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Quarter 1 Mrs. Miller, English

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1 Quarter 1 Mrs. Miller, English
Poetry Quarter 1 Mrs. Miller, English

2 Before On a sheet of paper, list as many forms of poetry that you can in 1 minute. Share with a partner. How many did you have that were the same? How many were different?

3 Poetry Elements Speaker = the character who is saying the words of the poem. Mood = the general feeling of the poem. Theme = what the poem is mainly about. Stanza = a group of lines.

4 Poetry Elements Stanza = a group of lines in a poem, very similar to a paragraph in a story. Verse = One line from a poem. Rhyme Scheme = the pattern of rhyming in a poem. Rhythm = the beat of the poem, the flow.

5 Figurative Language Simile = compares two or more things using the words like or as. Example: Life is like a birthday gift: You don’t always get what you want, but you often enjoy what you get. Metaphor = shows one thing to be another. Example: Music is Joel’s lifeblood; he must have a daily infusion of rock, pop, rap, and jazz.

6 Figurative Language Hyperbole = a deliberate us of exaggeration, usually for comic effect. Example: I am so hungry, I could eat a horse. Personification = gives human qualities to a nonhuman thing. Example: The darkness of the room seemed to swallow all sound.

7 Figurative Language Alliteration = the repetition of a consonant sound, usually found in poetry. Example: Slithering snakes swung from swinging vines.

8 Types of Poetry Haiku Limerick Originated in Japan.
Made up of three lines. Unrhymed. About nature. Five syllables in the first and third lines; seven syllables in the second line. Five lined poem. Usually humorous/funny. Has a rhyme scheme of aabba. Considered a playful type of poem. Originated in Ireland.

9 Types of poetry Sonnet Ode Has 14-lines.
Has a rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg. Began in Italy, but made famous by Shakespeare. Written to celebrate something or someone. Very complex. Often serious. Originated in Greece.

10 Types of Poetry Epic Lyric A long, narrative poem.
Usually about the adventures and achievements of a hero. Examples include Beowulf, The Odyssey, and The Iliad. Tells about feelings. Used to be sung to the music of a stringed instrument called a lyre. All poems that talk about the speakers feelings are now considered lyric poems.

11 Types of Poems Ballad Elegy
Is a lyric poem that tells a story instead focusing on feelings. Was originally written to be sung. Usually feature a refrain, repeated lines, that is similar to the chorus of a song. A poem that mourns and remembers the dead. Usually written about a famous death such as Abraham Lincoln.

12 Summing Up When answering questions about poetry elements, remember the following tips: Get a first impression , but don’t cling to it. Notice how the poet paints a picture with words. Enjoy the “music” of the poem. A simile compares two things using the words like or as. A metaphor compares two things by saying one thing is another. Hyperbole is another word for exaggeration. Personification gives human qualities to a nonhuman thing.

13 Summing up (continued)
Limericks are the comedy of poetry A haiku is a three-line poem about a single moment. Epic poems are often long and tell a story about a hero. Lyric poems tell about a speaker’s feelings. A ballad is a musical poem that tells a story. Reference: Buckle Down Publishing. (2009). Buckle Down: Alabama Reading Level 8. Iowa City: Triumph Learning, LLC.

14 Exercise Give me an example, on piece of paper, of the following figurative language types: Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Personification

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