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The Tell Tale Heart Ryan 26 Patrick 31 Jared 40 Picture 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tell Tale Heart Ryan 26 Patrick 31 Jared 40 Picture 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tell Tale Heart Ryan 26 Patrick 31 Jared 40 Picture 1

2 Content Character Introduction Summary Symbolism
Comparison with Minister’s Black Veil Gothic Tradition

3 Characters & Summary

4 Unnamed Narrator MAD!!! Unaware of his madness Narcissistic Violent
Acute senses Picture 2

5 The Old Man (unnamed) Picture 3 Kind Timid Careful

6 Exposition Claims that he isn’t mad A helpful disease Loves old man
The old man’s eye haunts him Decides to kill him Picture 9

7 Rising Action (Days 1-7) Sneaks in the old man’s room at night
Observes him for a week Always careful and sly Proud of his cautiousness Picture 10

8 Rising Action (Day 8 00:00~4:00)
Accidentally wakes the old man Waits for the old man to sleep Hears growing heartbeat Kills old man Dismembers corpse Hides corpse Picture 11

9 Rising Action (Day 8 4:00~) The police find narrator
The police were satisfied Narrator chats with the police Hears a sound Sound continues to grow louder Picture 12

10 Climax The sound grows so loud the narrator cannot bear it
"Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! --tear up the planks! here, here! --It is the beating of his hideous heart!" Picture 13

11 Symbolism

12 The Eye Picture 4 He had the eye of a vulture --a pale blue eye, with a film over it. I saw it with perfect distinctness --all a dull blue, with a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones; → Clinically, this description suggests a common cataract -- not a reason to murder the old man.

13 Picture 5

14 The Evil Eye superstitious power in some folk cultures
Picture 6, 7 superstitious power in some folk cultures Born of jealousy or distaste  bring bad luck or injury “the look a human gives to another being (human or other) to cause them harm” The evil-eye amulet in Turkey

15 The Evil Eye “The ruins of Pompeii produced bronze wind chimes (tintinnabula) that featured the phallus to ward off the evil eye and other malevolent influences…” -- Wikipedia Phallus: erect penis → wholeness and power Picture 21

16 The Evil Eye & the Lack of the Phallus (A Doppelganger)
The old man = double who reveals the narrator’s “lack of the phallus” The narrator can’t allow this lack to be exposed (to protect his ego) The double must be murdered

17 The “Eye” vs. “The I” (Another Doppelganger)
The narrator and the old man show striking similarities Examples: The old man sits “up in the bed, listening; -- just as I have done” When the old man groans “a groan of mortal terror,” the narrator says “...I knew the sound well… it has welled up from my own bosom… I say I knew it well. I knew what the old man felt...” The narrator can hear the old man’s heart in his own heartbeat

18 The Watchful Eye of Providence
Implies that the old man’s eye had “exceptional penetration to discover secret sin” After hiding the corpse “ that no human eye -- not even his --could have detected any thing wrong.” Picture 30

19 The Number 3 3 planks were removed for the corpse
Pictures 25,26,27 3 planks were removed for the corpse it took 3 hours to dissect and hide the corpse there were 3 policemen 3 has been associated with the eye in Poe’s "The Ancient Mariner” The triangle is a symbol of the Triune God Picture 31

20 The 8 Nights The number “eight”:
Meaning in The Bible → a new beginning, as shown in Jesus’ resurrection Picture 25

21 The Beating Heart Symbolizes the narrator’s conscience / guilt
Actually the narrator’s heart beating On the eighth night: “... there came to my ears a low, dull, quick sound, such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I knew that sound well, too. It was the beating of the old man's heart. It increased my fury, as the beating of a drum stimulates the soldier into courage.” Picture 29

22 The Beating Heart “...Meantime the hellish tattoo of the heart increased. It grew quicker and quicker, and louder and louder every instant. The old man's terror must have been extreme! It grew louder, I say, louder every moment! --do you mark me well? I have told you that I am nervous: so I am...a noise as this excited me to uncontrollable terror...”

23 The Beating Heart “I felt that I must scream or die! --and now --again! --hark! louder! louder! louder! louder! -- ‘Villains!’ I shrieked, ‘dissemble no more! I admit the deed! --tear up the planks! --here, here! --it is the beating of his hideous heart!’" The narrator’s nervousness → rapidly beating heart → admits his secret sin Picture 32 Picture 28

24 Connections with The Minister’s Veil

25 Setting The Tell Tale Heart When: 8 nights
Where: A building, mostly in a room The Minister’s Black Veil When: A few decades Where: A religious village

26 Narrator The Minister’s Black Veil The Tell Tale Heart Third Person
Unclear of Hooper’s thoughts and intentions Omniscient point of view The Tell Tale Heart First person Unreliable or irrational Showcase of narrator’s madness Odd perspective Picture 23 Picture 22

27 Theme The Minister’s Black Veil : Sin Isolation Hypocrisy
Picture 20 The Tell Tale Heart : Sin Guilt Madness Picture 18

28 The “Veil” The Minister’s Black Veil: Black Veil→ sin (pride)
The Tell Tale Heart : Hideous Veil→ sin (killing) Ex. “All a dull blue, with a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones” Picture 14

29 Mood & Tone The Tell Tale Heart The Minister’s Black Veil
Gloomy→ the setting(night) and killing Crazy→ the defense narrator makes when he did sth insane Picture 19 The Minister’s Black Veil Gloomy→ Everyone feels scared when looking at the black veil Suspenseful→ No one knows why Hooper put on the veil Picture 17 Picture 16

30 Ending Announcement The Minister’s Black Veil The Tell Tale Heart
"Have men avoided me, and women shown no pity, and children screamed and fled, only for my black veil? I look around me, and, lo! on every visage a Black Veil!" Picture 15 The Tell Tale Heart “ ‘Villains’ I shrieked, ‘dissemble no more! I admit the deed! --tear up the planks! --here, here! --it is the beating of his hideous heart!’ ” Anger Disappointment (MBV) Guilt(TTH)

31 Gothic Elements - The Tell Tale Heart
Unique Setting mostly at midnight in a dark room The theme of death and decay The presence of madness Terror Gloomy tone Picture 34

32 Madness (of the narrator)
Narrator assumes that “madness is incompatible with rational precision” Reiterates until it becomes a pattern → denies madness while describing mad actions (Robinson)

33 Gothic Elements - The Minister’s Black Veil
Isolation Pale bride Prevailing fear Suspenseful atmosphere Darkness (veil) Mystery Gloomy tone Terror Picture 33

34 Citations

35 Picture 1:
Miksanek, Tony. The Tell-Tale Heart. N.p., 18 Oct Web. 04 Jan < Robinson, E. Arthur. "Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart"." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 19.4 (1965): JSTOR. Web. 10 Jan

36 Picture 14: https://i. gr-assets. com/images/S/photo. goodreads
"The Antebellum Magazine Edition Project." THE TELL-TALE HEART | The Antebellum Magazine Edition Project. Ed. Kelsey Blackman. The Pioneer, Web. 11 Jan < Bradley, Jacqueline. “Character Doubles and Barrier Imagery in Poe's Work.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 9, no. 2, 2008, pp. 55–66. JSTOR, Accessed 11 Jan Picture 15: Picture 16: Picture 17: Picture 18: Picture 19: Picture 20: Picture 21: Tucker, B. D. “‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ and the ‘Evil Eye.’” The Southern Literary Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, 1 Apr. 1981, pp. 92–98. JSTOR, JSTOR.

37 Picture 22: http://www. imfdb

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