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WW1/Great Depression/WW2 Study Guide

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1 WW1/Great Depression/WW2 Study Guide
By Parker Neithercut

2 Question 1 What was the message from Germany to Mexico that was intercepted by the United States and was the reason for the United States to enter World War 1?

3 Answer 1 The Zimmerman Telegram

4 Question 2 Which Georgia camp had a German U-Boat imprisoned in it?

5 Answer 2 Fort McPherson

6 Question 3 What plane is this?

7 Answer 3 USMC Corsair

8 Question 4 What was the day that the Stock Market crashed called?

9 Answer 4 Black Tuesday

10 Question 5 This insect ate cotton in Georgia, which helped start the early depression in Georgia.

11 Answer 5 The Boll Weevil

12 Question 6 This president was the president when World War 2 ended?

13 Answer 6 Harry Truman

14 Question 7 This college student assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

15 Answer 7 Gavrilo Princip

16 Question 8 This is the house that FDR lived in Warm Springs.

17 Answer 8 The Little White House

18 Question 9 Who is known as “The Poppy Lady”?

19 Answer 9 Moina Belle Michael

20 Question 10 This Japanese word means “Divine Wind”.

21 Answer 10 Kamikaze

22 Question 11 In what naval battle was the only American ship to be sunk was the U.S.S. Yorktown?

23 Answer 11 Midway

24 Question 12 Who was the New Deal governor who was a white supremacist and didn’t like the New Deal?

25 Answer 12 Eugene Talmadge

26 Question 13 The TVA stands for what?

27 Answer 13 The Tennessee Valley Authority

28 Question 14 This was the most famous of the American WW2 tanks.

29 Answer 14 The Sherman Tank

30 Question 15 The New Deal was actually passed by this part of government.

31 Answer 15 Congress

32 Question 16 These were the Axis Powers’ countries.

33 Answer 16 Germany, Italy, Japan

34 Question 17 What was the main reason for the Great Depression?

35 Answer 17 Bad Banking

36 Question 18 What ship was sunk by a U-Boat, which killed 128 Americans.

37 Answer 18 The Lusitania

38 Question 19 The Japanese attacked this place, which is the reason that the United States joined WW2.

39 Answer 19 Pearl Harbor

40 Question 20 This man was the leader of Italy during World War 2.

41 Answer 20 Benito Mussolini

42 Question 21 This plane was known as the “Mustang”.

43 Answer 21 P-51

44 Question 22 What were the makeshift towns called for homeless people during the Great Depression.

45 Answer 22 Hoovervilles

46 Question 23 Social security money comes from what?

47 Answer 23 Payroll Taxes

48 Question 24 This man resigned after Gallipoli failed in World War 1.

49 Answer 24 Winston Churchhill

50 Question 25 Why did Russia pull out of World War 1?

51 Answer 25 The Russian Revolution

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