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The Parliamentary Reform Act of 1867

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1 The Parliamentary Reform Act of 1867
Analyse the timeline and provide annotations for the following: The 1867 Reform Act What was surprising about its passage? Why was there pressure for further parliamentary reform? Where did this pressure come from? Was the 1867 Reform Act significant for democracy in Britain? What 2 factors led to 1867 Reform Act passing?

2 The Parliamentary Reform Act (August) 1867
35 years after the Great Reform Act of 1832 and 19 years after the collapse of Chartism with the failure of the third petition, the 1867 Parliamentary Reform Act was passed. Passed by a Conservative government led by Lord Derby and pushed through by Disraeli, the 1867 Act was a significant milestone in the accomplishment of greater democracy and representation in Britain. The Parliamentary Reform Act (August) 1867 Franchise extended to men in: Distribution of seats Boroughs - Owning or occupying houses provided they paid rates and had lived there for at least a year (£10 qualification in 1832) Living lodgers in property worth at least £10 a year, provided they had been living there for at least a year (same as in 1832) 45 seats were removed from boroughs with under 100,000 inhabitants 25 seats were given to the counties 20 seats were given to new boroughs 6 boroughs were given an extra seat Counties – Owning, or leasing, land worth at least £5 a year (£10 in 1832 act) Occupying land with a rateable value of at least £12 a year, providing they had paid the relevant rates (£50 in 1832 act) Exclusion of women

3 Why Reform? Why 1867? Rees and Wilkinson ch 5/ Lang pg69-75 Detail 10 reasons WHY parliamentary reform was introduced in August 1867 and not sooner – provide precise evidence where possible to support and explanations. Breakdown reasons according to the following factors: Extra Parliamentary pressure Changing party attitudes Role of individual MPs Social Economic 1832 Reform Act

4 Homework - comparison Determine 4 similarities and 4 differences in the factors that lead to the passing of 1832 and 1867 Reform Acts – explain fully Similarities Differences 1 2 3

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