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Alert by disease county in week 45, 2017 Acute Watery Diarrhoea AFP Bloody Diarrhoea Cholera Guinea Worm Malaria Measles Total Alerts Ayod   1.

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5 Alert by disease county in week 45, 2017
Acute Watery Diarrhoea AFP Bloody Diarrhoea Cholera Guinea Worm Malaria Measles Total Alerts Ayod 1 Duk Ezo 2 Magwi Mundri East Rubkona Rumbek Centre Rumbek East Rumbek North Yirol East 4 12 During week 45 a total of 12 alerts were triggered Ezo and Magwi reported two alerts each Bloody diarrhoea and malaria had the highest number of alerts in week 45


7 Most malaria cases are occurring in counties in IPC crisis phase
Two counties with high malaria cases are in IPC emergency phase - Wau & Fashoda Many of the counties in Jonglei are in IPC crisis phase but malaria surveillance data is not available for those locations

8 Malaria trends by county and rainfall patterns
At least 15 countries - Awerial, Cueibet, Rumbek East, Rumbek North, Wulu, Yirol East, Yirol West, Aweil Center, Aweil East, Aweil North, Aweil South, Jur River, Gogrial East, Tonj North, & Tonj South have reported increasing trends at or above the third quartile [see next four slides]. In October 2017; 4 counties [Kapoeta North; Kapoeta South; Kapoeta North; & Budi] received rainfall that exceed the third quartile of the rainfall for period

9 Response| Confirmed epidemics
Ongoing epidemics - Epidemic description - Measles in Panyijiar county Age (years) Female (n) Male (n) Total cases Percentage Cum. % <1yr 28 20 48 23.8% 1-4yrs 52 59 111 55.0% 78.7% 5-14yrs 13 14 27 13.4% 92.1% 15+yrs 12 4 16 7.9% 100.0% 105 97 202 Transmission still ongoing 204 cases including 4 deaths (CFR 1.96%) have been reported since early July 2017 Most cases 159 (79%) are <5 years of age Thirteen (13) payams have reported cases with the most affected being Nyal; Kol; Katieth; & Ganyliel Vaccination target child 6-59 mths completed Cases managed Ganyliel PHCC and Nyal PHCC by IRC and UNIDO 300 community HCW community surveillance

10 Response| Confirmed epidemics
Ongoing epidemics - Epidemic description - Cholera in South Sudan and Juba County

11 Recommendations, & way forward
Comprehensive response to cases in Juba Response to cases in New Bongo Targeted response to other areas with confirmed cases in Juba Vaccination campaign in Budi from Nov 2017 Securing 737,819 OCV doses - KS, KN, KE, TE, Juba, Aburoc, Malakal Town Measles response Active surveillance and case management Mop up vaccination for areas with transmission and which were not reached Malaria response - test-treat-vector control Counties exceeding threshold and in emergency IPC phase Counties with excessive rains KN, KE, KS, Budi


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