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Sectionalism Jacksonian America Reform Manifest Destiny

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1 Sectionalism Jacksonian America Reform Manifest Destiny
A growing Nation Sectionalism Jacksonian America Reform Manifest Destiny

2 Review and Daily Goal What differences did we see developing in our two political parties – the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans? Today, by the end of class you will be able to differentiate between the social, political, and economic aspects of the North and South

3 Bellringer Can anyone in the class describe an incident they witnessed or heard as an example of how any of the following potential conflicts can lead to a serious disagreement? What one person was doing prevented someone else from doing what he or she needed to do. One person was so different from another that neither could understand the other or that their needs were conflicting. Someone was treating someone else very badly.

4 Background Growing sectionalism Why? How was life so different?
Or is it all about how we say “You all”?

5 What sectional differences are indicated on this map?

6 Activity, Part I (20 minutes
Reading over the rules of: Lewiston Mills Lowell Mills De Bow’s Plantation Thorn Island Plantation Answer the questions on the comparative handout When you finish, let me know After we discuss, you may move on to Part II

7 Activity, Part II (15 minutes)
Use the sheet that says “Plantation vs Factory” What is unique about the plantation architecture and layout? The mills? What is similar between the two? What is unique about the factory protest song? The planation? What is similar between the two? How is work and workers different in factories? On plantations? How are they simliar?

8 Assessment A Dialogue Poem 50 points/Project
Address controversy and differing opinions. Express conflict between people in opposing situations Reflect commonalities between people who might not appear to have obvious similarities Between 2 people See example and rubric

9 Review and Daily Goal Why is their growing sectionalism in the United States in the early 1800s? Explain the rise and presidency of Andrew Jackson Answer questions; If we do not finish film, go on website and follow link to finish. Quiz the following day

10 Review and Daily Goals What were Jackson’s greatest strengths? His greatest flaw? What is your overall impression of the man? Explain the Second Great Awakening Explain reform movements in the early 1800s such as temperance, women’s rights, health and education

11 The Second Great Awakening
What is Reform? Health, Education, Tax Reform etc. The 2nd Great Awakening ( ) Rejected predestination Salvation (heaven) = individual’s responsibility 1800: 1 in 15 Americans was a member of a church 1850: 1 in 6 Americans was a member of a church Keep question #2 in mind Scientific rev frenology psuedo science darwinism theory of evolution challenging ideas hey maybe god didn’t create man empahsis on individual not collective

12 The Second Great Awakening
Revivals: Outdoor religious meetings Day: Bible study & preachers Evenings: hellfire & brimstone sermons 5,000+ attend Traveling wagons of preacher who gained rep and since ppl didn’t have entertainment hooked on everyone shows up at night with moonshine social event of

13 SGA & Reform SGA =individual responsibility
No more predestination Salvation = Individual Actions & Good Works Why would SGA lead to reform? Salvation requires good works Participating in Reform Movement = good works

14 Activity In your groups you will be working through four aspects of reform – Women’s Rights, Temperance, Health Reform, and Education Reform As you finish one folder of documents, move on to the next. Read each document carefully and answer the questions on the sheet provided. Questions are due at end of class

15 Closure Why did Americans engage in reforms during the early 1800s?
What stood out to you? What fascinated you? Did the reform movement really bring about real and meaningful changes during this period?

16 Review and Daily Goal How did the Second Great Awakening influence reform? Identify Manifest Destiny, Monroe Doctrine, and Texas Independence Analyze sources to determine why Texas wanted independence from Mexico.

17 Bellringer Do you have a desire to move from where you live now? Why?

18 What is Manifest Destiny? John Gast, 1872
The belief that Americans were destined to settle the entire continent. Notes: Lightness to Dark; Civilization to Savagery; American to Indian; Telegraphs, farming, RR, Settlement Civilization

19 Expansion Manifest Destiny Monroe Doctrine (1823) WHY? Example…
European powers to stay out of issues in North and South America; End colonization WHY? Example… Americans wanted the land for themselves and as Europeans were kicked out in the early 1800s, Americans saw this an opportunity to make North and South America their sphere of influence.

20 Texas Mexican Independence from Spain—1821.
Americans move in during 1820s and 1830s. Agree to be part of Mexico Which Americans go? Why? Mexico outlawed slavery in 1829. Santa Anna took over in 1833 Texans declared independence in 1836 In 1845, the U.S. annexed Texas and it became the 28th state. Why nearly a 10 year gap? Leads to war with Mexico

21 Why did Texas want independence?
Read documents A-D Use the graphic organizer to read documents and answer inquiry questions

22 Discussion Why did Texans declare independence?
Were Texans justified in declaring independence? Were these honorable men, fighting for freedom, or greedy slaveholders? What evidence from the documents supports your position? Which of these pieces of evidence do you find more/less trustworthy? Why? Once Texas declares and wins its independence, is the U.S. free to annex it? Why would Mexico object to the American annexation of Texas?

23 Review and Daily Goals What problems do you foresee with Texas being an independent nation? Explain the causes of the Mexican-American War Analyze the causes of the war through speeches. Explain the effects of the war

24 Bellringer Are you more in favor of war or defense? How do those terms differ? How do they differ in regards to action?

25 The War with Mexico, 1846-48 Texas annexed by US in 1845
Mexico angered… Why? Border dispute  Nueces or Rio Grande Which benefited who? Polk sends General Zachary Taylor into disputed area Mexican military attacks…

26 Why was the war started? Share read President James K. Polk’s speech
What is the central argument made in Polk’s speech? What is your evidence that supports your argument? Share read Congressman Joshua Giddings speech What is the central argument being made in Giddings’s speech? What is you evidence that supports your argument?

27 Silent Debate You will be placed in groups and engage in a “silent” debate. You will search for supporting evidence within each document to argue in favor of or against the War with Mexico.

28 War with Mexico? In favor of Against

29 The War Ends Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1849) Mexican Cession
What to do with this new land? What big question gets raised? Compromise of 1850

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