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Primary Source Analysis

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1 Primary Source Analysis
Portuguese population , in thousands, (2005 Data from FAO) with emigration giving way to retornados,[2][3]ranging from 500,000 to 1 million after the revolution.

2 Decolonization and its impact
Mr. Cruz, AC Flora High School

3 Means to Independence: Armed
Colonies seek independence by force International support is needed for weapons Usually lasted longer than negotiated independence Long lasting issues

4 Means to Independence: Armed
Angola 1960’s: Soviet influenced Guerillas fight Portugal 1974: Portuguese gov’t is overthrown by Portuguese citizens 1975: New government grants independence to Portuguese imperial possessions

5 Result: Redistribution of Resources
Retornados: 300,000 Portuguese leave for Portugal after Independence Gov’t desires to redistribute abandoned resources, but struggles to figure out: Who? What? When? Where? How? Leads to conflict Angolan Civil War Communist supported MPLA, eventual winner USSR and Cuba send resources and troops Aids the “Spread of Communism”



8 Result: Transnational Movements
Communism Pan-Arabism Pan-Africanism “African peoples both on the continent and in the Diaspora, share not merely a common history, but a common destiny”

9 Pan-Africanism Organization of African Unity / African Union
Achieve greater unity and solidarity between African countries and the peoples of Africa Defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its Member States

10 Result: Population Resettlement

11 Result: Population Resettlement (cont’d)

12 Result: Population Resettlement
Redrawing of Colonial boundaries Imposed boundaries Ex: India/Pakistan Religious-based Partition Hindus persecuted in Pakistan (20%-1945, 1%-2003) Muslims persecuted in India Forced migration

13 Result: Colonial Subject Migration
Imperial powers view lax migration laws as a form of apology to former colonies Algeria to France (After 1962) – Evian Accord Seeking a “Better Life” Maintain family ties Fear of internal conflicts in Algeria French Reaction is negative, but committed to Post- Colonial “Obligations”

14 Result: Colonial Subject Migration
DO NOT WRITE THIS! Zinedine Zidane French National Soccer Team Member Parents were from Aguemoune Ath Slimane, Algeria 2006 World Cup Final

15 Regional, Religious, and Ethnic Movements
Nigeria Biafra

16 Contemporary Map of Nigeria (1)

17 Four Region Map (2)

18 Ethnic Diversity (3)

19 Religious Diversity (4)

The Nigerian central government gains (and gained) a lot of its revenue from oil companies which pay a charge for the petroleum they ship out of Nigeria.  This table shows the percentage of total government  revenue which comes from these charges on oil.                             Year                    Percentage                                                  .08                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *                97.24     *Last year of information on the source.  [Adapted from data in Eghosa E. Osaghae, Crippled Giant  Nigeria Since Independence (Bloomington:  Indiana University Press, 1998), p. 20.]

21 Ethnolinguistic Diversity (6)
Living Languages Number of Speakers Country Count Percent Indigenous Immigrant Total Mean Median Nigeria   529 7.45 522 7 104,138,885 216,056 13,000 USA 420 5.91 214 206 278,640,074 787,119 440

22 The Failed State of Biafra

23 Prompt (answer on your own)
How did regional, religious, and ethnic differences challenge the inherited imperial boundaries in Nigeria?

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