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1 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 1

2 2 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 2

3 Monopolistic Competition
Market Structure More Competitive Less Competitive Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 3

4 Perfect Competition Many buyers and sellers
Buyers and sellers are price takers Product is homogeneous Perfect mobility of resources Economic agents have perfect knowledge Example: Stock Market PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 4

5 Monopolistic Competition
Many sellers and buyers Differentiated product Perfect mobility of resources Example: Fast-food outlets PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 5

6 Oligopoly Few sellers and many buyers
Product may be homogeneous or differentiated Barriers to resource mobility Example: Automobile manufacturers PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 6

7 Monopoly Single seller and many buyers
No close substitutes for product Significant barriers to resource mobility Control of an essential input Patents or copyrights Economies of scale: Natural monopoly Government franchise: Post office PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 7

8 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 8

9 Perfect Competition: Price Determination
PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 9

10 Perfect Competition: Short-Run Equilibrium
Firm’s Demand Curve = Market Price = Marginal Revenue Firm’s Supply Curve = Marginal Cost where Marginal Cost > Average Variable Cost PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 10

11 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 11

12 Perfect Competition: Long-Run Equilibrium
Quantity is set by the firm so that short-run: Price = Marginal Cost = Average Total Cost At the same quantity, long-run: Price = Marginal Cost = Average Cost Economic Profit = 0 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 12

13 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 13

14 Competition in the Global Economy
Foreign Exchange Rate Price of a foreign currency in terms of the domestic currency Depreciation of the Domestic Currency Increase in the price of a foreign currency relative to the domestic currency Appreciation of the Domestic Currency Decrease in the price of a foreign currency relative to the domestic currency PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 14

15 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 15

16 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 16

17 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 17

18 Monopoly Single seller that produces a product with no close substitutes Sources of Monopoly Control of an essential input to a product Patents or copyrights Economies of scale: Natural monopoly Government franchise: Post office PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 18

19 Monopoly Short-Run Equilibrium
Demand curve for the firm is the market demand curve Firm produces a quantity (Q*) where marginal revenue (MR) is equal to marginal cost (MC) Exception: Q* = 0 if average variable cost (AVC) is above the demand curve at all levels of output PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 19

20 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 20

21 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 21

22 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 22

23 Monopolistic Competition
Many sellers of differentiated (similar but not identical) products Limited monopoly power Downward-sloping demand curve Increase in market share by competitors causes decrease in demand for the firm’s product PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 23

24 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 24

25 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 25

26 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 26

27 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 27

28 PowerPoint Slides Prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Slide 28

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