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Quality & Sustainability Caithness

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Presentation on theme: "Quality & Sustainability Caithness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality & Sustainability Caithness
Pulteney Town Peoples Project Wick 19 March 2018

2 Welcome & Introduction
David Park Chief Officer Health & Social Care Partnership

3 No Baggage Need to get a Grip

4 Key objective Solutions Focussed
Shared understanding of the problem so we can all pull together in same direction Solutions Focussed

5 Housekeeping

6 PANEL INTRODUCTIONS Norman Sutherland 6

7 Who Am I? Norman Sutherland, RN, MBA HGHCP Director (Healthcare)
Associate Director (Healthcare Planner) NHS Head of Capital Projects/Planning NHS Hospital General Manager NHS Clinical/FM Services Manager NHS Modernisation Consultant Clinical Professional Independent Facilitator

8 Introduction to the panel
Who you are? What you do What involvement you have/have had in service delivery in Caithness? Why you are here today?

9 Ground Rules Recognise that we are all here to deliver the best outcomes we can Respect everyone’s opinion – whether you agree with it or not Let people speak Keep questions and comments concise Don’t get “bogged down” with detail - be prepared to “park” issues if necessary Respect and recognise the facilitator’s independence and role in managing the discussion

10 HOW DID WE GET HERE? Norman Sutherland 10

11 How did we get here? A question of time and context
The journey has been longer for some than others! I am a relative newcomer… We are not all in the same place? We will be in a better place – and able to move forward – when we are all in the same place

12 How did we get here? Meeting 1 (28 August 2017): To discuss future service and facility options in Caithness. Aired long-standing/historical “trust issues” that were acknowledged by all parties Highlighted a lack of data making “the case for change” Underlined a lack of agreement over the need for change Reflected fears that “changes to local services” meant “reduction in local services” Further challenged trust by considering future facility options - the physical manifestation of services – anyway

13 How did we get here? Meeting (2 November 2017): To agree an appropriate way to move the process forward. Acknowledged past frustrations and concerns Attempted to find common ground and un-lock the impasse Identified the principles that should underpin future working Identified a need for NHSH to come back to the table with the required evidence to make the case for change Agreed that a significant element of the case for change is the difference between current and future capacity and need in all services Agreed that we can only develop alternative service options when we understand the capacity required in all services Agreed that we can only consider alternative facility options when we have agreed a preferred service model

14 David Park / Maimie Thompson
Sustainability ? David Park / Maimie Thompson

15 Sustainability Quality / Performance Finance Balance

16 Challenges Demography & Deprivation Workforce Money Innovation

17 Projected population 75 years and over Caithness, 2007 to 2039
5098 Total population down by 14% Over 85 up by 136% 2391 CHI Practice Population at 31/03/2017

18 So What ? More people will need care and with complex needs
More people will live alone Less people of working age to ..... Pay taxes Provide hands on care

19 23% of Children (Caithness)
Deprivation 12% of Children (Highland) vs 23% of Children (Caithness)

20 Workforce Employ around 600 staff in Caithness
Around half are 50 or over 170 posts advertised in 2017 Only between a half and third of Nursing & Midwifery filled on first advert Across Highland 30 consultant and 21 GP vacancies Need to continue to change medical model

21 Money Matters £810m (£15m) = 2% £41m (£2.7m) = 6%

22 Rising Costs

23 Rising Costs

24 Budget vs Costs

25 Innovation Data source: SMR01 (Acute and General Hospital activity for inpatients and day cases) and NRS Mid-year population estimates, * Expected activity calculated by applying age –sex specific rates of bed day use and day case attendance of NHS Highland residents in to mid-year population estimates

26 Data Wall

27 Call to Action Summary No. 1 challenge is responding to changing demographics More people to care for but with fewer staff. Already significant workforce challenges The way we are providing services is not affordable linked to sustainability £34m on locum and supplementary staffing Drugs £77m to £94m (5 years) Adult social care £92m to £125m (5 years) We need to innovate, think and do differently Place of care will change

28 DISCUSSION SESSION 1 Sustainability

29 Service Indicators of Change Data Wall
Michelle Johnstone Area Manager

30 Demography More older people - less younger people
More need for care – less people to care

31 A&E attendances show increased pressure on key services
An indication of how demographic trends are affecting capacity need

32 Raigmore Appts More people travelling out of Caithness
Across many specialties

33 Plain Film X-ray in Thurso
Very low baseline numbers – poor use of resources Need to consolidate or increase activity

34 Delayed Discharges People are currently being cared for in the wrong environment Resources are not distributed appropriately

35 Infusions by Location LOCATION Of INFUSIONS 2015 2016
Wick Ambulatory Care Unit 14.9% 98.9% Rosebank 1.0% Bignold Ward 85.1% 0.1% The impact of delivering the right care in the right place An example of how traditional wards are often NOT the right place A reason why bed numbers can change without any change in service

36 A&E CGH Weekly Performance

37 Call to Action Summary As we begin to consider service/capacity needs now and in future… Some capacity needs will go up Some capacity needs will go down All capacity needs in different parts of the health and social care system will change We will need to respond to these changing needs This does not mean “more of the same”

38 DISCUSSION SESSION 2 Indicators For Change?

39 Any Final Questions? 39

40 What happens next? Maimie Thompson

41 What happens next? ?

42 Close Thank You

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