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Cell Analogy Project Due Tuesday November 17th

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Analogy Project Due Tuesday November 17th"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Analogy Project Due Tuesday November 17th
We will work on it today, tomorrow, and Monday Relating all the parts of a cell to the parts of a chosen item. You may NOT use City as an anaolgy

2 You can create A 3d Model A poster Other ideas?

3 For each organelle you…
Must relate it to a part of your analogy Must label and explain why on project (ex: A coach is like the nucleus because the coach makes decisions for the team like the nucleus does for the cell.

4 Example for school Mr. Bailey would be the Nucleus of the school because he is in charge of Ulrich Intermediate.

5 Example for school The front doors would act as the cell membrane because they control what goes in and out of the school.

6 Final Product All parts labeled and explain why they relate
A copy of the rubric with names on it

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