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Diabetes Health Platform

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1 Diabetes Health Platform
TEAM NO.06 TRR Presentation DATE:

2 Overview Operational Concept Overview
Transition Objective and Strategy Demo of Initial Capability Test Cases, Procedures and Results Quality Focal Point Traceability Matrix Technical Debt Transition Plan

3 Operational Concept Overview

4 PROPOSED SYSTEM Android Application to cater to Diabetic Patients of Type-2, specifically. ADDITIONALLY: Diabetes Website Static and Informational Link to Download from Google App Store

5 SYSTEM PURPOSE Personalized Feedback to patients Real-Time Feedback
Doctor is kept better informed about patient Increased life quality for patient Monetary benefits


Transition Strategy : Project Documentation - Technical manual , User manual etc. Identification of transition Team - Not all can participate Transition Schedule - Discuss with client on where more time is needed for Knowledge transfer Identification of transition resources Software - Deliverables Hardware - System capability for developing. Personnel - Assign team member for each transition task Facilities Other consumable resources Reporting and communication : Five one long hour sessions with Jasmine should give an overall idea. All documents are submitted via only to Jasmine and Dr.Haung. The documents that are evaluated by professors and TA's will be passed on to the clients.

8 Initial Capability Demo

9 Test Cases, Procedures, Results

10 TC-01 Login Screen Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-01-01
Test if the user can login to the app using existing user name Click on the Login button, enter login info, verify that user profile is loaded PASS TC-01-02 Test if the user can login using google sign-in functionality Click on the Google Sign In button, enter login info, verify that user profile is loaded TC-01-03 Test if the user can register by clicking on the “register” button on login page after downloading and installing the application Create new registration, verify that user is registered in the system

11 TC-02 Main Page Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-02-01
Test if the home page loads after login with all the menu/buttons enabled Verify the main page is shown after any of the TC-01 tests PASS TC-02-02 Test if the side panel pops-up on clicking the left top of the screen Click the top left button, verify side panel shows TC-02-03 Validate that the Glycemic Control button is enabled Click Glycemic Control button, verify Glycemic Control view shows TC-02-04 Validate that the home page option on the side menu bar takes the user back to home page Click on side menu bar then home button. Verify main page shows

12 TC-03 Glycemic Page Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-03-01
Validate that on clicking Glycemic control button, user is taken to the Glycemic page with graph drafted from database data of the user Click Glycemic Control button, verify Glycemic Control view shows. Verify previously entered user data shows. PASS TC-03-02 Validate that the user can view past glucose trends Click on glycemic page button, verify past glucose trend graph shows.

13 TC-04 Survey Questions Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-04-01
Test if all the survey screens are prompted to the user under ideal condition Enable the survey screen, verify all screens are shown for each question, including conditional answers PASS TC-04-02 Test if the user press back button during the survey questionnaire, the order and entered data is still retained Enable the survey, go to last survey page, click back button on each page to ensure capability passes TC-04-03 Test if the user has an option to skip a survey page Enable the survey, do not fill out any answers and click “next” to skip the question

14 TC-05 Food API Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-05-01
Test if the user can search for any specific food Click on search for food button from any page that allows food addition, search for food, verify that food search comes up with appropriate results PASS TC-05-02 Test if the app displays the nutritional details of a food on selection Following TC-05-01, select an entry, verify the view shows the nutritional details TC-05-03 When “add food” button is clicked, allows user to enter a quantity for that food, returns to log entry page with food added to log entry Click add food button, verify quantity screen shows and receives user input

15 TC-06 Database Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-06-01
Validate that a user entry is created in the database after the user registers When a user reopens the app, verify the user is taken to the menu immediately. If a user doesn’t have a profile in the database, user is re-routed to the survey questions. PASS TC-06-02 Validate that the user information is stored in database for up to 3 months Use Dexcom API to retrieve 3 months sample data, show via graph TC-06-03 Test if the user updates the profile, the updates are captured correctly in the database with all fields updated Print out fields for debug to console, verify all fields have information TC-06-04 Test if the food details are added to the database After entering information to database, verify information can be retrieved via graph or logbook TC-06-05 Test if the blood glucose levels and insulin levels are stored correctly even if entered multiple times a day

16 TC-07 CGM Integration Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-07-01
Test if the connection to the CGM database is successful Verify connection can be seen by app via Dexcom API PASS TC-07-02 Test if the application can retrieve user glucose information from the CGM database Verify information can be retrieved by app via Dexcom API

17 TC-08 Website Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-08-01
Verify that the user can view diabetes related information in the website Click on links in the website to verify info pages show properly PASS

18 TC-09 Notification Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-09-01 Verify that the user get notification if the blood sugar cross threshold Not yet implemented TBD TC-09-02 Verify that the insulin recommendation is customized to the user

19 TC-10 Nutrition & Exercise Page
Test ID Description Procedure Result TC-10-01 Verify logbook shows food eaten for the past week Click on Nutrition & exercise button on main menu, verify nutrition page view shows PASS

20 Quality Focal Point



23 Technical Debt Android Version Support
Description Resolution Android Version Support Started development with older version of Android Resolved Familiarity with Android App Development had a late start due to team not being familiar with android platform Refractor of screen views Need to refactor the existing views to make them adaptable to screens of different sizes Active(80% resolved)

24 Technical Debt Robust and scalability testing
Description Resolution Robust and scalability testing Robustness of the application and performance aspects are yet to tested Unresolved Automation of testcases Testcases are executed manually and uses additional manual cycles to run regression



27 Transition Plan

28 Software, Hardware, Site, Staff Preparation
Android Studio, Bitbucket, Firebase Website, Optional: Perl, Word Hardware Android phone to test the app Any device with an internet connection Site N/A Staff Developers , Testers , Client Developers, Testers,Client

29 Milestone Plans Weight Tracking Cardiovascular Risks
Diabetes Complications Routine Health Screening

30 StakeHolders and Responsibilities
Diabetic Patients - Use the app and input the required information Developers - implement the additional unimplemented functionalities Maintainers - basic understanding of tech stack used Doctors - analyze and provide relevant feedback based on their analysis Food API Provider - provide all the food related information based on the food choice Dexcom CGM - provide the glucose level of the patient

31 Required Resources Software Product Elements Code:
Website: Modified Templatemonster HTML & CSS code Android App : Java based android code Documentation (Per Client Request): Website: Technical Manual for Development process and Info Page Generation Android App: User Manual

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