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Published byJoy Bennett Modified over 6 years ago
General Physics (PHY 2140) Lecture 9 Electricity and Magnetism
Induced voltages and induction Magnetic flux and induced emf Faraday’s law Motional EMF Lenz’s Law Applications Self-Inductance RL Circuits (maybe) Chapter 20 9/21/2018
Lightning Review Last lecture: Magnetism
Application of magnetic forces Ampere’s law Current loops and solenoids Induced voltages and induction Magnetic flux Review Problem: A rectangular loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field with the plane of the loop parallel to the direction of the field. If a current is made to flow through the loop in the sense shown by the arrows, the field exerts on the loop: 1. a net force. 2. a net torque. 3. a net force and a net torque. 4. neither a net force nor a net torque. Recall: 9/21/2018
Magnetic Field of a current loop
Magnetic field produced by a wire can be enhanced by having the wire in a loop. Dx1 I B Dx2 9/21/2018
Solenoid Magnet Field lines inside a solenoid magnet are parallel, uniformly spaced and close together. The field inside is uniform and strong. The field outside is non uniform and much weaker. One end of the solenoid acts as a north pole, the other as a south pole. For a long and tightly looped solenoid, the field inside has a value: 9/21/2018
Solenoid Magnet n = N/l : number of (loop) turns per unit length.
I : current in the solenoid. 9/21/2018
Chapter 20: Introduction
Previous chapter: electric currents produce magnetic fields (Oersted’s experiments) Is the opposite true: can magnetic fields create electric currents? 9/21/2018
20.1 Induced EMF and magnetic flux
Definition of Magnetic Flux Just like in the case of electric flux, consider a situation where the magnetic field is uniform in magnitude and direction. Place a loop in the B-field. The flux, F, is defined as the product of the field magnitude by the area crossed by the field lines. where is the component of B perpendicular to the loop, q is the angle between B and the normal to the loop. Units: T·m2 or Webers (Wb) The value of magnetic flux is proportional to the total number of magnetic field lines passing through the loop. 9/21/2018
Problem: determining a flux
A square loop 2.00m on a side is placed in a magnetic field of strength 0.300T. If the field makes an angle of 50.0° with the normal to the plane of the loop, determine the magnetic flux through the loop. 9/21/2018
From what we are given, we use
A square loop 2.00m on a side is placed in a magnetic field of strength 0.300T. If the field makes an angle of 50.0° with the normal to the plane of the loop, determine the magnetic flux through the loop. Solution: Given: L = 2.00 m B = T q = 50.0˚ Find: F=? From what we are given, we use 9/21/2018
20.1 Induced EMF and magnetic flux
Faraday’s experiment Two circuits are not connected: no current? However, closing the switch we see that the compass’ needle moves and then goes back to its previous position Nothing happens when the current in the primary coil is steady But same thing happens when the switch is opened, except for the needle going in the opposite direction… Picture © Molecular Expressions 9/21/2018 What is going on?
20.2 Faraday’s law of induction
Induced current I N S v 9/21/2018
20.2 Faraday’s law of induction
v B I N S I A current is set up in the circuit as long as there is relative motion between the magnet and the loop. 9/21/2018
Does there have to be motion?
AC Delco - + 1 volt I I (induced) 9/21/2018
Does there have to be motion?
AC Delco - + 1 volt 9/21/2018
Does there have to be motion?
AC Delco - + 1 volt I (induced) 9/21/2018
Does there have to be motion?
NO!! AC Delco - + 1 volt 9/21/2018
Maybe the B-field needs to change…..
v B 9/21/2018
Maybe the B-field needs to change…..
v B 9/21/2018
Maybe the B-field needs to change…..
v B I 9/21/2018
Faraday’s law of magnetic induction
In all of those experiment induced EMF is caused by a change in the number of field lines through a loop. In other words, The instantaneous EMF induced in a circuit equals the rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit. Lenz’s Law: The polarity of the induced emf is such that it produces a current whose magnetic field opposes the change in magnetic flux through the loop. That is, the induced current tends to maintain the original flux through the circuit. Lenz’s law The number of loops matters 9/21/2018
Applications: Ground fault interrupter Electric guitar SIDS monitor
Metal detector … 9/21/2018
Example : EMF in a loop A wire loop of radius 0.30m lies so that an external magnetic field of strength +0.30T is perpendicular to the loop. The field changes to -0.20T in 1.5s. (The plus and minus signs here refer to opposite directions through the loop.) Find the magnitude of the average induced emf in the loop during this time. 9/21/2018
and after the field changes the flux is
A wire loop of radius 0.30m lies so that an external magnetic field of strength +0.30T is perpendicular to the loop. The field changes to -0.20T in 1.5s. (The plus and minus signs here refer to opposite directions through the loop.) Find the magnitude of the average induced emf in the loop during this time. Given: r = 0.30 m Bi = 0.30 T Bf = T Dt = 1.5 s Find: EMF=? The loop is always perpendicular to the field, so the normal to the loop is parallel to the field, thus cosq = 1. The flux is then Initially the flux is and after the field changes the flux is The magnitude of the average induced emf is: 9/21/2018
Example 2: EMF of a flexible loop
The flexible loop in figure below has a radius of 12cm and is in a magnetic field of strength 0.15T. The loop is grasped at points A and B and stretched until it closes. If it takes 0.20s to close the loop, find the magnitude of the average induced emf in it during this time. A X X X X ΔΦ = BA = 0.15T × π (0.12 m)2 = T∙m2 Δt = 0.20 s Then, emf = ΔΦ/ Δt = V B emf = V 9/21/2018
20.3 Motional EMF l v B F Let's consider a conducting bar moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with constant velocity v. This force will act on free charges in the conductor. It will tend to move negative charge to one end, and leave the other end of the bar with a net positive charge. 9/21/2018
Motional EMF The separated charges will create an electric field which will tend to pull the charges back together. When equilibrium exists, the magnetic force, F=qvB, will balance the electric force, F=qE, such that a free charge in the bar will feel no net force. Thus, at equilibrium, E = vB. The potential difference across the ends of the bar is given by DV=El or A potential difference is maintained across the conductor as long as there is motion through the field. If the motion is reversed, the polarity of the potential difference is also reversed. (recall our velocity selector example) 9/21/2018
Motional EMF – conducting rails
v Dx B We can apply Faraday's law to the complete loop. The change of flux through the loop is proportional to the change of area from the motion of the bar: or (Faraday’s law) 9/21/2018 current Motional EMF
Example: wire in the magnetic field
Over a region where the vertical component of the Earth's magnetic field is 40.0µT directed downward, a 5.00 m length of wire is held in an east-west direction and moved horizontally to the north with a speed of 10.0 m/s. Calculate the potential difference between the ends of the wire, and determine which end is positive. EMF = Blv = 40.0 µT × 5.00 m × 10.0 m/s = V Use right hand rule and F = qv × B to determine the polarity. Answer: west end is positive. 9/21/2018
20.4 Lenz’s law revisited Application of Lenz's law will tell us the direction of induced currents, the direction of applied or produced forces, and the polarity of induced emf's. Lenz's law says that the induced current will produce magnetic flux opposing this change. To oppose an increase into the page, it generates magnetic field which points out of the page, at least in the interior of the loop. Such a magnetic field is produced by a counterclockwise current (use the right hand rule to verify). 9/21/2018
Lenz’s law: energy conservation
We arrive at the same conclusion from energy conservation point of view The preceding analysis found that the current is moving ccw. Suppose that this is not so. If the current I is cw, the direction of the magnetic force, BlI, on the sliding bar would be right. This would accelerate the bar to the right, increasing the area of the loop even more. This would produce even greater force and so on. In effect, this would generate energy out of nothing violating the law of conservation of energy. Our original assertion that the current is cw is not right, so the current is ccw! 9/21/2018
S S S N S N N v v The induced flux seeks to counteract the change.
Example: direction of the current
Find the direction of the current induced in the resistor at the instant the switch is closed. Induced current B 9/21/2018
Applications of Magnetic Induction
Tape / Hard Drive / ZIP Readout Tiny coil responds to change in flux as the magnetic domains (encoding 0’s or 1’s) go by. Question: How can your VCR display an image while paused? Credit Card Reader Must swipe card generates changing flux Faster swipe bigger signal 9/21/2018
20.5 Generators Generators and motors are two of the most important applications of induced emf (magnetic inductance). A generator is something that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. Alternating Current (AC) generator Direct Current (DC) generator A motor does the opposite, it converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. 9/21/2018
AC generator Compute EMF It is only generated in BC and DA wires
EMF generated in BC and DA would be Thus, total EMF is If the loop is rotating with w a A B v sin q v θ B A as v=rw=aw/2 and q = wt 9/21/2018
AC generator (cont) Generalize the result to N loops
where we also noticed that A=la Note: is reached when wt=90˚ or 270˚ (loop parallel to the magnetic field) EMF generated by the AC generator 9/21/2018
DC generator By a clever change to the rings and brushes of the ac generator, we can create a dc generator, that is, a generator where the polarity of the emf is always positive. The basic idea is to use a single split ring instead of two complete rings. The split ring is arranged so that, just as the emf is about to change sign from positive to negative, the brushes cross the gap, and the polarity of the contacts is switched. The polarity of the contacts changes in phase with the polarity of the emf -- the two changes essentially cancel each other out, and the emf remains always positive. The emf still varies sinusoidally during each half cycle, but every half cycle is a positive emf. 9/21/2018
DC Generator 9/21/2018
Motors A motor is basically a generator running in reverse. A current is passed through the coil, producing a torque and causing the coil to rotate in the magnetic field. Once turning, the coil of the motor generates a back emf, just as does the coil of a generator. The back emf cancels some of the applied emf, and limits the current through the coil. 9/21/2018
Example: coil in magnetic field
A coil of area 0.10 m² is rotating at 60 rev/s with its axis of rotation perpendicular to a 0.20T magnetic field. (a) If there are 1000 turns on the coil, what is the maximum voltage induced in the coil? (b) When the maximum induced voltage occurs, what is the orientation of the coil with respect to the magnetic field? Recall: 2 f 1000(0.20)(0.10)(260) = 7540 V Max when loop parallel to the magnetic field. 9/21/2018
Eddy currents (application)
Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) Trains Induced surface (“eddy”) currents produce field in opposite direction Repels magnet Levitates train Maglev trains today can travel up to 310 mph Twice the speed of Amtrak’s fastest conventional train! May eventually use superconducting loops to produce B-field No power dissipation in resistance of wires! N S rails “eddy” current 9/21/2018
20.6 Self-inductance When a current flows through a loop, the magnetic field created by that current has a magnetic flux through the area of the loop. If the current changes, the magnetic field changes, and so the flux changes giving rise to an induced emf. This phenomenon is called self-induction because it is the loop's own current, and not an external one, that gives rise to the induced emf. Faraday’s law states 9/21/2018
where L is called the inductance of the device Units: SI: henry (H)
The magnetic flux is proportional to the magnetic field, which is proportional to the current in the circuit Thus, the self-induced EMF must be proportional to the time rate of change of the current where L is called the inductance of the device Units: SI: henry (H) If flux is initially zero, 9/21/2018
Example: solenoid A solenoid of radius 2.5cm has 400 turns and a length of 20 cm. Find (a) its inductance and (b) the rate at which current must change through it to produce an emf of 75mV. = (4p x 10-7)(160000)(2.0 x 10-3)/(0.2) = 2 mH = -(75 x 10-3)/ (2.0 x 10-3) = 37.5 A/s 9/21/2018
Inductor in a Circuit Inductance can be interpreted as a measure of opposition to the rate of change in the current Remember resistance R is a measure of opposition to the current As a circuit is completed, the current begins to increase, but the inductor produces an emf that opposes the increasing current Therefore, the current doesn’t change from 0 to its maximum instantaneously Maximum current: 9/21/2018
20.7 RL Circuits Recall Ohm’s Law to find the voltage drop on R
We have something similar with inductors Similar to the case of the capacitor, we get an equation for the current as a function of time (series circuit). (voltage across a resistor) (voltage across an inductor) 9/21/2018
RL Circuit (continued)
20.8 Energy stored in a magnetic field
The battery in any circuit that contains a coil has to do work to produce a current Similar to the capacitor, any coil (or inductor) would store potential energy Summary of the properties of circuit elements. Resistor Capacitor Inductor units ohm, W = V / A farad, F = C / V henry, H = V s / A symbol R C L relation V = I R Q = C V emf = -L (DI / Dt) power dissipated P = I V = I² R = V² / R energy stored PEC = C V² / 2 PEL = L I² / 2 9/21/2018
Example: stored energy
A 24V battery is connected in series with a resistor and an inductor, where R = 8.0W and L = 4.0H. Find the energy stored in the inductor (a) when the current reaches its maximum value and (b) one time constant after the switch is closed. 9/21/2018
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