and the separating line. Find the line which maximizes M. This line is called the “optimal separating hyperplane”. The classification of a point depends on which side of the line it falls on.

13 Non-Separating Example (Grand. Book)
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods Non-Separating Example (Grand. Book) Let ξ*i represent the amount that ith point is on wrong side of margin (dashed line). Then we want to maximize M subject to some constraints

14 A Simulation Example With A Small Constant
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods A Simulation Example With A Small Constant This is the simulation example from chapter 1. The distance between the dashed lines represents the margin or 2M. The purple lines represent the Bayes decision boundaries Eg: C=10000, 62% are support vectors

15 The Same Example With A Larger Constant
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods The Same Example With A Larger Constant Using a larger constant allows for a greater margin and creates a slightly different classifier. Notice, however, that the decision boundary must always be linear. C=10000, 62% are support vectors C=0.01, 85% are support vectors

16 9.2 Support Vector Machine Classifier

17 Non-linear Separating Classes
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods Non-linear Separating Classes How about Non-linear class boundaries? In practice… may not find a hyper-plane to perfectly separates two classes. Then find plane that gives best separation between points that are correctly classified subject to points on wrong side of the line not being off by too much. It is easier to see with a picture!

18 Classification with Non-linear Decision Boundaries
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Classification with Non-linear Decision Boundaries Consider enlarging the feature space using functions of the predictors, such as quadratic and cubic terms, in order to address this non-linearity. Or use Kernel functions. Left: SVM with polynomial kernel of degree 3 to the non-linear data… appropriate decision rule. Right: SVM with a radial kernel. In this example, either kernel is capable of capturing decision boundary.

19 Non-Linear Classifier with Kernel functions
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods Non-Linear Classifier with Kernel functions The support vector classifier is fairly easy to think about. However, because it only allows for a linear decision boundary it may not be all that powerful. Recall that in chapter 3 we extended linear regression to non-linear regression using a basis function i.e.

20 Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods
A Basis Approach Conceptually, take a similar approach with support vector classifier. Support vector classifier finds optimal hyperplane in the space spanned by X1, X2,…, Xp. Create transformations (or a basis) b1(x), b2(x), …, bM(x) and find the optimal hyperplane in the transformed space spanned by b1(X), b2(X), …, bM(X). This approach produces a linear plane in the transformed space but a non-linear decision boundary in the original space. This is called the Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier.

21 SVM for classification
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning For a test observation x*, find the value of: SVM for classification Inner Products

22 SVM for classification
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning SVM for classification Kernels: Replace inner product of the support vector classifier, with a generalization of inner product of form: A kernel is a kernel function that quantifies the similarity of two observations. linear kernel: polynomial kernel of degree d: radial kernel:

23 Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods
In Reality While conceptually the basis approach is how the support vector machine works, there is some complicated math (which I will spare you) which means that we don’t actually choose b1(x), b2(x), …, bM(x). Instead we choose something called a Kernel function which takes the place of the basis. Common kernel functions include Linear Polynomial Radial Basis Sigmoid

24 Summary: Support Vector Machines
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Summary: Support Vector Machines Support Vector Classifier Support Vector Machines

25 Polynomial Kernel On Sim Data
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods Polynomial Kernel On Sim Data Using a polynomial kernel we now allow SVM to produce a non-linear decision boundary. Notice that the test error rate is a lot lower.

26 Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods
Radial Basis Kernel Using a Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel you get an even lower error rate.

27 More Than Two Predictors
Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods More Than Two Predictors This idea works just as well with more than two predictors. For example, with three predictors you want to find the plane that produces the largest separation between the classes. With more than three dimensions it becomes hard to visualize a plane but it still exists. In general they are caller hyper-planes. One versus One: compare each pairs One versus All: one of K classes v.s. all remaining K-1 classes.

28 Review: Chap4 Chap8: How to draw ROC curve

29 STT592-002: Intro. to Statistical Learning
LDA for Default Overall accuracy = 97.25%. Now the total number of mistakes is = 275 (2.75% misclassification error rate) But we miss-predicted 252/333 = 75.7% of defaulters Examine error rate with other thresholds: sensitivity and specificity. Eg: Sensitivity = % of true defaulters that are identified = 24.3% (low). Specificity = % of non-defaulters that are correctly identified = 99.8%.

30 Use 0.2 as Threshold for Default
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Use 0.2 as Threshold for Default Now the total number of mistakes is = 373 (3.73% misclassification error rate) But we miss-predicted 138/333 = 41.4% of defaulters Examine error rate with other thresholds: sensitivity and specificity. Eg: Sensitivity = % of true defaulters that are identified = 58.6% (higher). Specificity = % of non-defaulters that are correctly identified = 97.6%.

31 Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC ) curve
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC ) curve Overall performance of a classifier, summarized over all possible thresholds, is given by the area under the (ROC) curve (AUC). An ideal ROC curve will hug the top left corner, so the larger the AUC, the better the classifier. For this data the AUC is 0.95, which is close to the maximum of one so would be considered very good.

32 Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC ) curve
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC ) curve

33 Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC ) curve
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC ) curve Eg: In the Default data, “+” indicates an individual who defaults, and “−” indicates one who does not. Connect to classical hypothesis testing literature, we think of “−” as the null hypothesis and “+” as the alternative (non-null) hypothesis.

34 Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC ) curve
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC ) curve Eg: Sensitivity = % of true defaulters that are identified = 195/333=58.6%. Specificity = % of non-defaulters that are correctly identified = 97.6%. False positive rate = 1- Specificity = % = 2.4% (or 235/9667) True positive rate= Sensitivity= 58.6% = 195/333

35 An application to Heart Disease Data with training set
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning An application to Heart Disease Data with training set An optimal classifier will hug the top left corner of the ROC plot.

36 An application to Heart Disease Data with testing data
STT : Intro. to Statistical Learning An application to Heart Disease Data with testing data An optimal classifier will hug the top left corner of the ROC plot.

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