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The Technical Assistance Guide (TAG)
-With a forward on the Joint partnership- Before we begin this training on the Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) we would like to take a moment to briefly describe the purpose and mission of the joint partnership and the services each agency provides to support Veterans in the Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program.
Partnership Purpose The primary goal of the collaborative effort between Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E), Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS), and State Agency (SA) staff is to improve the quality of employment services and outcomes for each Chapter 31 Veteran The partnership serves to increase communication and coordination, reduce duplication of effort, and enhance the quality of service provided to Chapter 31 Veterans A unified team approach and partnership between VR&E, VETS, and SA staff is fundamental to a seamless, positive experience for Chapter 31 Veterans as they move through evaluation, training, job search, and employment The successful readjustment of Disabled Veterans into the civilian workforce is a mutual responsibility and concern. This statement is the foundation on which the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Service, the Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS), and each State Agency (SA) use to develop a partnership to advance, improve and expand employment opportunities for all Chapter 31 Veterans as they move through evaluation, training, job search, and ultimately, suitable employment. Now let’s discuss the mission of each agency and how they work together to meet the higher purpose of the joint partnership.
Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) Service Mission
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Service provides services and assistance to enable Veterans with service- connected disabilities and an employment handicap to become employable and obtain and maintain suitable employment. For Veterans with service-connected disabilities so severe that they cannot immediately consider work, VR&E provides services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible. Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) Chapter 31, Title 38, U.S. Code The mission of the Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) Service is to provide services and the assistance necessary to enable Veterans with service-connected disabilities and an employment handicap to prepare for, find, and maintain suitable employment.
Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) Mission
The Department of Labor, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) mission is to: Prepare America's Veterans, Servicemembers, and their spouses, for meaningful careers; Provide them with employment resources and expertise; Protect their employment rights; and, Promote their employment opportunities. The mission of Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) encompasses meaningful and successful careers for all Veterans. VETS’ proudly serves Veterans, Servicemembers and their spouses by preparing them for meaningful careers, providing them with employment resources and expertise, protecting their employment rights, and promoting their employment opportunities.
The State Workforce Agency (SA) Mission in Serving Veterans
Each State Workforce Agency (SA) in the United States, including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam is provided funding by the Department of Labor, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) for staff who provide services to Veterans as authorized by 38 U.S.C. 41 These staff are Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists and Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) staff DVOP specialists primarily provide intensive services to Veterans with significant barriers to employment LVER staff outreach to the employer community and support Veterans by building capacity within the state’s employment service delivery system to address the service needs of Veterans seeking employment The State Agencies (SA) including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, oversee a network of American Job Centers (AJCs) and AJC staff that provide assistance to people seeking employment. SAs are required to provide Veterans priority of service for the receipt of employment, training and placement services. In addition, each SA is provided funding to hire staff to serve Veterans as authorized by 38 U.S.C Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists provide intensive services to Veterans with significant barriers to employment and Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) staff advocate for Veterans through outreach to the employer community and by capacity building within the state’s employment service delivery system; LVERs play an important role in assisting with the development of the service delivery strategies for Veterans. The roles and responsibilities of DVOP specialists and LVER staff dovetail nicely into the partnership responsibilities to advance, improve and expand employment opportunities for Chapter 31 Veterans.
Partnership Agreement
National Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between DOL/VETS and VA/VR&E Service formalized at the national level initially in 1995 Published the first Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) in 2008 Redeveloped and reaffirmed the National Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in February 2015 and revised the TAG The partnership between Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Service, VR&E, and Veterans Employment and Training Service, VETS, was initially formalized by a National Memorandum of Understanding in The first Technical Assistance Guide, TAG, which included joint data collection tools, has been in use and continuous development since Both agencies jointly developed and reaffirmed the National Memorandum of Agreement, MOA, in February 2015 and a newly revised Technical Assistance Guide, TAG, dated for release July 2016, was developed.
Acronyms The following acronyms are used throughout the Federal Partnership Agreement: CM Case Manager DOL Department of Labor DVET Director for Veterans’ Employment and Training DVOP Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program specialist EC Employment Coordinator ES Employment Service LMI Labor Market Information LVER Local Veterans’ Employment Representative MOA/MOU Memorandum of Agreement / Memorandum of Understanding SA State Workforce Agency or State Agency TAG Technical Assistance Guide VA Department of Veterans Affairs VETS Veterans’ Employment and Training Service VRC Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor VR&E Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Additional acronyms with definitions can be found in the TAG, Appendix F The following acronyms are used throughout the partnership, the Technical Assistance Guide (TAG), the training webinars, and within the on-line training. Additional acronyms and definitions can be found in the TAG, Appendix F.
TAG Purpose Defines the unified team approach and partnership between VR&E, VETS, and SA staff that is fundamental to a seamless, positive experience for Chapter 31 Veterans as they move through evaluation, training, job search, and employment Establishes standard operating procedures for all system-wide partners who work with Chapter 31 Veterans Clearly outlines roles & responsibilities of each organization involved to promote successful team interaction and employment outcomes Now that we have provided you a brief overview of the partnership’s purpose and mission, let’s discuss, in some detail, the latest Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment or VR&E and Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service VETS Technical Assistance Guide revised for release July 2016. The purpose of this Technical Assistance Guide is to define the unified team approach and partnership between Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Service, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service and State Agency staff. Use of this Technical Assistance Guide is fundamental to ensuring a seamless, positive experience for our Chapter 31 Veterans as they move through evaluation, training, job search and employment. The Technical Assistance Guide also establishes standard operating procedures for all system-wide partners who work with our Chapter 31 Veterans and it clearly outlines roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the joint process to promote successful team interaction and employment outcomes for each Chapter 31 Veteran.
Maximizing Customer Service
VR&E, VETS, and SA staff will refer eligible service-connected disabled Veterans to special programs authorized under The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Vocational Rehabilitation under 38 United States Code (38 U.S.C.), Chapter 31, and other federal and state programs for training and employment assistance The Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Service, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service and State Agency staff, will refer Veterans to special programs authorized under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Vocational Rehabilitation under Chapter 31 of Title 38 United States Code, and other federal and state programs for training and employment assistance.
Rehabilitation Process
Following VR&E’s eligibility and entitlement determination, the Veteran will be referred to the SA, who will provide LMI VR&E will refer 100 percent of all Veterans entitled to services for LMI, with the following exceptions: Veterans for whom achievement of a vocational goal has been determined infeasible. Veterans already working in a suitable career or job when entering the program but that require a job accommodation, are seeking additional training to retain their current employment, or require new suitable employment in the same career. Following VR&E’s eligibility and entitlement determination, the Veteran will be referred to the SA, who will provide LMI. VR&E will refer 100 percent of all Veterans entitled to services for LMI, with the following exceptions: Veterans for whom achievement of a vocational goal has been determined infeasible; and Veterans already working in a suitable career or job when entering the program but that require a job accommodation, are seeking additional training to retain their current employment, or require new suitable employment in the same career.
Rehabilitation Process Continued
When the VRC determines the Veteran is job ready, the VRC/EC will refer the Veteran to the SA for employment services. VR&E will refer 100 percent of all Veterans in the Chapter 31 program in Job Ready Status (JRS) with the following exceptions: Veterans who are already suitably employed in an occupation that does not exacerbate their existing service connected disability at the time the job ready decision is made. Veterans who are job ready and decide to pursue additional education outside the Chapter 31 program, rather than pursue employment. When the VRC determines the Veteran is job ready, the VRC/EC will refer the Veteran to the SA for employment services. VR&E will refer 100 percent of all Veterans in the Chapter 31 program in Job Ready Status (JRS) with the following exceptions. Veterans who are already suitably employed in an occupation that does not exacerbate their existing service connected disability at the time the job ready decision is made; and Veterans who are job ready and decide to pursue additional education outside the Chapter 31 program, rather than pursuing employment.
Information Sharing Employment Services (ES) LMI
The VRC will provide a referral form which includes preliminary occupational interests and other information The ISC will record the data on the VETS 201 and assign staff to complete the LMI The assigned staff will contact the Veteran within 10 days to provide LMI Once LMI has been completed the ISC will document the case closure as “L” on the VETS 201, Column S The VRC will provide a referral form which includes the identified employment goal The ISC will record the data on the VETS 201 and assign staff to complete the ES The assigned staff will contact the Veteran within 10 days to provide ES All appropriate information will be documented on the VETS 201 All parties are committed to active cooperation and coordination; this requires communication, communication, communication! A referral form will be provided from the VRC/EC for any referral to the SA, the ISC will record the data on the VETS 201, the staff assigned will contact the Veteran within ten days of receipt of the referral and provide the proper services, and when services have been completed, the ISC will be informed and the case will be closed appropriately. If issues arise at any time please inform the ISC, VR&E and DVET immediately. If any issues arise please inform the ISC, VR&E Officer, and DVET immediately
Information Reporting
VR&E, VETS, and SA staff will meet not less than quarterly to review and reconcile the data reported on the VETS 201 form (see TAG, Appendix G) and resolve common concerns VR&E staff will coordinate referral to the ISC, DVOP specialist, and/or appropriate SA staff Partners will focus their efforts and ensure collaboration in assisting each Veteran to find and maintain suitable employment It is vital to begin communication early and maintain it throughout the process for each and every Veteran navigating the joint process. The reporting of precise, detailed and valid data is imperative to monitor success and take corrective actions to resolve common concerns. In order to effectively accomplish this, all involved agencies will meet no less than once per quarter to review and reconcile the information reported on the VETS The Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor or Employment Coordinator will work with the Intensive Service Coordinator or other State Agency staff to refer Veterans that meet the referral criteria for labor market information and for employment services. In turn, all partners will focus their efforts to ensure maximum assistance is provided to help each Veteran to find and maintain suitable employment.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Officer (VR&EO), in coordination with the Director for Veterans’ Employment and Training (DVET), ensures effective coordination and liaison between SA staff, VETS, and VR&E to implement this partnership as outlined in the TAG The VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Officer, in coordination with VETS’ Director for Veterans’ Employment and Training, ensures effective coordination and liaison between the State Workforce Agency staff, the Veterans Employment and Training Service and the Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment staff to successfully implement this partnership.
Roles and Responsibilities VR&EO
The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Officer or designee will: Maintain regular contact and open communication between all parties Identify problem areas, work toward their resolution, and render technical assistance Ensure 100% referral, with limited exceptions, of Chapter 31 Veterans for LMI and ES, as established in the referral criteria The VA’s Vocation Rehabilitation and Employment officer or designee will maintain regular contact and communication with all parties involved in the process, identify problem areas, work toward their resolution, and ensure the referral of Chapter 31 Veterans as established in the referral criteria.
Roles and Responsibilities DVET
VETS’ Director for Veterans’ Employment and Training (DVET) is an integral team member who facilitates action and reporting between the VR&E, and SA staff. The DVET will: Maintain regular contact and open communication between all parties Identify problem areas with a focus on improving outcomes achieved by Chapter 31 Veterans Facilitate the coordination of services provided by VR&E, VETS and SA staff Like the Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Officer, VETS’ Director for Veterans’ Employment and Training, will maintain regular contact and open communication between all parties. In addition, the Director for Veterans Employment and Training will identify problem areas with a focus on improving outcomes achieved by Chapter 31 Veterans and also facilitate the coordination of services provided by Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service and State Workforce Agency staff.
Roles and Responsibilities VRC
VA Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) Determines Chapter 31 entitlement Refers Veterans to SA staff for LMI and Employment Services Ensures appropriate evaluations are completed to identify interests, abilities, aptitudes, and limitations Develops the Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan (IWRP) for each Veteran using LMI provided by SA staff The VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors (VRCs) provide and coordinate a wide range of rehabilitation counseling and case management services to Veterans with service-connected disabilities. They ensure appropriate evaluations are completed to identify interests, abilities, aptitudes and limitations used in developing each Chapter 31 Veteran’s Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan. Labor market information received from the State Agency is used in developing Individual Written Rehabilitation Plans.
Roles and Responsibilities EC
The VA Employment Coordinator (EC) Oversees employment assistance to job ready Veterans Markets Veterans to employers based on their vocational goals and develops employer partnerships Engages businesses in the design and delivery of apprenticeships, on-the-job training, internships, special employer incentives (SEI), and non-paid work experience (NPWE) Provides Veterans information on DoD sponsored employment programs and other federal and state programs The VA’s Employment Coordinator (EC) provides and coordinates services to job ready Veterans who have service-connected disabilities, to ensure they receive the assistance they need to obtain and maintain suitable employment. They review labor market information received from the State Agency that is used in the development of the Chapter 31 Veteran’s rehabilitation plan. Working with State Agency partners, the Employment Coordinator develops employer partnerships and markets Veterans to employers based upon each of their vocational goals.
Roles and Responsibilities SA
The State Agency (SA) will appoint an Intensive Services Coordinator (ISC) who: Serves as the SA’s central point of contact for service to Chapter 31 participants Facilitates the dissemination of information to, and compiles information from, DVOP specialists and other SA staff Serves as the coordination point of information between VR&E staff, the DVET, and the SA Each State Agency provides employment and training services to Veterans of the United States Armed Forces through a nationwide network of approximately 2,500 American Job Centers. In accordance with the Jobs for Veterans Act, the U.S. Department of Labor has implemented Priority of Service for Veterans and eligible spouses in all of their qualified job training programs. To support this joint partnership, State Agency, also known as the State Workforce Agency in some states, will appoint an Intensive Services Coordinator to serve as the central point of contact for service provided to Chapter 31 participants. The Intensive Services Coordinator facilitates and compiles information from Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program specialists and other State Agency staff. Their most important objective is to serve as the coordination point of information between Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, State Agency and AJC staff, and the Director for Veterans’ Employment and Training.
Roles and Responsibilities SA Continued
The DVOP specialist or other SA staff Provides LMI and other pertinent work information for inclusion in the development of a Veteran’s IWRP Registers all Chapter 31 Veterans referred for employment services in the SA electronic system within 10 days of contact Provides the following services as appropriate: Maintains contact with the Chapter 31 Veteran a minimum of every two weeks and reports that information to the ISC monthly Job Counseling Job Referrals/Placement OJT Job Search Workshops Resumé Assistance Practice Interviews Along with other State Agency staff, the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program specialist provides labor market information and other pertinent work information for inclusion in the development of a Veteran’s Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan. He or she will register Chapter 31 Veterans referred for employment services into the state’s electronic system, provide services as appropriate, and maintain contact with the Veteran a minimum of every two weeks. The Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program specialist will provide a monthly report on each Chapter 31 Veteran to the Intensive Services Coordinator.
Availability of Training
Jointly, VA/VR&E and DOL/VETS staff agree to orient and train newly assigned VR&E, VETS, and SA staff to the procedures established in the TAG The Joint Working Group will update the training materials available to ensure constant and current relevance All partners agree that training is essential in developing and maintaining a strong partnership. To that end, each agency agrees to train newly assigned staff on the procedures established in the VR&E Technical Assistance Guide. Webinars such as this one have been created to assist you in fulfilling your respective role in the process. This webinar will be available on the Department of Veterans Affairs intranet and on the National Veterans’ Training Institute, or NVTI, website currently at Not only will the on-line training be updated regularly, all training will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and accessible by personnel from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Labor and each State Agency.
Data Collection and Reporting
TAG – What’s Changed Rewritten and revised during Fiscal Years (FY) Establishes specific criteria for referral of Veterans for LMI and ES Clarifies the importance of effective coordination efforts between the VA/VR&E, DOL/VETS, and State Workforce Agencies (SA) Updates VR&E and VETS policies, internal procedures and forms related to the joint partnership Revises the Process Flow Chart The Technical Assistance Guide was revised to incorporate new changes in policy and to highlight the importance of an effective partnership. In addition, the updated Technical Assistance Guide includes a flow chart that demonstrates the processes from referral for LMI during the initial rehabilitation planning, and referral for employment services after identification of job ready status.
TAG – What’s Changed Continued
Data Collection and Reporting TAG – What’s Changed Continued Specifies the defined roles and responsibilities of each member within the partnership Introduces programs for eligible participants such as VA’s On– the-Job Training (OJT), Non-Paid Work Experience (NPWE) and Special Employer Incentive (SEI) Identifies redress procedures to follow which aid in the resolution of conflicts that could impact the effectiveness of the partnership Provides enhanced program and staff accountability measures In addition, the Technical Assistance Guide (or TAG) revisions define roles and responsibilities of each member of the partnership. For entitled participants, the TAG also introduces such Department of Veterans Affairs programs as On–the-Job Training, Non-Paid Work Experience and Special Employer Incentives. Further it identifies redress procedures to aid in the resolution of conflicts that could impact the effectiveness of the partnership.
Referral and Rehabilitation Process
Veterans are referred to the SA by VR&E staff. There are two distinct phases to the process: Initial Rehabilitation Planning Employment Referral of Chapter 31 Veterans in Job Ready Status Veterans are referred to the State Agency by Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment staff. There are two distinct phases to the referral process; Initial Rehabilitation Planning and Employment Referral of job ready Chapter 31 Veterans. The Initial Rehabilitation and Planning referral occurs in order for the State Agency personnel to provide labor market information to be used in developing each rehabilitation plan. The Employment Referral occurs when a Chapter 31 Veteran is either ready for employment services or is no later than 60 days from completing his or her training program.
This flow chart depicts the joint partnership process that a Chapter 31 Veteran follows when he or she is referred to the State Agency for labor market information or employment services. Following VR&E’s eligibility and entitlement determination, the Veteran is referred to State Agency staff for labor market information to be used in rehabilitation planning. The Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor or Employment Coordinator will complete a referral form containing basic contact information in addition to identifying the Veteran’s barriers to employment and potential career fields. Labor market information includes all quantitative or qualitative data and analysis related to employment and the workforce for those potential career fields. The goal of providing labor market information is to help Veterans who are just starting their vocational rehabilitation and employment process to make informed choices in career planning and for preparation, education and training, and job search opportunities in public or private industries. For the Veteran who has been pursuing training under Chapter 31, labor market information is used as a reality check and to determine the availability of employment in his or her chosen field in the geographical area of interests to the Veteran. This slide further illustrates the complete placement assistance and follow-up process to be followed for and with each Chapter 31 Veteran. The Veteran will be referred to the State Workforce Agency for employment services no later than 60 days prior to completion of training. In most cases, these services are provided by Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program specialists, but may be performed by other State Agency staff, as well. The State Workforce Agency will maintain contact with the Veteran and track progress. Once a Veteran obtains suitable employment, he or she will be tracked for 60 days to ensure retention in employment. The Veteran is determined to be rehabilitated by the VA when the Veteran has retained suitable employment for at least 60 days. If at any time the State Workforce Agency staff determines the Veteran is not seeking suitable employment, the State Workforce Agency will notify the ISC, Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment representative, and DVET.
Redress Procedures Redress Procedures were added to resolve conflicts that could impact the functions of this partnership Issues that arise will be addressed and resolved immediately at the local level If resolution cannot be reached locally, the issue will be appropriately routed through respective agency channels For any partnership to work effectively, it is vital all parties work together seamlessly. It is anticipated that a fruitful working relationship will exist in all states. However, in the event there are issues that cannot be resolved at the local level, redress procedures are in place. Unresolved issues will be directed through each agency’s respective channels.
Redress Procedures Continued
Should the issue remain unresolved, the Regional Administrator for VETS and VA Regional Office Director will forward the issue to the JWG via their respective co-chair for final resolution The JWG will provide a recommended resolution to each agency’s leadership If the issue remains unresolved, then the VR&EO will forward the issue to his/her Regional Office (RO) Director and the DVET to his/her Regional Administrator (RAVET). Should the issue remain unresolved, the RO Director and RAVET will forward the issue to the JWG, via their respective Co-Chair for final resolution. The JWG will provide the issue with a recommended resolution to each agency’s leadership.
QUESTIONS? If you have any questions regarding this presentation, please refer to the Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) or use your appropriate chain of command. Thank you for watching this webinar on the Technical Assistance Guide. If you have any questions regarding this presentation, please refer to the Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) or use your appropriate chain of command. Remember, we’re working together to serve America’s heroes!
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