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Conflict of Empires Chapter 7 Sections 1, 2, 3.

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1 Conflict of Empires Chapter 7 Sections 1, 2, 3

2 World View European Countries love fighting!
French and Indian War broke out over the Ohio River Valley (1754) Spain joins as a French ally in 1762 Treaty of Paris: France must give up Canada and lands east of the Mississippi River, Spain gives up Florida but gains Louisiana


4 Texas View France is no longer a threat! Spain’s territory grows!
Marquis de Rubi is sent to explore all 7,000+ acres!

5 rubi’s Report Concerns: Presidios need repairs
Soldiers were living in poverty Uniforms and equipment were ragged Apache couldn't be friendly Comanche were starting to be more aggressive Realized Spain didn’t have the wealth, power, or people to control the entire region Recommendations: No need for east TX missions, should move to San Antonio Should build 15 forts 100 miles apart from CA to southern TX Abandon all missions except La Bahia and San Antonio Make San Antonio the new capital Befriend the Comanche and get help in fighting the Apache

6 Change in Texas Rubi Rules! All recommendations are accepted
Change is hard! Natives, French, and Tejanos didn't want to abandon their homes, farms, ranches, etc. Change in Texas

7 Farmlands were already taken
San Antonio….Syke! Farmlands were already taken People were homesick 1 year later they leave (with permission) to go east and establish the town of Nacogdoches

8 Success in Nacogdoches
Town was a hit! Located deep in the piney woods for protection Friendly settlers led to friendly natives and trade partners Ulitmately led to a peace treaty with the Comanche for 30 years!

9 The growing U.S. threat…. Literally!

10 U.S. Threat Late 1770s - Early 1800s: U.S. fight for independence from Great Britain Bernardo de Galvez (Spanish governor of LA): helped U.S. forces retake Florida, responsible for the earliest cattle drives 1783: U.S. wins! Texans worry immigration will take over their state 1800: Spain gives Louisiana lands back to France 1803: U.S. purchases Louisiana from France for $15 million, this doubles the size of the U.S.


12 Borders? What are those? New Spain and U.S. now share a border
U.S. thought the border was the Rio Grande Spain thought the border was the Arroyo Hondo Leads to...

13 Adams Onis Treaty (1819) Makes Lands between sabine river and arroyo hondo NEUTRAL U.S. gives up claims to TX in exchange for FL


15 SPain Starts to Lose Control
Losing their grip on their vast territory Filibusters were on the loose! Citizens in settlements love the taste of freedom -Philip Nolan -Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla -Gutierrez and Magee -James and Jane Long


17 Philip Nolan: Spy or Trader?
First came into Texas in 1791 as a mustang trader // Spanish assumed he was a spy for the U.S. general in LA trying to gain land for the U.S. Returned in 1800 with 20 men with no permission // Evaded arrest and was killed This fueled Spanish paranoia that U.S. was expanding

18 Creoles v. Peninsulares
Creoles: someone of spanish descent born in Mexico Peninsulares: Someone of Spanish Descent born in Spain

19 Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
1808: Peninsulares overthrew the viceroy and took control of New Spain 1810: Hidalgo rang his church bell and gave a passionate speech (“Grito de Dolores”) against bad government Little revolt becomes a war for Mexican Independence and Hidalgo is soon leading an army of 50,000 1811: Hidalgo is captured and executed for his rebellion and while rebels quarreled Spanish loyalists took control

20 Jose Gutierrez de lara ----- Augustus William Magee
Gutierrez went to the U.S. to gain support for Hidalgo and picked up where he left off, but felt Texas should be independent too Magee was a U.S. army officer/recruit Gutierrez found in LA Expedition Success? Invaded Texas in 1812 Gained control of Nacogdoches, but not La Bahia Declared independence in April 1813 Horribly defeated by Spanish forces at the Battle of Medina in August 1813


22 From MS, but not happy about Texas being excluded from the LA purchase
Famous Filibuster James and Jane Long! From MS, but not happy about Texas being excluded from the LA purchase Marched his own “army” into Texas (1819) and captured Nacogdoches declaring TX independent, but was overtaken by the Spanish Tried to invade again in 1820, was captured and “accidently” killed by a Spanish soldier while awaiting trial His death ended the filibuster period in TX // Jane is known as the “Mother of TX”

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