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Presentation on theme: "PRINCIPLES OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION"— Presentation transcript:


2 ON RESEARCH PROJECTS Papers due at Week 10 section meeting
Hard copy only (4-6 pages + tables, graphs) See “handout” on course website Lateness policy: 5% off for 24 hours lateness 10% off for 48 hours lateness 20% off for 72 hours lateness NOT ACCEPTED after 72 hours If completed over weekend, send electronic copy to TA and submit a hard copy on Monday, June 2

3 Postscripts Calculating intercept a:
a = Y – b X (note b = positive or negative) Defining t-ratio or “t” statistic: t = (b – ß)/SE, where b is sample slope and ß is population parameter In null hypothesis, ß = 0, thus t = b/SE, and If t > 2, can reject the null hypothesis

4 READINGS Pollock, Essentials, ch. 7 (pp. 165-176)
Pollock, SPSS Companion, ch. 9 Course Reader, Selections 5-6 (Smith & Ziegler, Governmental Performance, and Inglehart, Mass Support for Democracy)

5 OUTLINE Purposes of Multiple Regression The Basic Model Key Concepts
An Illustration

6 Purposes of Multiple Regression
Incorporating more than one independent variable into the explanation of a dependent variable Measuring the cumulative impact of independent variables on a dependent variable Determining the relative importance of independent variables

7 The Basic Model Ŷ = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 …. bkXk
Note: Signs can be positive or negative! PRE = R2 Standardized regression coefficient (beta): = bi ( Y) Partial correlation coefficient: = rYX2.X1, or r13.2

8 Key Concepts Measuring the cumulative impact on Y of X1 and X2 (via PRE or R2) Examining relationship between Y and X2, controlling for the effects of X1 (via partial correlation coefficient) Detecting the identifiable impact of independent variables (Xs) on Y (via beta weights) Assessing significance of overall relationship and of individual regression coefficients (via significance tests, including standard errors)

9 Visualizing a Plane of Least Squares

10 Detecting Relationships
Spurious = relationship between Y and X1 vanishes (i.e., approaches zero) with X2 in equation [check correlation between X1 and X2] Enhancement = cumulative strength of relationship (R2) much higher with X1 and X2 in equation than with just X1 Specification = see use of dummy variables [next time]

11 An Illustration of the Principles
Problem: Effects of public health expenditures Y = infant mortality rate X1 = health expenditures X2 = % nonwhite population




15 Since a = Y – bX Y = 0 (as mean value of residuals) X = 0 (as mean value of residuals) the value of a for this equation = 0 so there is no intercept.




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