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1 China

2 Geography About the size of the US Has natural barriers for protection
Gobi Desert Pacific Ocean Himalayas Climate-monsoons-cause a lot of flooding 2 major rivers: Huang He and Chang Jiang Leave behind silt for farming

3 Qin Dynasty Ying Zheng unified China creating an empire
Renamed himself Shi Huangdi (first emperor) Not a nice man Burned books that disagreed with him Expanded empire taking down walls of each city to create one large city

4 Qin Achievements Uniform laws Standard money system and measurement
Language-made everyone speak the same Built large roads to connect cities Improved the irrigation system Built the Great Wall connecting all cities

5 Terracotta Soldiers Emperor Shi Huang built them to protect him in his next life Each one was different and built to human size 8,000 were built along with horses and chariots Discovered by farmers digging a well

6 Han Dynasty Liu Bang, a commoner, became emperor and started Han Dynasty because of the Mandate of Heaven Mandate of Heaven-Heaven gives the leader the right to rule When the ruler isn’t doing well, Heaven takes away his right to rule Well liked- lower taxes and gave out land

7 Han Dynasty Emperor Wudi took over
Make a strong government, raised taxes Made Confucianism China’s gov’t philosophy Confucianism-basic guidelines or moral values to live by

8 Social Class 4 social classes Top: emperor and his court
Second: Peasants (largest class) Third: Artisans (produced items for daily life) Bottom: Merchants (didn’t produce anything) Military didn’t have a class, was like part of the government

9 Family Life 90% of people were peasants
Lived simple lives in small villages Confucian teachings about family were honored Children were taught to respect their elders Disobeying was a crime Father was the head of the family, wife and children must obey him Expected to honor dead family members with ceremonial offerings and keeping up burial sites Han officials thought if people obeyed their elders they would also obey the emperor Boys were valued more than girls since the boys carried on the blood line and took care of parents when they get old

10 Han Achievements Known for Poetry Created paper that we use today
Sundial- uses shadows of the sun to tell time Seismograph- measures strength of Earthquakes Acupuncture- inserting needles at specific points to cure disease or pain Iron- used to make a plow and wheelbarrow Silk-soft, light, highly valued fabric

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