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Key Question: How do Geopolitics and Critical Geopolitics Help us Understand the World?

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Presentation on theme: "Key Question: How do Geopolitics and Critical Geopolitics Help us Understand the World?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Question: How do Geopolitics and Critical Geopolitics Help us Understand the World?

2 Geopolitics Geopolitics – the interplay among geography, power, politics, and international relations. German School-eg. German Geographer Friedrich Ratzel’s ( ) organic state theory British / American School- eg. British Geographer - Sir Halford Mackinder’s ( ) Heartland Theory Nicholas Spykman, a critic of Mackinder, in a 1944 book coined the term “Rimland” and stated that the rimland of Eurasia, not the heartland held the key to global power.

3 Mackinder’s Heartland Theory: “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island Who rules the World Island commands the world”

4 Geopolitical World Order
Temporary periods of stability in how politics are conducted at the global scale. bi-polar-after WW II the U.S. & U.S.S.R. multi-polar-many major powers unilateralism-one state (U.S.) acting alone-which creates resentment and hostility. Will individual states remain the dominant actors in a future geopolitical world order? Bush Doctrine of sowing democracy in the Middle East is in serious trouble The king of Saudi Arabia has been arresting government critics and refuses to hold elections for a “toothless” council (the country has no parliament). Egypt which is propped up by $2 billion in US aid each year is run by Hosni Mubarak who won in a landslide election 2 years ago after jailing his main political challenger.

5 The War in Iraq The 2003 invasion of Iraq was a unilateral decision by the US No weapons of mass destruction were found, Iraq posed no threat to the US or its neighbors-it was being contained by the UN imposed sanctions. Current unemployment of 50% contributes to the sectarian violence Over 655,000 Iraqis have been killed during the 3 year occupation-that was far more that Saddam Hussein was responsible for murdering.

6 Iraqi tanks (purchased from the Soviet Union) in the desert after the first Gulf War of 1991

7 Blowing up 6 Iraqi guns near Kirkuk

8 April 9th 2004-Funeral for fallen comrade-
Josh Grenard upper left Headless Iraqi-killed by ???

9 Lebanon Shiite group Hezbollah (ranked as a terrorist group by US govt. along with Hamas) won parliament seats in Lebanon in 2005 for the first time. Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978, 1982, 1996, 2002 and Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 2006 did not dislodge Hezbollah, but strengthened it. Pictured above the mass funeral in Qana, Lebanon. Lebanon’s political system is one of the most inefficient and convoluted. The state is hampered by invasion and intervention by Israel and Syria as well as civil war between the ethic & religious factions.

10 Destruction in the Dahiyeh neighborhood in Beirut, Lebanon
Lebanon’s 15 year Civil War ended in Since then Israel has invaded twice to dislodge the PLO and later Hezbollah. Destruction in the Dahiyeh neighborhood in Beirut, Lebanon Jordan has repressed free speech and public assembly after increasing criticism of the government’s support for the Bush Administration. Given Democracy-Islamists would control large blocs, if not majorities in most Middle Eastern countries. Hamas won in Palestinian elections in 2006

11 Key Question: What are Supranational Organizations, and What is the Future of the State?

12 Supranational Organizations
A separate entity composed of three or more states that forge an association and form an administrative structure for mutual benefit in pursuit of shared goals. Many supranational organizations exist in the world today: U.N. N.A.T.O. European Union S.E.A.T.O. COMECON Warsaw Pact UN NATO Warsaw Pact SEATO COMECON Etc.

13 Global Scale – The United Nations

14 Regional Scale – The European Union

15 The End

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