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Staff & Pupil Bulletin No. 17

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1 Staff & Pupil Bulletin No. 17
Bannerman High School Bannerman High School Staff & Pupil Bulletin No. 17 Monday 18 December 2017    NOTICES TO BE READ TO PUPILS AND TO NOTE IN THEIR HOMEWORK DIARIES: Assemblies for week beginning Monday 8 January 2018: S2 Theme: Pathway: Choices Tuesday Livingstone & Mackintosh Wednesday Burns &Napier Thursday Telford & Wallace Respect Responsibility Ambition

2 Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School Monday 18th December: Merit Assemblies Tuesday 19th December: Morning – YPI final showcase (S2 pupils) Afternoon - Christmas Ceilidh. Tickets from PE department Wednesday 20th December: Extended Interval am P4: House Quiz – S1 pupils in the Theatre P5: Christmas celebration for all - Theatre Respect Responsibility Ambition

3 Bannerman High School BRONZE AWARDS ASSEMBLY DECEMBER This sessions Bronze Awards assembly will take place on Monday 18th December in the workshop theatre. Period 4 - Livingston and Wallace Period 5 - Telford and Napier Period 6 - Mackintosh and Burns Pastoral Care staff will send names to tutor teachers of those who should attend. Pupils should report directly to the workshop theatre, Pastoral Care staff will register pupils. Thanks, Pastoral Care team.

4 Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School S1-3 Xmas Ceilidh. The PE department are holding a Ceilidh on Tuesday 19th December Periods 6 & 7 in the Games Hall. Tickets are priced at £1 and will be sold by Senior pupils during tutor time. On Tuesday 19th tickets can also be bought from the Female PE base at interval time. The Ceilidh itself will take the form of some social dancing, competitions and normal dance music. Young people are allowed to change into non uniform for periods 6 & 7, only from 1.15pm onward, using the top changing rooms (S1 & 2) and bottom changing rooms (S3), they must wear uniform prior to the Ceilidh.  The dancing will start around 1.30pm and pupils with a valid ticket are to report directly to the Games Hall once changed. Any pupil without a ticket is to attend timetabled classes as normal, if this means you'll be in PE, register with your teacher and follow their instructions as to what to do. Mr Turner will be running a tuck-shop with competitively priced confectionary and soft drinks. Mr Duguid. Respect Responsibility Ambition

5 Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School IMPORTANT IMFORMATION - S1 GIRLS- HPV TALK THURSDAY 4th JANUARY All S1 girls will be given a talk by the school nurse regarding the HPV vaccination. This will take place on Thursday 4th January at 1.30 pm in the Workshop Theatre. All S1 girls should go to their period 6 class and register as normal, then attend the Workshop Theatre after that. The talk will last no longer than 30 minutes. Ms Dickson. Respect Responsibility Ambition

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