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Who Wants to Be a Catholic?

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1 Who Wants to Be a Catholic?

2 First Grade: Revelation
The ___________ is God’s word written down by humans. Dictionary Bible Book of Saints CCD Textbook

3 Second Grade: Revelation
The Bible has how many parts to it? Four Two Seven Three

4 Third Grade: Revelation
The family is sometimes called __________________, or the church of the home. The Domestic Church The Household Church The Little Church The At-Home Church

5 Fourth Grade: Revelation
Adam and Eve were told not to eat the ____________ that hung from tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the center of the Garden of Eden. Fruit Apple Pomegranate Grain

6 Fifth Grade: Revelation
God has established covenants, or sacred agreements between God and man, through many people. Through which of the following did He not establish a covenant with man? Adam Abraham Noah Moses

7 Sixth Grade: Revelation
At the beginning of the world, everyone spoke the same language, but God scattered them all and made them speak different languages after the prideful actions of the people of _________________. Babel Jerusalem Nazareth Bethlehem

8 First Grade: Trinity The three Persons of the Trinity are the Father, Son, and ______________. Mary Jesus St. Joseph The Holy Spirit

9 Second Grade: Trinity People who follow Jesus are called __________________. Apostles Priests Disciples Catechists

10 Third Grade: Trinity What is the form of prayer where you ask God to help other people? Petition Intercession Adoration Thanksgiving

11 Fourth Grade: Trinity A sin that has been built up over time and affects everyone is called a __________ sin. Social Venial Mortal Original

12 Fifth Grade: Trinity Many of the psalms, or Bible hymns, were written by ____________. David Moses Isaiah Abraham

13 Sixth Grade: Trinity The Jewish holiday that celebrates God’s leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt is called _______________. Easter Hanukah Passover Yom Kippur

14 First Grade: Jesus Christ
What is the Great Commandment? You should love God above all else and love others the way you love yourself. You should love your enemy and forgive people who hurt you. You should go to Mass every Sunday. You should honor your father and mother.

15 Second Grade: Jesus Christ
____________ is a type of sin that does not completely remove a person from God, life, and love. Mortal sin Original sin Venial sin Temptation

16 Third Grade: Jesus Christ
The kingdom of Jesus Christ is also called God’s ___________. Reign Promise Justice Palace

17 Fourth Grade: Jesus Christ
_____________ is the sin of showing contempt for the name of God, Jesus Christ, Mary, or the saints in words or actions. Idolatry Vulgarity Blasphemy Hatred

18 Fifth Grade: Jesus Christ
The mystery that the Son of God became human in order to save all people is called the _____________. Immaculate Conception Incarnation Annunciation Paschal Mystery

19 Sixth Grade: Jesus Christ
The title ‘Christ’ means _____________. King Lord Anointed One Promised One

20 First Grade: Church __________ are holy men and women who lived a good life and loved God. Angels Christians Saints Priests

21 Second Grade: Church What is Pentecost? The day that Jesus died
The day that Jesus rose from the dead The day that Mary was born The day that the Holy Spirit came

22 Third Grade: Church ____________ is celebrated fifty days after Easter. Palm Sunday Pentecost The Annunciation St. Patrick’s Day

23 Fourth Grade: Church The __________ is the teaching that Mary was preserved from sin from the first moment of her life. Immaculate Conception Annunciation Perpetual Virginity Incarnation

24 Fifth Grade: Church The ____________ is the teaching office of the Church. College of Cardinals Pope Magisterium Hierarchy

25 Sixth Grade: Church The four marks of the Church are one, __________, catholic, and apostolic. Loving Faithful Holy Righteous

26 First Grade: Morality When someone hurts us, we are all called to______________. Yell at them Forgive them Ignore them Hurt them back

27 Second Grade: Morality
Who does Jesus invite to the Kingdom of God? Saints Catholics Everyone Christians

28 Third Grade: Morality _____________ is an inner voice that tells you the difference between right and wrong. The Great Commandment The Bible Virtue Conscience

29 Fourth Grade: Morality
_____________ is a virtue that helps people dress, talk, and act in an appropriate way. Chastity Prudence Fortitude Modesty

30 Fifth Grade: Morality The Church celebrates the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist all together _______________. On Pentecost During the Easter Vigil Every Sunday In Rome

31 Sixth Grade: Morality The gift from God that helps you know the difference between right and wrong is __________________. Conscience Natural Law A sacrament The Bible

32 First Grade: Sacraments
Jesus Christ rose from the dead on ____________________. Easter Christmas Good Friday Pentecost

33 Second Grade: Sacraments
The second part of the Mass is called the Liturgy of the __________. Word Eucharist Lord Mass

34 Third Grade: Sacraments
The three sacraments of Initiation are: Baptism, Eucharist, and __________________. Reconciliation Confirmation Communion Anointing of the Sick

35 Fourth Grade: Sacraments
___________ is spoken by the priest during the sacrament of Reconciliation to grant God’s forgiveness. A penance Absolution Contrition The Lord’s Prayer

36 Fifth Grade: Sacraments
The process by which the power of the Holy Spirit and the words of the priest transform the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ is called ____________________. Consecration The Eucharistic Prayer Consubstantiation Transubstantiation

37 Sixth Grade: Sacraments
Jesus’ first miracle in the Gospel according to John was ___________________. The multiplication of the loaves Walking on water Turning water into wine Curing the blind man

38 First Grade: Kingdom of God
At Mass, the ____________________ become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Chips and soda Bread and wine Priests Old and New Testaments

39 Second Grade: Kingdom of God
A person who brings the Good News of Jesus to people in other places is a _________________. Priest Nun Christian Missionary

40 Third Grade: Kingdom of God
_______________ is the state of preparation before heaven. Purification Purgatory Limbo Hell

41 Fourth Grade: Kingdom of God
___________ is the virtue of giving to God and people what is due them. Charity Justice Kindness Generosity

42 Fifth Grade: Kingdom of God
The first Christian martyr was _________________. St. Patrick St. Maria Goretti St. John St. Stephen

43 Sixth Grade: Kingdom of God
The action that is not an example of a Spiritual Work of Mercy is ______________. Teaching the ignorant Comforting the sorrowful Feeding the hungry Bearing wrongs patiently

44 Bonus Question #1 What French saint led the army to victory by God’s grace?

45 Bonus Question #2 The Mass was first celebrated by Jesus and His disciples on _________________.

46 Bonus Question #3 What was the name of this year’s theme song for CCD?

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