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Self Portrait-1941.

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1 Self Portrait-1941

2 The flower carrier- 1935 “You have to be able to think like a communist--or at least an economist--to understand this painting." That in reality it's not the big basket of flowers that is bone-crushingly heavy--but the burden of being an unskilled worker under modern capitalism is very heavy. That flowers are and are a symbol of pleasant luxury--but the flower carrier never sees them: for him they are not pleasant use values, but only exchange values.

3 Nude with Calla Lilies-1944
Symbol of lily: t was also a popular flower in ancient Jewish civilization. It is mentioned in the old testament as well as the new. With the advance of Christianity, the lily became the symbol of chastity and virtue. The lily became closely associated with the Virgin Mary, one of the many instances where an attribute of a pagan deity (Aphrodite, Hera, the Triple Hecate) was adopted by Christ's Mother. Through its association with the Virgin it also became the symbol of virgin martyrs and numerous saints. In both the Christian and pagan popular tradition, the significance of the lily as a fertility symbol coincides. St. Anthony of Padua, the protector of marriage is also the patron of procreation. In Greek marriage ceremonies the priest places over the brides head a crown of lilies garnished with ears of wheat ,as a symbol of purity and abundance. Lilies are also a symbol of death, and at one time lilies were placed on the graves of young innocents. The lily was dedicated to the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus. Legend has it that when Zeus fathered Hercules with the mortal woman Alceme, he wished his son to partake more fully of divinity. To this end he had the baby brought to Hera after he drugged her to sleep. He had the baby placed at her breast and Hercules nursed. Hera awoke in horrified surprise and flung the baby from her. Some of her milk gushed across the heavens and formed the milky way. A few drops fell to earth and from those drops sprang the first lilies.

4 Portrait of Sra. Dona Elena Flores de Carrillo-1953
One of Diego’s lovers. Child’s portrait-one of Diego’s children? Pose?-similar to other artists from european background

5 Portrait of 2 women-1914 Cubism-Pablo picasso (similar-blue period)

6 Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda -1947-48
For Hotel del Prado (Mex. City) Some people: Frida (holding yin/yang), Deigo as a boy, calavera (skeleton-symbol of el dia de los muertos). Next to diego (red dress-wife of dictator Porfirio Diaz-who opened his first exibition), Also included: daughters Ruth and Guadalupe and grandson Juan Pablo (right) Painting divided into past, present and future of the good and bad of mexico. Pancho villa (general and revolutionary) farmworkers, Next to calavera- Jose Posada-commerical artist-inspiration to Diego (often included calaveras) Ministry of Public education-Mexico City, Mex. Fresco

7 Man at the crossroads-1932-1934 unfinished
Diego painted it because: Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse were not available and Diego was Rockefeller’s mom’s fav. Artist. Theme given was: New Frontier. Diego repainted smaller version in Mexico City. Rockefeller repainted mural of Abraham Lincoln. 63-foot-long portrait of workers facing symbolic crossroads of industry, science, socialism, and capitalism. The painter believes that his friendship with the Rockefeller family will allow him to insert an unapproved representation of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin into a section portraying a May Day parade. Rockefellers ask him to remove figure of Stalin (Soviet president). When Rivera refuses, offering to balance the work with a portrait of Abraham Lincoln on the opposing side, the managers pay his full fee, bar him from the site, and hide the mural behind a massive drape. Despite negotiations to transfer the work to the Museum of Modern Art and demonstrations by Rivera supporters, near midnight, on February 10th, 1934, Rockefeller Center workmen, carrying axes, demolish the mural. Later, Rivera recreates the frescoes in the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City, adding a portrait of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in a nightclub.

8 History of Mexico-the ancient world-1929-1935

9 The history of Mexico- The world of today and tomorrow- 1929-1935

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