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Instructor: Safaa S. Y. Dalloul

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1 Instructor: Safaa S. Y. Dalloul
Principles of Marketing Unit 6 Instructor: Safaa S. Y. Dalloul Product Strategies

2 Elements of Lecture Product Strategy
Product Strategy Product Characteristics and Classifications Components of Market Offering Product Levels

3 Components of Market Offering
Components of Market Offering

4 Components of Market Offering

5 Product Levels

6 Product Levels

7 Product Levels Fundamental level : Core benefits Basic Product
Fundamental level : Core benefits Basic Product Expected Product Augmented Product Potential Product

8 Product Levels Examples of Product Level Fundamental Basic Product
Examples of Product Level Fundamental Basic Product Expected Augmented Potential Hotel Rest and Sleep Bed, Bathroom Clean Bed Internet Access ATM Machine Car Leisure Chairs and Windows Radio, Air Condition GIS (E-Map) Robot

9 Product Classifications
Product Classifications

10 Product Classifications
Durability and Tangibility Durable: Many uses such as refrigerators Non-durable: Normally consumed such as soap Services: intangible such as legal advice Consumer Goods Classification Industrial Goods Classification

11 Customer Goods Classifications

12 Industrial Goods Classifications
Material and Parts Capital Items Supplies and Business Services

13 Differentiation

14 Differentiation Differentiation: process of adding a set of meaningful and valued differences to distinguish the company’s offering form competitor’s offering

15 Product Design Parameters
Differentiation Product form Features Performance quality Conformance Quality Durability Reliability Reparability Style Design Product Design Parameters

16 Differentiation Service Design Parameters Ordering ease
Ordering ease Delivery Installation Customer Training Customer Consulting Maintenance & Repair Service Design Parameters

17 Product System

18 Product System Product System: A group of diverse but related items that function in a compatible manner, eg, cellular phone with earphone, battery, radio and cameras.

19 Product System Product Mix Product Line 4 Line 3 Line 2 Line 1 Sweets
Product Mix Product Line 4 Line 3 Line 2 Line 1 Sweets Snakes Soft Drinks Coffee Mars Pizza In Tang Nescafe kinder Burger Coca Cola Bream Twix KFC Meranda Sanca

20 Brand

21 Brand Brand: A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from the competition.

22 Brand Brand Levels Attributes: A brand brings to mind certain attributes. Benefits: Attributes must be translated in to functional & emotional benefits Values: The brand say something about the product (Mercedes-Safety)

23 Brand Brand Levels Culture: It may represent a certain culture (Mercedes- German) Personality: It project a certain personality User: It suggests the kind of consumer who buys or use the product.

24 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees

25 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Packaging: is all activities of designing and producing the container for a product. Primary Package Secondary Package Shipping Package

26 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Function: create convenience and promotional value, a styling weapon, attracting consumers. Self-Service: providing info and attracting customers. Consumer affluence: consumers’ willingness to pay more. Company and brand image: instant recognition of the brand

27 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Innovation opportunity Innovative packaging can bring large benefits to consumers and profits to producers. Companies are incorporating unique materials and features such as resalable spouts and openings. Fragrance bottle design and soft drinks.

28 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Package design Establishing the packaging concept: deciding what should be or do for the package Designing the package: size, shape, materials, color, text, brand mark Packaging test: engineering tests, visual tests, dealer test and consumer test

29 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Labeling Sellers must label products. The label may be a simple tag attached to the product or an elaborately designed graphic that is part of the package. The label might carry only the brand name or a great deal of information. Labels eventually become outmoded and need freshening up.

30 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Functions Identification, Grading Description, producer, instruction, expiry date,… Promotion: through graphic or color on the label

31 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Warranties All sellers are legally responsible for fulfilling a buyer's normal or reasonable expectations. Warranties are formal statements of expected product performance by the manufacturer.

32 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Warranties Products under warranty can be returned to the manufacturer or designated repair center for repair, replacement, or refund. Warranties, whether expressed or implied, are legally enforceable.

33 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Guarantee many sellers offer Reduce the buyer’s perceived risks Suggesting that the product is high quality and that the company and its service performance are dependable

34 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees
Guarantee Effective when: The company or the product is not well-known The product’s quality is superior to the competition


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