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Top Seven Homework Tips and Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Top Seven Homework Tips and Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Top Seven Homework Tips and Strategies

2 Complete Anticipation Guide
Share your homework routine with a partner. Discuss positive and negative habits. Complete Anticipation Guide

3 1. Record assignments neatly and accurately
1. Record assignments neatly and accurately. Fill out all parts of the agenda and check off each assignment as it is completed. 2. Set a priority order. Hardest first (greatest amount of energy– saves time!) Number the assignments in the order you plan to complete them

4 3. Establish a regular time and place for
doing my homework- a homework station. Use the same place every night!

5 4. Remove Distractions Have all necessary materials No TV
Soft instrumental music can eliminate sound of talking from another room

6 Review notes regularly!!
You will forget 80% of what happens to you today. The 20% you remember are things associated with feelings and emotions.


8 The more senses you use the better!!!


10 5. Review at least 3x to force from short term to long term memory:
The same night as class 48 hours later night before the test

11 Strategies to review: move to another room- it can ‘highlight’ the info

12 Index cards (visual activity- stare)
one fact per card large black ink review what you don’t know shuffle Advantages you can test yourself anywhere writing forces another sense (cover, say, write)

13 Average concentration span is 20 minutes
So…. You should take a break after 20 minutes!

14 Take Breaks: (body staying in balance)
No more than 5 minutes Physically move Drink water, eat protein and fruit

15 Get 9 ½ hours sleep!! Body repairs and renews Energy in body changes every 90 minutes (nostrils)


17 Early Bird vs. Night Owl Quiz
Which one are you?

18 What time do you feel best about getting up?
5:00-6:30 a.m. Score 5 6:30-7:45 a.m. Score 4 7:45-9:45 a.m. Score 3 9:45-11:00 a.m. Score 2 11:00-noon Score 1

19 2. How easy is it for you to get up in the morning?
Very easy Score 4 Fairly easy Score 3 Not very easy Score 2 Not at all easy Score 1

20 3. How tired do you feel the first half hour after getting up?
Very refreshed Score 4 Fairly refreshed Score 3 Fairly tired Score 2 Very tired Score 1

21 4. You have a test the next day and you may set the time that you think you will perform the best. What time do you choose? 8:00-10:00 a.m. Score 6 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Score 4 1:00-5:00 p.m. Score 2 7:00-9:00 p.m. Score 0

22 5. One night you must remain awake between 4 and 6 a. m
5. One night you must remain awake between 4 and 6 a.m. to carry out a night watch. You have no commitments the next day. Which alternative suits you best? You would not go to bed until after the watch is over Score 1 You would take a nap before and sleep after Score 2 You would sleep before and nap after Score 3 You would take all sleep before the watch Score 4

23 6. A friend invites you to jog with him between 7 and 8 a. m
6. A friend invites you to jog with him between 7 and 8 a.m. How do you think you will perform? Well Score 4 Reasonably well Score 3 Would find it difficult Score 2 Very difficult Score 1

24 7. If you have to wake up at a specific time every morning, how dependent are you on an alarm clock?
Not at all Score 4 Slightly Score 3 Fairly dependent Score 2 Very dependent Score 1

25 8. At what time in the evening do you feel tired and need sleep?
8:00-9:00 p.m. Score 5 9:00-10:15 p.m. Score 4 10:15p.m.-12:45 a.m. Score 3 12:45-2:00 a.m. Score 2 2:00-3:00 a.m. Score 1

26 YOUR SCORE…. Below 22 Early Bird Being an early bird, you have
the most energy earlier in the day. Plan to do your homework during advisory and/or as soon as you get home. A little of both You are right in the middle of an early bird and a night owl. You are able to study and do homework any time. Check how you feel that particular day to determine the best time. Above 22 Night Owl You are most attentive in the evening. You can wait until after dinner to do your homework and studying. Do not cram for a test the morning of the exam. You will not remember much!

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