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September 2017

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1 September 2017

2 Main Committee Officers’ Duties & Responsibilities
ASTM Headquarters September, 2017 Kate Chalfin and Brian Milewski Main Committee Officers’ Duties & Responsibilities

3 Objectives To identify key duties and responsibilities of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Membership Secretary and Secretary in order to strengthen the leadership skills necessary for a productive committee. Todays objective is to identify key duties and responsibilities of Main Officers which include the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Membership Secretary and Secretary in order to strengthen the leadership skills necessary to lead a productive committee. // 3

4 The Chairman

5 Know ASTM Rules and Regulations
ASTM Regulations Officer Handbook Committee Bylaws MyCommittees - Committee Documents Parliamentary Procedure ‘Robert’s Rules of Order’ The Chairman is responsible to know ASTM’s Rules and Regulations and the Officer’s Handbook. These books are available online and a staff manager always has a copy as well. In addition, each committee lays out bylaws in which govern the ground rules for the committee and provide additional details of the main officers duties and responsibilities. When conducting a meeting whether at the Main Committee or Executive Subcommittee meeting ASTM follows Parliamentary procedure, referencing Robert’s Rules of Order. Please note that the ASTM Regulations take precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order. All this information can be found on the ASTM website. // 5

6 Chairing Executive & Main Meetings
Ensure organized, informative reports Facilitate an efficient meeting Introduce and welcome new members During the executive meeting and main committee meeting the chairman will ensure organized, informative reports, and facilitate an efficient meeting. The chairman will start by introducing and welcoming new members. The chairman should also ensure that all positions are able to be represented, being a neutral facilitator on controversial issues. // 6

7 Conducting an Efficient Meeting
Meeting Preparation Prepare an agenda Review correspondence Review minutes & action items from previous meeting Communicate with your Staff Manager Understand the basics of parliamentary procedures Manage meeting time effectively To conduct an efficient meeting it is always important to prepare! In advance, prepare an agenda, review correspondents, review previous meeting minutes and action items and always communicate with your Staff Manager. Understand the basics of parliamentary procedure and being time efficient when running the meeting will assure of an effective meeting. Feel free to talk to your staff manager about time management tools when handling controversial or lengthy topics. // 7

8 When to Use Robert’s Rules
Seeking resolution to a controversial issue (e.g. handling a negative vote) Requires a formal vote count (e.g. voting on a not persuasive negative) Business must be conducted in a formal and efficient manner (e.g. main and subcommittee meetings) Robert’s Rules addresses meeting procedures such as quorum, debate, and motions. The principles of Robert’s Rules reflect that all members have equal rights, and that the power of any meeting is in the hands of the voting members – the Chair is leading the meeting, but does not own it. Here are a few examples of when to use Robert’s Rules of Order: Handling a negative vote- seeking resolution to a controversial issue. Voting on a not persuasive negative- a formal vote count is required. At the main and subcommittee meetings business must be conducted in a formal and efficient manner. ASTM also provides a separate training specifically on Robert’s Rules, if you would like to learn more. // 8

9 Use of Motions Motion Requires a Second Debatable Vote Needed
Approve Agenda Yes Majority Approve Minutes Place an Item on Ballot Establish a Task Group Executive Administrative Decision Adjourn a Meeting No Not Persuasive Action (must state rationale) 2/3 Affirmative Not related Action (must state rationale) (New agenda item for next meeting) Amend a motion When to use a motion at the meeting…(read the slide) // 9

10 Facilitate Committee Administration
Appoint Subcommittee Chairmen and Liaisons and fill vacancies Appoint Special Purpose Ad Hoc Committee Plan meetings Ensure Executive Subcommittee duties are being fulfilled With Executive Subcommittee approval, the Chairman appoints subcommittee Chairmen, liaisons, executive subcommittee task groups, such as the nominating committee and strategic planning, and fills vacancies. The chairman may also appoint additional special purpose Ad Hoc Committees. The Chairman coordinates meeting scheduling details with the staff manager and ensures the Executive Subcommittee performs all required duties, such as approving membership applications and affiliate members, classifying members, assigning voting status, and any other duties outlined in the committee’s bylaws. // 10

11 Facilitate Committee Administration
Appropriate Committee Funds Delegate Responsibility Monitor Subcommittee Meetings Respond to Circular Letter Ballots Assist in Inquiries on Standards With approval from the executive subcommittee, the Chairman handles general administrative duties, such as planning future meetings, managing committee funds, and approving proposals for symposia and workshops, along with handling committee responses to ASTM circular letter ballots and other correspondence. Many chairman find it helpful to monitor subcommittee meetings, to have a good understanding of the issues faced by subcommittee chairman and committee members. In some cases, the committee chairman may be asked to assist in inquires on standards. The chairman may also need to delegate responsibilities. // 11

12 Inquiries on Standards
ASTM membership and staff are prohibited from offering official interpretation of standards Official responses must follow Section 16 of the ASTM Regulations Inquiries can be handled informally by subcommittee chairmen and technical contacts Be clear that the response is a personal opinion Do not use ASTM stationery for the response Inquires can be handled informally by Chairman, Subcommittee chairman, and technical contacts. ASTM members and staff are prohibited from offering official interpretations of standards. Be clear that the response is a personal opinion and do not use ASTM stationary for the response. Official Responses must follow section 16 of ASTM regulations. // 12

13 Oversee the Standards Development Process
Establish a good line of communication with ASTM Headquarters (Staff Manager) and Subcommittee Chairmen Ensure proper consideration and documentation of negatives Ensure that consensus is reached Ensure standards are current Another important role of the chairman is overseeing the standards development process of the committee, which includes five-year review, due process for negative voters, and actions on standards. Making sure to have a good communication line with the ASTM Staff Manager and Subcommittee Chairmen, ensuring there is proper consideration and documentation of negatives, making sure a consensus is reached and ensuring all standards are current. // 13

14 The Vice-Chairman Next we are going to talk about the Roles of the Vice-Chairman.

15 Prepare to Substitute for the Chairman
Know ASTM rules and procedures Assist chairman with duties Prepare to conduct an orderly and productive meeting Keep abreast of all Committee operations Be prepared to serve as Chairman in the absence of Chairman The Vice-Chairman will act as the Chairman in his/her absence. The VC will also have to know the rules and procedures for conducting a meeting. He/She will assist the chairman with duties, prepare and conduct orderly and productive meetings and keep abreast of all committee operations. // 15

16 Perform Special Duties and Assignments
Based on Committee’s Bylaws, there can be several options for Vice Chairmen positions: Head Nominating Committee Champion Bylaws Chair Long Range Planning, including symposia and workshop planning Serve as the Committee Awards Chairman Review requests for new standards, ensuring that industry needs are addressed Review Subcommittee Scopes Succession Planning New Member Orientation Liaison Reports Committee Publicity (e.g. new standards, committee outreach) Based on the committee’s bylaws, the vice chairman may fill several positions: (read the slide) // 16

17 Examples of Special Duties and Assignments
Chair Bylaws Committee Keep Bylaws current with the Society policies/practices Chair Awards Subcommittee Recommend Award of Merit recipients from the Committee Administer Committee Awards Program Honorary Members Special duties and assignments of the Vice-Chairman also include keeping the by-laws up to date with the societies policies and practices. Recommending Award nominees for the Award of Merit, Committee Awards, and Honorary members. // 17

18 The Membership Secretary

19 Coordinate Membership Matters within the Committee
Update online Committee Rosters in accordance with Committee Bylaws using Roster Maintenance Functions Process New Membership Applications and Changes to Current Membership Report on committee membership status and recommend action to Executive Subcommittee to maintain balance Print attendance rosters for Main and Executive Subcommittee meetings The membership secretary responsibilities begin with maintaining a current and complete roster of members on your committee by working closely with ASTM Headquarters. This includes updating the committee roster in accordance with the Committee by-laws using Roster Maintenance, processing membership applications, and assigning classification and voting status. At the committee meeting the membership secretary will report the membership status to the executive committee, as well as, print the attendance roster for the main and executive meetings. // 19

20 Additional Membership Secretary Duties
Monitor Classification and Voting Status of Committee Members Is the Committee in balance? Monitor Inactivity Voting Members Not Returning Ballots Initiate and coordinate recruitment efforts Membership Promotion Review status of affiliate members annually Executive Subcommittee approval needed An additional role of the Membership Secretary is to maintain the balance of the committee by monitoring the classification and voting status of the committee members. Through Roster Maintenance the membership secretary will monitor the inactivity report on members not returning ballots, reporting on the list of inactive members at the Executive Subcommittee meeting, and taking action on the official vote of inactive members. The membership secretary will also review the status of affiliate members and honorary members, and ask the Executive Subcommittee to take action on the ongoing approval of these members. In addition, the membership secretary will work to promote membership through recruiting efforts. // 20

21 Roster Maintenance When logged into under My Tools, the membership secretary can access Roster Maintenance. The Membership secretary can run reports based of their committee and what type of report they are looking for. For example, the membership report, the balance report and/or the inactivity report. Remember this is where the Membership secretary will print off the members attendance report to take to the executive and main committee meeting. // 21

22 The Recording Secretary

23 Secretary Responsibilities
Assist Chairman in preparing: Agenda Minutes Correspondence The recording secretary assists the Chairman in preparing for the meeting, by assisting with the agenda, recording and reviewing past minutes, as well as, corresponding and communicating with the subcommittee chairmen. // 23

24 Meeting Coverage If you cannot attend, find a replacement
Brief your replacement on the agenda Inform replacement of any potential “hot topics” If the recording secretary is unable to attend the meeting, he/she must find a replacement. It is very important to brief your replacement on the agenda and any potential hot topics that need to be discussed. // 24

25 Responsibilities Before Committee Meetings
Help the Chairman prepare the Executive Subcommittee and Main Committee agendas

26 Responsibilities During Committee Meetings
Collect Meeting Attendance List and Record Attendance Approve minutes of previous meeting Record minutes Identify voting members Includes collection of proxy forms Have pertinent documents available During the meeting the recording secretary is in charge of recording attendance, recording the minutes, identifying voting members, and having the pertinent documents available for committee members. Please note when recording a not-persuasive action to write down the exact language of the motion and to record the vote count. This is crucial information that is passed on to the Committee on Standards (COS). // 26

27 Responsibilities After Committee Meetings
Prepare minutes of main and executive subcommittee meetings An accurate summary of the decisions and conclusions reached Record all motions and vote counts Assignments that were made Note if follow-up action is required Note time of adjournment, next meeting date, time, and location Collect and consolidate any germane reports Submit minutes to ASTM International Headquarters for posting (in a single file) At the committee meeting, the recording secretary is responsible for recording the minutes at the main and executive subcommittee meeting. Being sure to capture an accurate summary of the decisions and conclusions, all motions and vote counts, assignments that were made, noting if any follow-up action is required and noting the times of the meeting and location. In addition the secretary is responsible for collecting and consolidating any germane reports. After the meeting the recording secretary is responsible for submitting the minutes to ASTM to post on the Committee’s webpage. We ask this to be done in a timely manner; approximately 30 days after the meeting. // 27

28 Submitting & Preparing Documents
Submitting and Preparing the documents has been made easy through My Tools under the members login. On the right hand side under My Tools; you can see Roster Maintenance, Meetings, Minutes Agendas which will assist in steps for preparing for the meeting or submitting the documentation to be posted the Committee’s page. For assistance in this area, you can always contact your ASTM Staff Manager. // 28

29 Questions? Does anyone have any questions?
Thank you for joining our training section today on Main Committee officers Duties and Responsibilities. If you happen to have questions in the further, please contact your staff manager at ASTM who is always happy to assist. Have a great day!

30 Thank you for your attention!

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