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The Most Bang For the Buck

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Presentation on theme: "The Most Bang For the Buck"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Most Bang For the Buck
Strategies that Work Sally Beck 1/19/11 Literacy Session

2 IOU Snacks because I’ve gone brain dead
Please help yourself to a drink

3 Classroom Instruction That Works by Marzano and Pickering
Used meta-analysis to determine effect size of instructional strategies Goal – to identify strategies that work BEST in helping students learn Example of data helping in development of instruction

4 The Numbers show Categories Average Effect Size Percentile Gain
Similarity and Differences 1.61 45 Summarizing & Note-taking l.00 34 Effort and Recognition* .80 29 Homework and Practice .77 28 Nonlinguistic Representation .75 27

5 And furthermore….. Category Average Effect Size Percentile Gain
Group Learning .73 27 Objectives & Feedback .61 23 Hypotheses Questions, Cues and Advance Organizers .59 22

6 So let’s aim for the top! Use question stems that require HOTS
Start with Similarities and Differences

7 Similarities & Differences Include
Compare/Contrast Classifying Metaphors Analogies

8 Work Session

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