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ELEGY, Diction And Syntax Poetry continued

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1 ELEGY, Diction And Syntax Poetry continued

2 What is an elegy? An elegy is a specific type of lyric poem.
In an elegy, the speaker thinks about death, usually as a tribute to one who has recently died. Generally the tone is serious and the diction is formal. It’s a sad poem expressing grief or sorrow over the death of a person It is usually someone the poet admired, loved or respected; sometimes it simply mourns the passing of all life and beauty.

3 Format of an elegy? The elegy does not have any specific format; however, the mood must be a somber (sad) one. Think about using good imagery and other figurative language devices to express your feelings. You also might want to focus on the person’s accomplishments; therefore, you can focus on what a great loss it is for everyone.

4 Requirements for an Elegy
It must be at least 15 lines You must use two figurative language You must use one sound device It needs to express sadness over the loss of someone you admire.

5 What is Diction and Syntax?
Diction is the choice of words poet uses. Syntax is the order in which the words appear. D IC TIO N Poetry is known for its concise and exact use of language. For example, in “Today,” Billy Collins describes his reaction to a spring day: made you want to throw open all the windows in the house This particular use of words creates a sense of joy, freedom, and movement— more so than if he had simply said he felt like opening a window. Like any good poet, Collins has chosen his words carefully to create an intended effect. As you read these poems, notice the diction and the effects it creates.

6 Spring is like perhaps hand E. E. Cummings
Spring is like a perhaps hand (which comes carefully out o f Nowhere) arranging a window, into which people look (while people stare arranging and changing placing carefully there a strange thing and a known thing here) and changing everything carefully spring is like a perhaps and in a window (carefully to and fro moving New and Old things, while people stare carefully moving a perhaps fraction o f flower here placing an inch o f air there) and without breaking anything. Spring is like perhaps hand E. E. Cummings What spring like elements do you find in this image? State your answer in terms of subject matter, color, shape, and texture Reread lines What do the words fraction and inch suggest about the concept of spring presented in the poem?

1. P A R A P H R A SE Paraphrase lines What does “the last day” refer to? 2. ELEG Y Reread lines Notice the religious language— altars, gods, relics, and holy. Why is such language appropriate in an elegy? 1. the passenger pigeon / the dodo, the whooping crane: extinct or extremely endangered birds.

8 DICTION Reread lines What words does the speaker use to characterize the inhabitants of the glass paperweight? What sense or feeling is evoked by this language?

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