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What is natural selection?

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Presentation on theme: "What is natural selection?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is natural selection?
WALT: Describe the process of natural selection Why do giraffes have long necks? Why do zebras have stripes?

2 Why does he taste so bad? 30 seconds to think in silence
30 seconds to tell your partner

3 In England 40 000 years ago there were rhinos.
What happened? In England years ago there were rhinos. You want to get to the stage where they see it is the environment that drives change What happened?

4 We’ve learnt that we are all different individuals and that much of this is down to genetic variation But how do animals and plants develop certain features that make them well adapted to their environment (like the caterpillar above, a cactus or a giraffe)? Watch the clip of how the giraffe got a long neck….

5 Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace
‘Survival of the Fittest’ Organisms are all varied Some, by chance, are able to survive better in a certain environment These survive longer and produce more offspring The offspring receive their parents genes are are also well adapted This happens over again until most of the individuals contain the beneficial genes Consider how giraffes might have looked before…..



8 Which forceps were best for picking up the seeds? Explain why this was.
What shape of beak do you now think would be best for a seed-eating bird? Does the evidence you have collected support your prediction? If yes or no, explain your answer Explain why it is a good idea to repeat the experiment and find an average. How many times should the experiment be repeated to get an average? On an island with only seeds as food, what would happen to the birds with the thick, blunt beaks? Use the idea of natural selection to explain.

9 Task 1: Place the following statements in the correct order
Certain genes cause the characteristics within the population change. Well-adapted individuals leave more offspring than do poorly adapted individuals. A change occurs in the environment Poorly adapted individuals do not survive as well. Question 1: Which of the following is a description of how natural selection might occur? A body builder develops stronger muscles during the course of his life, so his son will be strong as well. A cat that lost its tail will produce offspring with shorter tails. Neck length in a giraffe population increased over time since taller giraffes had a competitive advantage over shorter giraffes. Question 2: Which of the following might be a result of natural selection? Albino animals are rare in nature because they are easy for predators to find. The fastest gazelle is least likely to be eaten by a lion.

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