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Finite Element Analisys

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1 Finite Element Analisys
Finite element analisys is a process in which a component is subdivided into small elements of ‘finite size’. The advantage of these elements is that it is it is easier to define mathematically the ‘behaviour’ of such elements (force displacement relationship) than for the entire component. Finite element analisys uses iteration to come up with the final solution.

2 Finite element analysis
A finite element problem is usually defined in terms of 3 main steps. Pre-Processing Modelling geomety, defining material, applying loads and restraints and meshing. Solution This is the backround mathematical calculations which the computer performs to determine stresses, displacements etc. (The solution process generates numerical data only). Post-Processing This is the process of generating a graphical representation of this numerical data to the give the user a visual appreciation of the results. Contour plots etc.

3 Cosmos Works CosmosWorks is one of a number of third party applications which can be used in conjunction with 3D modelling programs. They have the advantage of providing the user with a user friendly interface while, shielding the user from the underlying complexity of the finite element process. Such applications while convenient for quick analisys, often lack the level and control and analisys capability of ‘full’ FEA programs.

4 Finite Element Analisys
Proceedure:- The following is the proceedure for solving a Finite Element Problem within CosmosWorks. Model the component Activate Finite element program. Define analisys type (static etc) Define Material properties (Youngs mod etc) Apply restraints Apply loads Mesh part (i.e. divide into finite elements) Run the analisys View results

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