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LUSI Diagnostics & Common Optics WBS 1.5

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1 LUSI Diagnostics & Common Optics WBS 1.5
Yiping Feng – DCO Lead Scientist LUSI CD-2 Review August 19, 2008 Lead Engineer: Eliazar Ortiz Mechanical Engineer: Marc Campell Mechanical Engineer: Nadine Kurita Design Engineer: Rick Jackson Designer: Don Arnett Designer: Ben Bigornia Page Page 1

2 Outline Diagnostics & common optics (DCO) overview DCO scope
Components locations Components physics requirements Components descriptions Deliverables Schedule Costs Major risks 6-month look-ahead Summary Page

3 Overview Common needs recognized for all LUSI instruments in
Diagnostics for measuring X-ray FEL properties Transverse beam profile Incident beam intensity Transverse beam positions Wave field at focus Optical components for performing X-ray FEL manipulations Beam size definition and clean-up Attenuation Pulse pattern selection and/or repetition rate reduction Isolation of fundamental from high harmonics Focusing Monochromatization Page

4 Overview (cont.) Common components identified among all LUSI instruments & categorized, based on functionalities, into diagnostics suite common optics suite To facilitate common design & implementation A single WBS element created – WBS 1.5 Captured all XPP, CXI, and XCS common components The DCO integrated team put in place DCO scientific/technical team DCO engineering team Page

5 DCO Science Team Responsible for developing specifications and device/component concepts for DCO DCO scientific/technical team Yiping Feng, DCO lead scientist Instrument liaisons & DCO scientists David Fritz, XPP instr., attenuator, harmonic rejection mirrors Marc Messerschmidt, XPP instr. Sébastien Boutet, CXI instr., slits system, pulse picker Aymeric Robert, XCS instr., focusing lens, offset monochromator Niels van Bakel, X-ray detectors support Gunther Haller/Dieter Freytag, EE support Page

6 Overview (cont.) Physics requirement documents released by DCO team
Diagnostics sp _XRPopInProfMon-PRD sp _XRPopInIntensity-PRD sp _XRIntensity-Position-PRD sp _XRWavefrontMon-PRD* Common optics sp _BeLens-PRD sp _Slits-PRD sp _Atten-PRD sp _Pulse_Picker-PRD sp _HarmRejMirror-PRD sp _OffsetMono (in work)* * In initial version-0

7 DCO Scope Work Breakdown Structure Scope/CD-2 Includes:
Physics support & engineering integration (WBS ) Diagnostics (WBS 1.5.2) Pop-in Profile/Wavefront Monitor (WBS ) Pop-in Intensity Monitor (WBS ) Intensity-Position Monitor (WBS ) Common Optics (WBS 1.5.3) Offset Monochromator (WBS ) X-ray Focusing Lenses (WBS ) Slits System (WBS ) Attenuators (WBS ) Pulse Picker (WBS ) Harmonic Rejection Mirrors (WBS ) Page

8 Components Locations Components locations
Distributed throughout the XPP, CXI, and XCS instruments, including X-ray transport tunnel HEDS CXI Endstation X-ray Transport Tunnel Near Experimental Hall XCS Endstation XPP Endstation Far Experimental Hall LCLS X-ray FEL SXR AMO Page

9 Components Locations (cont.)
An example in XPP 15 diagnostics/common optics components embedded in XPP

10 Device/Component Counts
Total device/component counts Diagnostics/Optics XPP CXI XCS Total Pop-in Profiler/ Wavefront Monitor 3 4 5 12 1 Pop-in Intensity Monitor 2 9 Intensity-Position Monitor 11 Offset Monochromator X-Ray Focusing Lenses Slits System 6 13 Attenuators/Filters Pulse Picker Harmonic Rejection Mirrors 15 16 26 57 Page

11 DCO Physics Requirements
Goals Build diagnostics and common optics to help XPP, CXI, and XCS instruments achieve their full scientific potentials Common requirements stemmed from characteristics of LCLS X-ray FEL Ultra 100 fs, and repetition rate of 120 Hz High peak power ~ 10 GW Fully coherent in transverse directions ~ TEM00 Intrinsic intensity, temporal, spatial, timing fluctuations on per-pulse basis, i.e., LCLS Expected Fluctuations Pulse intensity fluctuations ~ 30 % (in contrast to synchrotron where fluctuation is Poisson limited) Position & pointing jitter (x, y, a, b) ~ 10 % of beam diameter ~ 10 % of beam divergence Source point jitter (z) ~ 5 m (leads to variations in apparent source size, or focal point location if focused)

12 DCO Physics Requirements (cont.)
Unique challenges identified for LUSI DCO Capable of sustaining the instantaneous LCLS X-ray FEL peak power Exercising deliberate material selection Thermal calculations including melting threshold and onset of thermal fatigue Capable of coherent beam manipulation Minimizing large angle diffractions to the extent possible i.e., utilizing cylindrical blades for slits Minimizing random wavefront distortion to the extent possible Reducing surface roughness and bulk non-uniformities Capable of ultra-fast signal detection Extracting signals in ~ ns to avoid large background i.e., charge-sensitive detection in intensity measurements Capable of per-pulse measurement if required Each pulse is a new experiment Averaging NOT an option, requiring high S/N ratio from single pulse i.e., high-precision intensity measurements to 0.1% based on single pulse

13 DCO Physics Requirements (cont.)
Unique challenges for LUSI DCO (cont.) Capable of maintaining ultra-high mechanical stability in case of large optics-to-sample distance, i.e., XCS offset monochromator To 10% of beam size at 50 mm  0.25 mrad pointing stability Linac-to-Undulator (227m) Undulator Hall (175m) Near Expt. Hall X-ray Transport (230m) Far Expt. Hall Source to Sample 1.5 Å CXI m XCS m XPP m 54 m Rayleigh Length 60 mm 220 mm 490 mm 1.1 mrad Mono location 200 m

14 Component Descriptions
Diagnostics suite Pop-in profile monitor (WBS ) Requirements Destructive; Retractable; Variable FOV and resolution At 100 mm resolution, 24x24 mm2 FOV; At 8 mm resolution, 2x2 mm2 FOV; Capable of per-pulse 120 Hz if required Attenuation used if necessary Pop-in intensity monitor (WBS ) Requirements Destructive; Retractable; Relative accuracy < 1%; Working dynamic range 100; Sensitive area 20x20 mm2 Capable of per-pulse 120 Hz Attenuation used if necessary

15 Component Descriptions (cont.)
Diagnostics suite (cont.) Intensity-position monitor (WBS ) Requirements In-situ, but retractable if desired Highly transmissive (< 5% loss); Relative accuracy < 0.1%; Working dynamic range 1000; Position accuracy in xy < 10 mm; Per-pulse op. at 120 Hz; Wavefront monitor (WBS ) Requirements In-situ, but retractable if desired Variable FOV and resolution Per-pulse 120 Hz Attenuation used if necessary Computational algorithms needed for wavefront reconstruction

16 Component Descriptions (cont.)
Common optics suite X-ray focusing lenses (WBS ) Requirements Produce variable focused spot size For XPP 2-10 mm in focus 40-60 mm out-of-focus Minimize wavefront distortion Withstand FEL full flux Slits system (WBS ) Requirements 0 – 10 mm gap setting 10-9 in trans. btw keV 10-8 in trans. at 25 keV Gap precisions in xy 0.5 mm for precise slits 5 mm for coarse slits Minimize diffraction/wavefront distortion Withstand FEL full flux

17 Component Descriptions (cont.)
Common X-ray optics (cont.) Attenuators (WBS ) Requirements Minimize wavefront distortion Withstand full FEL flux 108 attenuation at 8.3 keV* 104 attenuation at 24.9 keV At least 3 steps per decade Pulse picker (WBS ) Requirements < 3 ms switching time Reduce rep rate < 10 Hz operation* Not preferred for > 10 Hz continuous operation, FEL rep rate reduction will be used Withstand full LCLS FEL flux Requiring 100 mm Si3N4 to protect the steel blade *DCO key performance parameters

18 Component Descriptions (cont.)
Common optics (cont.) Harmonic rejection mirrors (WBS ) Requirements Energy range btw keV 104 contrast ratio between fundamental and the 3rd harmonic, 106 overall 80% overall throughput for the fundamental Minimize wavefront distortion Withstand full FEL flux Offset monochromator (WBS ) Requirements Large 600 mm offset 6-25 keV energy range Continuously tunable 10% positional stability (of beam size) Double-crystal geometry Attenuation used if necessary

19 DCO Deliverables Phased deliverables CD-4A CD-4B CD-4C XPP CXI XCS
Pop-In Profile Monitor Pop-In Intensity Monitor Intensity-Position Monitor Slits System Pulse Picker Attenuators Harmonic Rejection Mirrors X-Ray Focusing Lenses CXI Wavefront Monitor XCS Offset Monochromator

20 DCO Schedule WBS 1.5 schedule developed to ensure that instruments’ milestones are met on time Preliminary design reviews Pop-In Profile Monitor Q4 FY08 Pop-In Intensity Monitor Q4 FY08 Pulse Picker Q4 FY08 Slits System Q1 FY09 Intensity-Position Monitor Q1 FY09 X-ray Focusing Lens Q2 FY09 Attenuators Q3 FY09 Harmonic Rejection Mirrors Q4 FY09 Wavefront Monitor Q1 FY10 Offset Monochromator Q2 FY10 Final design reviews Pulse Picker Q1 FY09 Intensity-Position Monitor Q2 FY09 Pop-In Profile Monitor Q2 FY09 Pop-In Intensity Monitor Q3 FY09 X-ray Focusing Lens Q3 FY09 Attenuators Q4 FY09 Harmonic Rejection Mirrors Q1 FY10 Wavefront Monitor Q2 FY10 Installation complete CD-4A Installation complete Q1 FY11 CD-4B Installation complete Q3 FY11 CD-4C Installation complete Q3 FY12 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 Page

21 DCO Cost Baseline Labor & non-labor (M&S, etc.) Page

22 DCO Cost Baseline (cont.)
Level-3/4 cost breakdown Diagnostics – Common optics

23 DCO Major Risks Offset monochromator Mechanical stability not met
Required to maintain position stability to 10% of beam size Mitigation Ensure requirements are clearly stated and agreed prior to award and fabrication Implement a stringent vendor selection process Implement regular visits to vendor Implement frequent and measurable status reports Maintain constant communication with the vendor prior to and during design and fabrication Linac-to-Undulator (227m) Undulator Hall (175m) Near Expt. Hall X-ray Transport (230m) Far Expt. Hall 60 mm 1.1 mrad 220 mm 490 mm Mono location Rayleigh Length 200 m 54 m XPP m Source to Sample 1.5 Å XCS m CXI m

24 6-Month Look-ahead Major milestones Preliminary design reviews
Q4FY08 – PDR Pop-in profile monitor Q4FY08 – PDR Pop-in intensity monitor Q4FY08 – PDR Pulse picker Q1FY09 – PDR Intensity-position monitor Q1FY09 – PDR Slits system Final design reviews Q1FY09 – FDR Slits system Q1FY09 – FDR Pulse picker

25 Summary Diagnostics and common optics help support LUSI instruments to fulfill CD-0 mission in a wide variety of cutting edge research capabilities Diagnostic & optical components concepts are based on proven developments made at SPPS, FLASH, and SR sources Safety hazards have been identified in Hazard Analysis Report (HAR) Safety issues are considered at every step of design and fabrication process Scope of DCO components for XPP, CXI, and XCS instruments fully defined Resource loaded schedule developed through end of project Preliminary designs of key components are well advanced DCO and LUSI are ready for CD-2 approval Page

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