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Why Do Children Misbehave?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Do Children Misbehave?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Guidance: A Well-Stocked Tool Box for Effective Classroom Management

2 Why Do Children Misbehave?
Curiosity Boredom Illness Anxiety Need for Attention / Love Angry Confused Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

3 Age-Appropriate Environment
Set Up an Age-Appropriate Environment Adult Interactions Are Critical Child-Friendly Environment Challenging Equipment and Materials Toys and Materials Rotate with Theme Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

4 Keep Children Busy and Involved
Transitions are critical Whenever possible, avoid making children wait! Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

5 Give Children Responsibility
Toddlers & Twos Pick up and put away toys Set out napkins Help to feed fish Put on socks Put on coat with help Take cracker from plate, pour with assistance Preschoolers Assist teacher readying materials Water plants, feed animals Set up table for lunch/snack Pour own milk, serve self Put on coat, zip & button Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

6 Set Age-Appropriate Rules
These help children manage their own behavior Focus on what to do and not on what not to do Offer gentle reminders Acknowledge children’s efforts Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

7 Model Expected Behaviors
You are a model—whether intentional or not Explicitly model the behavior you desire--especially social skills Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

8 The Three Ways to Reinforce Behaviors
Positive: Paying attention when children are doing what you want, expect them to do Negative: Paying attention when children are misbehaving or not doing what’s expected Ignoring: Disinterested, paying no attention to a child’s attempts to be noticed Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

9 Positively Reinforce Behaviors
Acknowledge children’s appropriate behavior Spend quality time with a child when he’s doing what you want him to do Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

10 What’s In Your Tool Box? Just as you can’t use a hammer for every household problem, you can’t approach every behavior challenge with the same technique.  Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

11 Distract or Divert Attention
Direct the child’s attention to another toy or activity Especially effective with very young children Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

12 Offer Choices Allows child some control over the situation
Be prepared to follow through with any choices offered Effective with toddlers and preschoolers Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

13 Ignore Stop the undesirable behavior by not paying attention to it
Use “active ignoring” by making casual statements about it Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

14 Redirection Often the problem isn’t what the child is doing but how she is doing it Suggest an acceptable behavior to replace the unacceptable one It shows the child that you accept her and her ideas Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

15 Keep Your Sense of Humor
Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

16 A Word About Time Out Ineffective with toddlers and young preschoolers
Using it is prohibited in our schools unless parents have signed permission for it. Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

17 Help! Come Rescue Me! Know Your Limits
Call Director or Assistant Director for Help “Out of Sight / Out of Mind” techniques give up your authority Moving to another classroom Sending to Director’s Office Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

18 The View from the Little Chair in the Corner Cindy R. Bess (2010)
References National Network for Child Care -NNCC. Oesterreich, L. (1995). Guidance and Discipline. L. Oesterreich, B. Holt, & S. Karas, Iowa Child care Handbook (pp ). Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension. Positive Child Guidance Darla Ferris Miller (2006) The View from the Little Chair in the Corner Cindy R. Bess (2010) Ages and Stages Karen Miller (1999) Phoenix Children's Academy 2011

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