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English History to Henry VIII

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1 English History to Henry VIII

2 objective Understand the events leading up to Henry VIII’s reign as King of England

3 It’s much more complicated than that!
Henry VIII He needs a son WHY???? It’s much more complicated than that!

4 England to 1377 After the Viking invasions, England was invaded by the Normans. 1066 William the Conqueror invaded and won the throne of England Plantagenet dynasty begins in 1113…lasts until 1399

5 Other major events to 1377 1215 Magna Carta signed by King John. Established a “check” on the king. Establishes the first beginnings of a parliament  The Hundred Years War fought between England and France over the throne of France.

6 1377: The Beginning of Trouble (Crown)
King Edward III dies His son, The Black Prince also dies around the same time The next heir to the throne is a young Richard Plantagenet (Richard II). His uncle, John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster, becomes regent of England Richard develops into a cultural king, not a “fighting king”. This angers the Dukes and other barons who want to fight against France

7 1377: The Beginning of Trouble (Church)
The Great Schism Two Popes are elected; one in Rome and one in Avignon, France John Wycliffe calls for church reform The Lollards-followers of Wycliffe who sought to teach from the bible Lollards are labeled as “heretical” due to their defiance and translations of the bible into English English Church goes after them and they are forced underground by King Henry V in 1415

8 The Revolution of 1399 Richard’s cousin, Henry of Bolingbroke, leads a group of nobles against the king Lord’s Appellants Richard seeks revenge by systematically eliminating his rivals…including his cousin Henry defeats Richard; becomes King Henry IV (the beginning of the Lancastrian dynasty)

9 Lancastrian Issues Legitimacy since they “stole” the crown from the Plantagenet’s, they are not seen as legitimate rulers Religious The use the persecution of the Lollards to make themselves look legitimate in the eyes of the Church Individuals with better “family history” There are numerous individuals with a better claim to the throne

10 The Wars of the Roses Lancaster York Red Rose
Follow their line through Edward III’s third son York White Rose Follow their line through Edward III’s second son Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars fought over the English throne between It was fought between the descendants of King Edward III who died in 1377 There were instances of “flip flopping”. Check out the timeline: Henry Tudor brought both houses (Lancaster and York) together after his victory at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485

11 The Princes in the Tower
Edward and Richard, sons of King Edward IV Edward was 12 and Richard 9 Both were alive at the time of their father’s death in 1483 Both were seen playing in the Tower of London courtyard Their protector would be the future King Richard III

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