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Take out your homework and have it on your desk update TOC You have a test on Friday! And notebook check when we get to #40.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out your homework and have it on your desk update TOC You have a test on Friday! And notebook check when we get to #40."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out your homework and have it on your desk update TOC You have a test on Friday! And notebook check when we get to #40

2 Enlightenment Salon Activity

3 In your notebook… In your notebook I want you to read each prompt and answer the 4 questions for each prompt in your notebook We will have a discussion about these ideas today and you will you contribute to the discussion

4 French Salons French women in the 1700s began to invite educated guests into their homes for witty and intelligent conversations. These meetings in drawing rooms, or salons, became one of the ways the ideas of the Enlightenment spread. Guests often discussed the leading thinkers and writers of the time and added their own witty interpretations. Remember that this was long before TV, internet, or radio. Having people in your home for conversation would have been a form of entertainment.

5 Salon Video: Model Example

6 Salon Rules Each person would strive to be the most interesting conversationalist, so the conversation was a kind of contest! Rules One did not speak of oneself One did not ask personal questions or try to embarrass others Everyone was expected to act as a lady or gentleman


8 Our Salon Don't raise hands; take turns speaking.
Listen carefully. Build off of what others say. Speak up so that all can hear you. Talk to each other, not just to the leader or teacher. Make eye contact. Each person must contribute at least 3 times in order to receive full credit.

9 Salon Activity I will divide you into groups of 8
I will choose a host or hostess for each salon who will begin the discussion and move on to the next topic when necessary. DO NOT BE A CONVERSATIONAL BULLDOZER! Actively listen to what other people have to say and encourage everyone to participate!

10 Topics for Salon Discussion
The host will introduce each topic and discussion will follow. Be sure to use examples to support your thinking!

11 Time for the Salon

12 After Salon Evaluate your performance using the rubric on the back of your paper. Circle the statements in each row that best describe your performance.

13 Letter One of the ways the salon ideas were communicated beyond those in attendance was through the use of letters. Sometimes after a salon, a participant would write a letter to a friend or relative letting them know what new ideas they were exposed to at the salon. On a separate sheet of paper, you will write a letter to a friend sharing one idea and your opinion about it. Use the checklist as guide for your writing. DUE TOMORROW!

14 TEST REVIEW – Copy these terms on pages ______ in your notebook
6. Montesquieu 7. Hobbes 8. Voltaire 9. Beccaria 10. Rousseau 11. Wollstonecraft 1. Social Contract 2. Natural Laws 3. Natural Rights 4. Rationalism 5. John Locke Make sure to include the ides our Enlightenment Thinkers are most famous for!!!

15 Exit Tix What was the purpose of the salon meetings?
a. To discuss hygiene and appropriate dress b. To form plans to capture and arrest spies c. To discuss ideas and changes in society d. To plan for communities and events Where were the salons held? a. In the public square b. At members homes c. At town hall d. At schools and universities

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