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Business Papers due Schedule: Final Exam Today Review Review CW Test

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1 Business Papers due Schedule: Final Exam Today Review Review CW Test
Last final Last Day

2 Business Papers due Schedule: Review Review Today Finals Start CW Test
Exam Last Day

3 How was the Civil War fought?
Important Battles

4 Important Names Abraham Lincoln- Union (US) President, Commander in Chief of Union army General Grant- Union general General Sherman- Union general General Lee- Confederate general

5 Start of the War 1- Fort Sumter, April1861
US fort on South Carolina island Confederates bombard (bomb) island, destroy fort Start of Civil War

6 2- First Battle of Bull Run, 1861
Poorly trained Union soldiers poorly fought Confederates Union advanced, then stopped Confederates advanced Union defeated Soldiers trained more after the battle

7 Other battles General of union army sent troops south on rivers Union army “invaded” Southern territory Goal: confederate capital- Richmond, VA Early fighting, casualties on both sides Neither side victorious Stalemate- neither side winning land, no movement

8 3- Battle of Shiloh, April 1862
Shiloh, Tennessee Union general- Ulysses Grant Confederate surprise attack Union reinforcements arrived Union forced Confederates back But 13,000 Union soldiers died

9 4- 2nd Battle of Bull Run, 1862 Confederates cut off railroad from Washington DC to Union troops Same place, union attacked Confederates stopped attack, drove them back

10 5- Battle of Antietam, Sept 1862
Antietam, Maryland Union found Lee’s battle plans Met in battle, Union had double the troops (One Day) Losses: Confederates- 13,000 Union- 12,000 Confederates retreated

11 6- Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec 1862
Fredericksburg, Virginia New union general pushed directly to Richmond Attacked at Fredericksburg (50 miles north of capital) Confederates had better position, more troops Union attacked six times, driven back each time Union retreated

12 7- Battle of Chancellorsville, May 1863
Chancellorsville, Virginia Confederate attack Split forces, attacked from two sides Days of fighting, Union retreated Confederate general died in battle Stonewall Jackson

13 8- Battle of Gettysburg, July1863
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Lee invaded North, wanted to win battle and end war Battle lasted two full days Confederates attack ridge, Union had higher position Confederates retreat

14 Gettysburg Address Months after battle, Lincoln dedicated cemetery at Gettysburg Thousands of Union soldiers buried His speech was short, but expressed the purpose (reason) of the war


16 9- Battle of Vicksburg, June 1863
Vicksburg, Mississippi Union forces gained control of Mississippi River Cut off supplies to Confederates Union attacked Vicksburg, Mississippi Only part of river still Confederate Grant laid siege to the city Long-term attack Confederates surrender after weeks

17 Sherman’s March to the Sea, 1864
Union general Sherman took Atlanta, Georgia Burned city Army marched through Georgia, destroying everything in their way Total war- destroying all resources (military and civilian) Attempt to break will to fight

18 Civil War Victories, Union Confederate Fort Sumter Bull Run Shiloh 2nd Battle of Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg Chancellorsville Vicksburg Gettysburg Sherman’s March 1861 1862 1862 1862

19 Civil War Casualties

20 Civil War Battles On back of essay:
Compare your battle to another battle discussed- How was your battle similar to another? What did the battles have in common? Turn in essay when done

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