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3 We are a society of many different people and beliefs


5 What does it mean to be a Citizen. How do you become a Citizen
What does it mean to be a Citizen? How do you become a Citizen? What are your Rights, Responsibilities and Duties?

6 What is the definition of: Rights, Responsibilities and Duties?
Questions What is the definition of: Rights, Responsibilities and Duties?

7 Questions


9 What levels are there to Government?
Government questions What levels are there to Government?


11 How many Branches are in our Government?
Class poll How many Branches are in our Government?

12 Branches of Government

13 Branches of Government questions
Why do we have these different Branches?


15 Members of Government

16 Members of Government question
Who can participate in Government? How do you become a member of Government?

17 You are citizens of Joseph Stilwell Middle School and this classroom.

18 We believe that learning is a life-long process of growth and development.

19 As cadets of Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership, we commit to excellence by serving with respect, learning with passion and leading with honor and integrity.

1. SELF-CONTROL: The ability to control one’s emotions, actions, language and anger during a crisis, problem, or disagreement. If you cannot control yourself, you cannot lead others. 2. SELF-DISCIPLINE: The ability to set goals and meet them without the threat of a punishment or the promise of a reward. If you cannot motivate yourself, you cannot motivate others. 3. SELF-ESTEEM: The internal feeling of pride and confidence to demonstrate in every situation that one has the self-control, knowledge and discipline needed for leadership. 4. LEADERSHIP: Leadership is earned by service to others and through the understanding that I AM SOMEONE WHO RESPECTS AND IS RESPECTED BY OTHERS. Leadership

21 UNIFORM POLICY Cadets MUST be in the prescribed uniform every day. Maintaining the cleanliness of the uniform is the responsibility of the cadet. A dirty uniform is not an excuse to come to school in civilian clothes or in a partial uniform. Civilian articles of clothing shall not be worn with the uniform, and CADETS MAY BE REFUSED ATTENDANCE IF NOT IN UNIFORM. Cadets are also expected to be in complete uniform while traveling to and from JSMAL. Cadets cannot leave or enter the campus in the PT Uniform, unless otherwise directed.


23 CHAMPs All that we do is governed through a specific set of instructions summed up in the acronym, CHAMPs. For each activity, transition and routine, we specify each of the following conditions: C = Conversation Level 0 = no talking; Level 1 = whisper; Level 2 =conversation; Level 3 = presentation; Level 4 = outside voice. H = Help This is the ritual for getting the attention of a teacher or other person in charge. A = Activity This is the specific set of directions for completing this particular activity or routine. M = Movement This identifies the movement that is allowed during this activity. P = Participation This is what a person should see if the activity is being completed correctly. S = Success If all is followed, then we have success!

24 SIGNAL FOR ATTENTION When a teacher or administrator needs the attention of a group of cadets, the same signal for attention will be used in all instances. Procedure: 1. Teacher or administrator raises his/her right hand and calls for attention: “May I have your attention please?” 2. Immediately upon seeing and/or hearing the call for attention, cadets stop talking, raise their hand and wait for instructions. 3. This process should take no more than 5 seconds.

25 Hallway Movement Level 0 At the signal from the teacher, girls walk out in a straight line on the right hand side of the hallway. Boys follow the girls in a straight line. Students remain “on the blue,” when appropriate, one behind the other while moving directly to the next class. The line shall stop at intersections or teacher designated stopping places as directed. All students remain in a straight line. There is no movement within the line –you must stay in your place in line. All students are facing the front of the line and moving to the next class quickly and silently.

26 End of Class Routine Line Up At the end of class, the teacher will signal the Section Leader with the following command: “Section Leader, Take Charge.” At that point, the Section Leader will lead the inspection of the classroom and line up the cadets in 2 separate lines according to gender: girls on one side of the doorway, boys on the other side. At no time should students be crowding the door. Cadets will clean up their work area, collect their belongings and line up at the door. Cadets WILL NOT LEAVE the classroom or approach the door, until dismissed by the teacher. Cadets will quickly and efficiently prepare for dismissal. This process should take no more than 1 minute

27 Cafeteria Conduct Level 1 Cadets walk in a straight line to their assigned table and sit with their feet under the table on the floor, with girls on one side and boys on the other. When signaled, cadets line up to purchase lunch. When finished eating, cadets will sit patiently wait until an adult clears the table. Cadets move to and from the lunch line when signaled to do so. No other movement is authorized. There must be no “skipping” or saving spaces in the lunch line or at the table. Cadets are seated properly, eating and conversing at voice level 1.

28 DISCIPLINE POLICY Cadets will be monitored and counseled through their Leadership Courses and Academic courses regarding personal responsibility and self-discipline. Cadets who act outside of the JSMAL honor code, will be reported to the Leadership instructors for counseling, and this could affect cadet promotion. 3 LEVELS

29 Level 1 Classroom Interventions a. Verbal Redirect b. Change seats c
Level 1 Classroom Interventions a. Verbal Redirect b. Change seats c. In-class time out d. Conference with the teacher e. Notification to Leadership Instructor f. Parent contact g. Parent / Teacher conference h. Behavior Counseling with school counselor NOTE: When a cadet continues to display chronic misbehavior at the Level 1 level, the cadet will be recommended for Level 2 interventions.

30 Level 2 Interventions Level 2 indicates that a cadet has exhausted all Level 1 interventions and indicates that a higher level of intervention is required. Level 2 indicates that additional assistance is necessary to correct the behavior. Examples might include: a team conference with a parent, referral to the Dean, counseling with the Leadership Instructor, or restorative justice.

31 Level 3 Intervention If a cadet’s conduct does not improve through the implementation Level 1 and Level 2 Interventions, then more formal interventions may be implemented. Those interventions may include the following, depending on the circumstance and severity: a. Discipline Referral b. Peer Review c. Behavior Contract d. Academic Review Board (See Chapter 4)

32 POSITIVE BASED INTERVENTIONS Cadet Ranking This is the first and foremost means of recognition at JSMAL. For each rank, students are expected to achieve certain levels of academic success, behavior and service. When a cadet has accomplished the activities required of each rank, he/she receives a promotion to the next rank. Each rank comes with more opportunities for leadership, recognition and awards.

POSITIVE BASED INTERVENTIONS Patriot P.R.I.D.E. Award At the beginning of each week, an announcement will be made to identify a particular character trait, leadership skill or behavior. As cadets are “caught” demonstrating that particular trait, adults will report Cadets to the Leadership Instructor for awards and recognition. Any adult in the school can “catch” a cadet: principal, dean, secretary, teacher, etc

34 POSITIVE BASED INTERVENTIONS Quarterly Awards Each quarter, cadets will be recognized and awarded for conduct, service and academics through an awards assembly.


36 Weebly

37 Online textbook

38 Classwork and homework

39 Online games (you will create an account)

40 You are responsible for the computer you are assigned.

41 Classroom accounts will use your duval email.

42 Explain their email address.




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