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Identifying the Elements of Plot

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying the Elements of Plot"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying the Elements of Plot

2 Plot Diagram 3 4 2 1 5

3 Go on to the plot elements!!!!
Plot definition Plot is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. OR A story’s plot is what happens in the story and the order it happens in. Go on to the plot elements!!!!

4 1. Exposition The introductory part of a story that creates the tone, gives the setting, introduces the characters, and sets the conflict 1

5 2. Rising Action This is the biggest chunk of a story filled with complications that build suspense and excitement. Includes events that make it easier or more difficult for the character to solve the problem 2

6 3. Climax This is the high point in the plot where the reader is most interested and does not yet know the outcome. This is the point of greatest emotional tension and the turning point. The problem is either going to be resolved or not. 3

7 4. Falling Action This is the part of the plot which follows the climax and explains how the problem/main conflict gets solved. 4

8 5. Resolution This is the clarification, solution, or outcome of the conflict in a story. 5

9 Assignment Use the bottom section of your plot structure foldable to complete a plot diagram for the short story The Treasure of Lemon Brown

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