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Population and Migration Review

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1 Population and Migration Review
AP Human Geography AP Exam Review Unit

2 For today, 05/01 Pick up a Population and Migration Review Packet
AP Exam is in 12 days! It’s time to make your time worth it – study away!

3 VIP Terms CBR CDR IMR TFR NIR Dependency Ratio Demography

4 NIR CBR – CDR CBR = 20 CDR = 5 NIR = 15 per 1000 = 1.5%


6 DTM Stages 4


8 Thomas Malthus English economist
Time Population Growth Food Growth Today 1 person 1 unit T + 25 2 persons 2 units T + 50 4 persons 3 units T + 75 8 persons 4 units T + 100 16 persons 5 units English economist Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798 Population Exponential growth Food supply Arithmetic growth

9 Thomas Malthus: Actions
Encouraged “checks” on population growth War Moral restraint Disease Famine

10 Malthus on population:
“Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases: and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders. If by these and similar means the annual mortality were increased ... we might probably every one of us marry at the age of puberty and yet few be absolutely starved.”

11 How was Malthus right? Population has been rising quickly
Limited use of contraceptives (DTM stages 2 and early 3) Population has outgrown food Farm land to urban land, environmental degradation Other limiting factors on population in addition to food Resource overuse can lead to exceeding carrying capacity Neo-Malthusians Supporters of Malthusian theory today

12 Population hasn’t grown geometrically
How was Malthus wrong? Population hasn’t grown geometrically Expanded use of contraceptives Demographic Transition Model stages 4 and 5 Food supply grew faster than predicted New technologies (mechanization, chemicals, etc.) Green Revolution (genetically modified, improved seeds) Food preservation and distribution Highways, refrigeration, containerization

13 Malthus’s Critics Unrealistic because resources aren’t fixed
Larger populations promote economic growth Europe better off with 100s millions or 100s thousands? Friedrich Engels: can eliminate global hunger if resources shared equally

14 World Population Density

15 Population Clusters 4 Major Clusters 2 Secondary Clusters East Asia
China, Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan South Asia India, Pakistan, Bangladesh Southeast Asia Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia Europe West = UK, France, Belgium, Germany 2 Secondary Clusters North America Atlantic Coast Toronto, NY, Boston, D.C., Baltimore West Africa Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon, Benin

16 Migration Immigration vs. Emigration Push vs. Pull Factors
Migrant vs. Refugee Ravenstein’s Laws of Migration 1880s, out of Britain Most migrants = young, unmarried, males Most move to places that are close, to cities

17 Ellis Island National Monument
U.S. Immigration * Prior to 1840, 90% of U.S. immigration was from Britain * Two Big Waves: : W. and N. Europe transitioning to S. and E. Europe by 1910 Irish (potato famine in 1840s) and Germans During 1900s: Italians, Russians, Austria-Hungary (Czech, Poland, Romania, etc.) Today: Asians and Latin Americans; declining Europeans Asians: China, India; 1980s -1990s: Philippines, Vietnam, and South Korea Latin America: Mexico, Dom. Rep., El Salvador, Cuba, Haiti Ellis Island National Monument

18 US Migration

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