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ALIGNMENT REPORT Good morning/afternoon. My name is Tammie Chavez. Today, I will be talking to you about the alignment report.

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Presentation on theme: "ALIGNMENT REPORT Good morning/afternoon. My name is Tammie Chavez. Today, I will be talking to you about the alignment report."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALIGNMENT REPORT Good morning/afternoon. My name is Tammie Chavez. Today, I will be talking to you about the alignment report.

It is a CTE report mailed to the districts with the following reports: 40th Day Verification, 100th Day Verification, Preliminary Funding Reports, and Final Funding Reports (December, March, June, and August) It shows which data CTE has or does not have for the current school year on a program The alignment report show what programs are at each school and what information or data we have received for that program in the current school year. They are usually mailed with the 40th and 100th day verification reports along with the preliminary and final funding reports.

It does not indicate the quality of the data, only the existence of data The “Aligned” or “ Not-Aligned” status is not a statement of approval or disapproval for funding The alignment report shows data we have received for a program for the current school year. Aligned means we have all the current data needed for that program. Not aligned means data is missing. Does not mean approval or disapproval of funding for that course or program.

4 ALIGNMENT OF PROGRAM This status is not a statement of funding!
Courses in a program even with “Aligned” status will not be funded if all funding requirements are not in place. Remember even if the course is aligned, this does not mean it will be funded. To be funded all requirements must be met. And you are probably asking what are they? Well I’m glad you asked.

A properly certified teacher - education/cte-administrators-online-handbook/ Participant/Concentrator reports Placement reports Basic Grant Statement of Assurance/JTED Statement of Assurance Here are the requirements for state funding. You must have a properly certified teacher. If a teacher is not properly certified, here is the website you can go to and it will show you what type of certification is needed. You must have participants, concentrators and placements. And last but not least you have to Statement of assurances. We spoke earlier about this. JTED has their own statement of assurance and the other statement of assurance is located in the Basic Grant application. TO GENERATE FUNDING FOR THE 11TH AND 12 GRADE STUDENTS

MAILED WITH 40TH DAY VERIFICATION BRAND X UNIFIED DISTRICT BRAND X HIGH SCHOOL Program Date This what the 40th day alignment report looks like. As you can see it only has date for 40th day course enrollment .The first column show the CIP code, the 2nd column is the program title. The third column, for right now is the Program date. The 4th column is the cs column this is tell how many courses you plan to proved. Columns 5, 6, and 7 are if the courses are articulated. Which means they are being taught at another facility. It should list the ctd number of where it is being taught. All three columns should have the same ctd number. Columns 8 and 9 are your enrollment counts for 40th day and 100th day. Columns 10 and 11 are for non-coop and coop courses, they have the number of courses reported in the current school year’s course enrollment. Remember these course have required accompanying Career Prep course. Column 12 is if a program is only a DCE, internship, Coop or combined courses and do not have the required accompanying Career Prep courses. This doesn’t mean it never has been offered but it has not been offered in the current year. Column13 is for unduplicated participants which are reported. Column 15 is if there were any placements reported. The final or 16th column let you know if the program is aligned or not aligned. Again the program is aligned if it has cs, course enrollment, participant, concentrator and placement data. Not aligned if any data is missing. NOTE: The 40thDay report does not include Concentrator, Placement and Participant Enrollment data. Data shown is valid for 40thday data processed through the date of the report.

7 Submit all required enrollment data and any corrections when due to CTE and the next alignment report will show an updated status for all programs processed Just a reminder to submit all your enrollment data and or any corrections on time or when their due. This way when the next set of reports are sent out your information will be up to date. Please check the enrollment calendar for any important dates. Remember to check the CTE Enrollment Calendar for important dates:

8 QUESTIONS? For Course Enrollment and Funding Reports
Contact: For Course Enrollment and Funding Reports Janet Silao / Tammie Chavez / For PM Online System and Funding Reports Donna Kerwin / Steve Saline / Here’s are info. If you ever have any questions please let us know. Thank you.

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