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Today is about You… Learning more about the ambition and scope of Future-Focused Finance Contributing ideas on the design and delivery of the work in each.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is about You… Learning more about the ambition and scope of Future-Focused Finance Contributing ideas on the design and delivery of the work in each."— Presentation transcript:


2 today is about You… Learning more about the ambition and scope of Future-Focused Finance Contributing ideas on the design and delivery of the work in each Action Area Finding ways you and others can get involved in Future-Focused Finance after today

3 On your tables, what have you heard or read so far about Future-Focused Finance?

4 What does the future hold?
Future ‘x’ Future ‘y’ Future ‘z’ Now

5 quality value safety choices Boundaries Funding pressures transparency
competition safety value



8 pre-engagement Finance practitioners Managerial leaders Clinicians
Finance leaders pre-engagement

9 What WE ALL want from finance
Focus on value as well as cost strategic lead Risk aware not averse Simplified approaches “We can make this work” Evidenced-based decisions Integrated Influencing widely


11 Looking ahead 5 years, what does NHS finance need to do better or differently?

12 That includes: Everyone who works in finance, in every role at every level, those we work with to deliver services and the people who pay for and use those services.

13 what to invest in? Broadly 3 types of approach don’t invest much
It’s ok Pursue excellence Encouragement is to get going on this

14 insights from BEnchmarking
Centres of excellence and/or outsourcing Best practice IT Tools and methods to support decision-making Business partnering Clear competency framework Facilitate more transformative thinking Connecting with ‘customers’ and the public Matching strengths to the main finance ‘roles’ (strategic, reporting and transactional) Rigorous appraisal and CPD Strong leadership and ambition Pushing responsibility down to the lowest level (ideally the individual) Development academy Mobility Constant communication (involvement and sense of control) Broadly 3 types of approach don’t invest much It’s ok Pursue excellence Encouragement is to get going on this

15 The six action areas Securing excellence Knowing the business
We invest in services which give the best possible value for patients and the public We run efficient processes and systems We work with others through close partnering across every part of the NHS We all have the skills and strengths needed for our roles Knowing the business We each play our part in making NHS Finance a great place to work We create the FOUNDATIONS FOR SUSTAINED IMPROVEMENT Fulfilling our potential

16 Caroline Clarke. Bill Shields. Dr Sanjay Agrawal. Richard Alexander
Caroline Clarke Bill Shields Dr Sanjay Agrawal Richard Alexander Cathy Kennedy Mark Orchard

17 Get going NOW Starting 2014 By 2019

18 New ways to model Mapping and benchmarking best systems 360 dedree feedback / Public voice Business partnering Map the competencies Objectives, appraisals (refer to clinical and finance education) Great place to work Career models (and talk about mobility and role models) Coaching and mentoring Change day and comms hub – coming back to this Value makers HBF


20 Your initial thoughts What bits encourage you most? Which things would you make a priority? How could you imagine getting involved?

21 Research and benchmarking Selected ‘get going’ projects
timetable Research and benchmarking Selected ‘get going’ projects Content workshop FLC review Pre-engagement Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr HFMA conference Full engagement Wider communication

22 Presentations at relevant conferences and events
Multi-professional roundtable events Presentations at relevant conferences and events workshopS in your region Articles in appropriate publications And more . . .




26 locally Delivered Supported Nationally Birmingham Wednesday 5 March
Newmarket Friday 7 March Leyland Tuesday 11 March Leeds Wednesday 12 March Durham Thursday 13 March London Monday 17 March Nottingham Friday 21 March Gatwick Tuesday 25 March Newbury Wednesday 26 March Taunton Friday 28 March locally Delivered Supported Nationally

27 will be shaped and brought to life by YOU

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