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Presented by Arne van der Hout Tom O’Mahoney Tommaso Boschetti

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Arne van der Hout Tom O’Mahoney Tommaso Boschetti"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Arne van der Hout Tom O’Mahoney Tommaso Boschetti
21 september 2018 Renovation of weirs in the Lower Rhine and Lek Computational models as support for weir operations in off-design conditions Presented by Arne van der Hout Tom O’Mahoney Tommaso Boschetti 21 september 2018

2 Location of the weirs The weirs Amerongen and Driel are on the lower Rhine. The river lower Rhine changes its name to the Lek just before weir Hagestein Function of the weirs is to maintain navigation depth along this course Amsterdam Hagestein The Hague Driel Amerongen Rotterdam 21 september 2018

3 Introduction to the weir
Views of the gates in operation And fully open 21 september 2018

4 Renovation of the weir gates
River canalized in 1960s with three weir complexes each with two large visor gates (and a small culvert regulated with a cylinder valve for small discharges < 100m3/s) The weirs were designed and tested using extensive physical scale model tests to determine discharge characteristics, necessary bed protection and vibration behaviour This year the gates are being renovated. So for some periods the discharge at each of the weirs will have to be regulated with only one gate instead of two (the other opening will be closed by a temporary dam) 21 september 2018

5 Project aims Two questions:
How should the weir be operated when only one gate is used? At which position should the single gate be placed to control the waterlevels in the same way as the two gated weir By how much should the bed protection be strengthened/lengthened to account for the higher velocities because only one opening is used? What does the flow field look like downstream if only one gate is used instead of two We aimed to answer these questions with modern numerical tools rather than scalemodels 21 september 2018

6 Technical drawings – side view
Source: Rijkswaterstaat Note the presence of an energy dissipating sill downstream 21 september 2018

7 Question 1 - Weir programme
10 years of daily data available for waterlevels and valve positions The weir at Hagestein has some influence from the tide at the downstream boundary which causes the water level fluctuation there At large discharges (>~650m3/s) the weir gates are fully opened and the levels upstream and downstream are the same 21 september 2018

8 Discharge coefficient
Where: Q the discharge (m3/s) μ the discharge coefficient (-) Ak the throughflow area (m2) g the accleration due to gravity (m/s2) h1 the waterlevel upstream (m) h2 the waterlevel downstream (m) We calculate the discharge relation from the available data and hope to determine how the weir should be operated when only a single gate is available Note that actually we do not need to calculate the area under the viser or the discharge coefficient but only the product of the two (μAk) 21 september 2018

9 21 september 2018 Calculated μAk Linear trend as function of gate position – means that for situation of a single gate – just open the gate twice as far! This answers question 1 21 september 2018

10 Question 2 - Velocity at bed
21 september 2018 Question 2 - Velocity at bed The linear trend for the discharge means that the valve should be set twice as high for one gate as for two gates. What does this do to the velocity at the bed? It does not mean that this will be the same as in the two gate situation Need to look at how the sill works – for this we use Computational Fluid Dynamics 21 september 2018

11 21 september 2018 CFD 2D The sill works best for smaller openings where the jet is forced upwards. The bottom right picture shows the valve maximum valve position for two gates (for higher discharges the gates are opened and the flood plains are filled). When one gate is used the gate will be more often at this higher position and at positions that are even higher than this. Note: the bottom edge of the gate always stays underwater even if it is placed twice as high. 21 september 2018

12 21 september 2018 Overview 3D CFD model 21 september 2018

13 3D results - watersurface
The working of the sill can be seen from the disturbance of the water surface – in real life and in the CFD 21 september 2018

14 Comparison of 1 gate case with 2 gates
21 september 2018 Comparison of 1 gate case with 2 gates Near-bed velocity The flow does not spread quickly in the horizontal downstream of the single opening Extra bed protection is needed. Approx. 200m. Answer for question 2 The maximum velocity in each is the same because the effective area under the gates is the same (the smallest throughflow area). But away from the gates only half the canal is used so the velocities are higher in the single-gate operation. The sill also is used less effectively whereby the near bed velocities are still higher. Note the worse situation is just before the gates are opened fully and the flood plains begin to be filled. 21 september 2018

15 Velocity distribution
Large concentration of flow in the middle, despite the expectation that the visor shape would provide radial outflow 21 september 2018

16 Conclusions Q1 - As a first estimate, the single gate should be placed twice as far open as would be the case for double-gate operation Q2 - More bed protection is needed, extra rocks should be added for up to 200m downstream of the sill or current bed protection General conclusions Sophisticated 2D and 3D computational tools were able to give a good understanding of the flow characteristics in a short time Modern computational models even for complex geometries are not too large an investment for these studies 21 september 2018

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