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Advisor: Prof. Sudha Ram Jeffrey Abbruzzi, MS/MIS candidate

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1 Advisor: Prof. Sudha Ram Jeffrey Abbruzzi, MS/MIS candidate
The Arizona National Biological Information Infrastructure Project Serving GIS Data Sets via the Web Advisor: Prof. Sudha Ram Jeffrey Abbruzzi, MS/MIS candidate Department of MIS The University of Arizona

2 Objective The USGS, in conjunction with the University of Arizona School of Renewable Natural Resources, advertises their publicly available GIS data sets via a Federal Geographic Data Committee Clearinghouse node. This system does not actually serve the data. The Arizona NBII Project integrates a database-backed data retrieval system which automates data delivery to users interested in the advertised data sets.

3 Partners University of Arizona United States Geological Survey
Advanced Database Research Group Advanced Resource Technology Group United States Geological Survey Western Ecological Research Center Sonoran Desert Field Station Arizona State Cartographer’s Office

4 System Features Delivery of GIS Data Sets as zipped ARC/INFO export files Session Tracking to enable security, user profiles and tracking of system events Integration with Isite metadata server to allow click-through from FGDC metadata files Automated user registration Flexible architecture for easy addition of new data libraries

5 System Components HTML Interface Java Servlets for dynamic web content
Over 600 GIS data sets stored as ARC/INFO coverages, ARC/INFO export files, or zip files Other products such as metadata files, GIF preview images, and EPS files RDBMS storing information about GIS data sets, security settings, and user profiles

6 Architecture of the Arizona NBII System
Web Server Web Browser Static HTML Pages .html HTTP Coverage Info Database Dynamic Java Servlets .class FTP (coverage info) Coverages Server(s) .pl cgi-bin Anonymous FTP Coverages (coverage) ARC/INFO (export file .E00)

7 The Arizona NBII Web Site
Query Page Results Page

8 Available Products All, none or some of these products can be served by the system for a given coverage: Export files (.e00) GIF map previews EPS map previews FGDC-compliant metadata in HTML form ftp://b014rs.e00

9 Future Directions Integration with the Saguaro Digital Library
User Interface enhancements Adaptive User Interface Agents Enhanced search capabilities On-line map views of GIS data sets Expansion of product types processing tools (e.g. AML, Avenue, scripts, programs) Data Harvesting from users Automated addition of new libraries, coverages and tools

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