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AP Review Session 6: Cognition and Language:

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1 AP Review Session 6: Cognition and Language:

2 I. Cognitive Psychology:
DEF: The study of the mental processes by which information from the environment is modified, made meaningful, stored, retrieved, used, and communicated to others. EX: I just saw my daughter graduate. Where do I put that information???

3 II. Information Processing System:
DEF: Mechanisms for receiving information, representing it with symbols, and manipulating it. EX: I see something, but I am not sure what it is??? Thinking: The manipulation of mental representations.

4 III. Evoked Brain Potential:
DEF: A small, temporary change in EEG voltage that is evoked by some stimulus. -Unfortunately, this does not tell us what part of the brain is active. -We need an fMRI for that

5 IV. Concepts: DEF: A category of objects, events, or ideas that have common properties. EX: A Person??? -Formal Concept: A concept that can be clearly defined by a set of rules or properties -Natural Concept: A concept that has no fixed set of defining features, but has a set of characteristic features

6 V. Prototypes, Propositions, and Schemas
Prototypes: A member of a natural concept that possesses all or most of its characteristic features EX: What is a telephone??? Propositions: A mental representation of the relationships between concepts EX: Is an Iphone a phone??? Schemas: A generalization about categories of objects, places, events, and people EX: Are all smart phones Iphones???

7 VI. Scripts, Mental Models, and Images
Scripts: A mental representation of familiar sequences of activities. EX: How I get ready in the morning Mental Models: A cluster of propositions representing our understanding of objects and processes that guide our interactions with those things. EX: How do I use my phone to be more efficient at work??? Images: A mental representation of visual information EX: I see a car. What is it??? Cognitive Map: A mental representation of familiar parts of the environment. EX: My route to work.

8 VII. Reasoning: DEF: The process by which people generate and evaluate arguments and reach conclusions about them. EX: I have $5.00. My daughter is hungry. Where can I go to get food for my daughter and me? Costco!!!

9 VIII. Syllogism: DEF: An argument made up of two propositions, called premises, can conclusions based on those premises. EX: I am a white. White men can’t jump. Therefore, I can’t jump.

10 IX. Conformation Bias: DEF: The tendency to pay more attention to evidence in support of one’s hypothesis than to evidence that refutes that hypothesis. EX: Even though there are faster, more luxurious cars, my Mazdarati is the best.

11 X. Heuristics: DEF: Time saving mental short-cuts used in reasoning.
Anchoring Heuristic: A heuristic that involves basing judgements on existing information. EX: I don’t like rap. This is rap… Availability Heuristic: A heuristic through which judgements are based on information that is most easily brought to mind EX:I read about successful businesses… Representativeness Heuristic: A heuristic that involves judging whether something belong in a given class on the basis of similarity to other members of that class.. EX: It is furry, barks, and has four legs. It must be a…

12 XI. Mental Sets: DEF: The tendency for old patterns of problem solving to persist, even when they may not always be the most efficient alternative. EX: If I study for a test the same way for 13 years, I might need to change things up when I get to college.

13 XII. Functional Fixedness:
DEF: The tendency to think about familiar objects in familiar ways that may prevent using them in other ways. EX: If I am given a pencil, a paper, and a rubber band, how can I used them to disarm a bomb?

14 XIII. Artificial Intelligence:
DEF: The field that studies how to program computers to imitate the products of human perception, understanding, and thought. EX: Some jobs are dangerous, so if we could program robots to do those jobs, it could save lives.

15 XIV. Utility and Expected Value:
Utility: A subjective measure of value Expected Value: The total benefit to be expected if a decision were to be repeated several times EX: If I enter the lottery every time and pick the same numbers every time, I might feel that my odds of winning are improved.

16 XV. Language: DEF: Symbols and a set of rules for combining them that provides a vehicle for communication -To communicate, one must understand, not only the words, but also the conventions.

17 XVI. Grammar: DEF: A set of rules for combining the words used in a given language. EX1: Mr. Creech is a tall, blonde man in his early forties. EX2: Blonde Creech forties man is is a tall early his in.

18 XVII. Phonetics Phoneme: The smallest unit of sound that affects the meaning of speech. EX: Bet vs. Beg Morpheme: The smallest unit of language that has meaning. EX: un, ed, I, a, but Word: Unit of language composed of one or more morphemes. EX: word

19 XVIII. Syntax: DEF: The set of rules that govern the formation of phrases and sentences in a language. Ex1: (English) The little horse ran. Ex2: (Spanish) El caballo pequeno corre.

20 XIX. Semantics: DEF: Rules regulating the meaning of words and sentences -Surface Structure: The order in which words are arranged in sentences -Deep Structure: An abstract representation of the underlying meanings of a given sentence. EX: Joe is on fire today.

21 XX. Language Development:
Babblings: The first sounds that infants make that resemble language. One Word Stage: A stage of language development during which children tend to use one word at a time.

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