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March 5th 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "March 5th 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 5th 2017

2 Prelude for Worship Martha Short

3 Welcome Daniel Palmer

4 Text “Welcome” to

5 Winshape Video


7 Blessed Assurance

8 Blessed assurance Jesus is mine Oh what a foretaste Of glory divine Heir of salvation Purchase of God Born of His Spirit Washed in His blood

9 This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long

10 Perfect submission Perfect delight Visions of rapture Now burst on my sight Angels descending Bring from above Echoes of mercy Whispers of love

11 This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long

12 Filled with His goodness
Perfect submission All is at rest I in my Savior Am happy and blest Watching and waiting Looking above Filled with His goodness Lost in His love

13 This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long

14 Jake Sings Intro before going to on…
Standing on the Promises Jake Sings Intro before going to on…

15 Standing on the promises Standing on the promises of God
Of Christ my King Through eternal ages Let his praises ring Glory in the highest I will shout and sing Standing on the promises of God Verse 1

16 Standing on the promises
Standing Standing Standing on the promises Of God my Savior I’m standing on the promises of God Verse 1

17 Standing on the promises That cannot fail When the howling storms
Of doubt and fear assail By the living word of God I shall prevail Standing on the promises of God Verse 1

18 Standing on the promises
Standing Standing Standing on the promises Of God my Savior I’m standing on the promises of God Verse 1

19 Standing on the promises Of Christ the Lord Bound to Him eternally
By love’s strong cord Overcoming daily With the Spirit’s Sword Standing on the promises of God Verse 1

20 Standing on the promises
Standing Standing Standing on the promises Of God my Savior I’m standing on the promises of God Verse 1

21 Standing on the promises I cannot fall Listening every moment
To the Spirit’s call Resting in my Savior As my all in all Standing on the promises of God Verse 1

22 Standing on the promises
Standing Standing Standing on the promises Of God my Savior I’m standing on the promises of God Verse 1

23 Tithes and Offerings

24 What Wondrous Love Sanctuary Choir

25 What wondrous love is this
O my soul O my soul What wondrous love is this O my soul What wondrous love is this That caused the Lord of bliss To bear the dreadful curse For my soul

26 Sinking down sinking down Sinking down Beneath God's righteous frown
When I was sinking down Sinking down sinking down Sinking down Beneath God's righteous frown Christ laid aside His crown For my soul

27 While millions join the theme
To God and to the Lamb I will sing I will sing I will sing Who is the great I AM - While millions join the theme

28 While millions join the theme
To God and to the Lamb Who is the great I AM - While millions join the theme I will sing

29 Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him above ye heavenly host Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost Amen


31 Colossians 2:1–7 (NASB) For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf and for those who are at Laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face, 2 that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love,

32 Colossians 2:1–7 (NASB) and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

33 Colossians 2:1–7 (NASB) 4 I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument. 5 For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ.

34 Colossians 2:1–7 (NASB) 6 Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, 7 having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.

35 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
We live in a world that constantly tells us Christ is not enough, that urges us to seek spiritual satisfaction in things less than Christ. Satan would like nothing more than to derail the church by asking us, as He asked Eve in the Garden, “has God really said? Is Christ really enough to satisfy? Is God holding something back from us?”

36 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
The word delude means “to count wrong.” Whenever you encounter an argument, no matter how persuasive, no matter how enticing the words, if it leads you to doubt Christ is enough, the argument is using inaccurate spiritual math; they have counted wrong.

37 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
To counter every argument that undermines the sufficiency of Christ (4): 1) we must be encouraged in Christ (1–3), 2) we be unwavering in our faith (5), and 3) we must keep walking in the Christ of the Bible (6–7).

38 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
1. We must be encouraged in Christ (1–3).

39 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
His ministry “involved hard work often in difficult circumstances and against dedicated opponents” (Moo, 164).

40 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Paul mentions his struggle so we will know Jesus is worth the fight; so our hearts might be encouraged/comforted (2). He wants the encouragement to reach our hearts, to “touch the deepest part of our being and affect every aspect of [who we are] (Moo, 165).

41 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
If you are in a community of sinners saved by grace who delight to rejoice in what Christ has done for them and in them and who welcome one another on the basis of what Christ has done – the world’s arguments have no attraction.

42 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Why would you keep an open mind on a closed case?

43 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
The word treasures (3) is the word for repository or storehouse. If you bank your life on Jesus, you will never exhaust the wisdom from God and knowledge of God available to you.

44 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
2. We must be unwavering in our faith (5).

45 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
In verse 4, we learn “all that has been written before has been written to keep believers from being deceived by ‘fine-sounding arguments.’” Why? Because Paul “knows how perilously easy it is for believers to be led astray by high-flown rhetoric (or, in our day, by ‘multimedia presentations’)” (172).

46 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Paul is warning us against fads that only flirt with the truths of Christ while playing up what man can do.

47 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Is the faith once and for all delivered to the saints the priority for you, for your family?

48 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Both casual faith and careless faith always drift away from the truth that Christ is enough.

49 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
3. We must keep walking in the Christ of the Bible (6–7).

50 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him. Colossians 2:6

51 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Here Paul uses the word “received” to communicate that faith in Christ “is not only a matter of believing “in” His person; it also involves a commitment to the apostolic teaching about Christ and His significance” (Moo, 177).

52 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Christ is enough if you have trusted in the right Christ.

53 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
We “let Christ – and no other! for He is Lord – establish our values, guide our thinking and direct our conduct” (Moo, 179).

54 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
When we uproot our lives from our own plans and agendas for Jesus and His agenda, God permanently gives us a new root system. And, as we keep overflowing in giving thanks to God for our life in Christ, the Spirit keeps on building us in Christ and establishing us or making us firm in the faith.

55 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
The Christ who lived, died, rose, ascended and is coming again for me – He is Lord, and He is enough.

56 Response

57 Breathe on Me

58 Holy Spirit breathe on me Until my heart is clean
Let sunshine fill its inmost part With not a cloud between

59 Breathe on me breathe on me Holy Spirit breathe on me
Take Thou my heart cleanse ev'ry part

60 Holy Spirit breathe on me My stubborn will subdue
Teach me in words of living flame What Christ would have me do

61 Breathe on me breathe on me Holy Spirit breathe on me
Take Thou my heart cleanse ev'ry part

62 Holy Spirit breathe on me Fill me with pow'r divine
Kindle a flame of love and zeal Within this heart of mine

63 Breathe on me breathe on me Holy Spirit breathe on me
Take Thou my heart cleanse ev'ry part

64 Holy Spirit breathe on me Until my will is lost in Thine
Till I am all Thine own Until my will is lost in Thine To live for Thee alone

65 Breathe on me breathe on me Holy Spirit breathe on me
Take Thou my heart cleanse ev'ry part


67 Upward Video


69 Postlude for Worship Martha Short

70 March 5th 2017

71 Soul on Fire

72 God I'm running for Your heart I'm running for Your heart
Till I am a soul on fire

73 Lord I'm longing for Your ways
I'm waiting for the day When I am a soul on fire Till I am a soul on fire

74 Lord, restore the joy I had I have wandered bring me back
In this darkness lead me through Until all I see is You

75 God I'm running for Your heart I'm running for Your heart
Till I am a soul on fire

76 Lord I'm longing for Your ways
I'm waiting for the day When I am a soul on fire Till I am a soul on fire

77 Lord let me burn for You again Let me return to You again
And Lord let me burn for You again And let me return to You again

78 God I'm running for Your heart I'm running for Your heart
Till I am a soul on fire

79 Lord I'm longing for Your ways
I'm waiting for the day When I am a soul on fire Till I am a soul on fire

80 Welcome Daniel Palmer

81 Text “Welcome” to

82 Winshape Video


84 All I Have is Christ

85 I once was lost in darkest night  Yet thought I knew the way  The sin that promised joy and life  Had led me to the grave 

86 I had no hope that You would own  A rebel to Your will  And if You had not loved me first  I would refuse You still

87 But as I ran my hell-bound race Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state And led me to the cross

88 And I beheld God’s love displayed You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me Now all I know is grace

89 Hallelujah! All I have is Christ Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

90 Now Lord I would be Yours alone And live so all might see
The strength to follow Your commands Could never come from me

91 O Father use my ransomed life And let my song forever be
In any way You choose And let my song forever be My only boast is You

92 Hallelujah! All I have is Christ Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

93 Hosanna

94 Praise is rising Eyes are turning to You We turn to You
Hope is stirring Hearts are yearning for You We long for You

95 We find strength To face the day
'Cause when we see You We find strength To face the day In Your presence all our fears Are washed away Washed away

96 Hosanna Hosanna You are the God Who saves us Worthy of all our praises

97 Hosanna Hosanna Come have Your Way among us
We welcome You here Lord Jesus

98 Hear the sound of hearts Returning to You We turn to You
In Your Kingdom Broken lives are made new You make us new

99 We find strength To face the day
'Cause when we see You We find strength To face the day In Your presence all our fears Are washed away Washed away

100 Hosanna Hosanna You are the God Who saves us Worthy of all our praises

101 Hosanna Hosanna Come have Your Way among us
We welcome You here Lord Jesus

102 Great I Am

103 So Heaven is real and death is a lie
I want to be close – Close to Your side So Heaven is real and death is a lie I want to hear voices Of angels above Singing as one

104 God Almighty - Great I Am Who is worthy - none beside Thee
Hallelujah - Holy Holy God Almighty - Great I Am Who is worthy - none beside Thee

105 Loving the world - hating the dark
I want to be near – Near to Your heart Loving the world - hating the dark I want to see dry bones living again Singing as one

106 The mountains shake before You At the mention of Your name
The demons run and flee At the mention of Your name King of majesty

107 There is no power in hell And the Presence of the Great I Am
Or any who can stand Before the power And the Presence of the Great I Am The Great I Am

108 The Great I Am

109 What Wondrous Love Sanctuary Choir

110 What wondrous love is this
O my soul O my soul What wondrous love is this O my soul What wondrous love is this That caused the Lord of bliss To bear the dreadful curse For my soul

111 When I was sinking down sinking down sinking down
Beneath God's righteous frown Christ laid aside his crown For my soul

112 While millions join the theme
To God and to the Lamb I will sing I will sing I will sing Who is the great I AM - While millions join the theme

113 While millions join the theme
To God and to the Lamb Who is the great I AM - While millions join the theme I will sing


115 Colossians 2:1–7 (NASB) For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf and for those who are at Laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face, 2 that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love,

116 Colossians 2:1–7 (NASB) and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

117 Colossians 2:1–7 (NASB) 4 I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument. 5 For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ.

118 Colossians 2:1–7 (NASB) 6 Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, 7 having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.

119 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
We live in a world that constantly tells us Christ is not enough, that urges us to seek spiritual satisfaction in things less than Christ. Satan would like nothing more than to derail the church by asking us, as He asked Eve in the Garden, “has God really said? Is Christ really enough to satisfy? Is God holding something back from us?”

120 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
The word delude means “to count wrong.” Whenever you encounter an argument, no matter how persuasive, no matter how enticing the words, if it leads you to doubt Christ is enough, the argument is using inaccurate spiritual math; they have counted wrong.

121 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
To counter every argument that undermines the sufficiency of Christ (4): 1) we must be encouraged in Christ (1–3), 2) we be unwavering in our faith (5), and 3) we must keep walking in the Christ of the Bible (6–7).

122 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
1. We must be encouraged in Christ (1–3).

123 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
His ministry “involved hard work often in difficult circumstances and against dedicated opponents” (Moo, 164).

124 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Paul mentions his struggle so we will know Jesus is worth the fight; so our hearts might be encouraged/comforted (2). He wants the encouragement to reach our hearts, to “touch the deepest part of our being and affect every aspect of [who we are] (Moo, 165).

125 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
If you are in a community of sinners saved by grace who delight to rejoice in what Christ has done for them and in them and who welcome one another on the basis of what Christ has done – the world’s arguments have no attraction.

126 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Why would you keep an open mind on a closed case?

127 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
The word treasures (3) is the word for repository or storehouse. If you bank your life on Jesus, you will never exhaust the wisdom from God and knowledge of God available to you.

128 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
2. We must be unwavering in our faith (5).

129 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
In verse 4, we learn “all that has been written before has been written to keep believers from being deceived by ‘fine-sounding arguments.’” Why? Because Paul “knows how perilously easy it is for believers to be led astray by high-flown rhetoric (or, in our day, by ‘multimedia presentations’)” (172).

130 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Paul is warning us against fads that only flirt with the truths of Christ while playing up what man can do.

131 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Is the faith once and for all delivered to the saints the priority for you, for your family?

132 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Both casual faith and careless faith always drift away from the truth that Christ is enough.

133 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
3. We must keep walking in the Christ of the Bible (6–7).

134 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him. Colossians 2:6

135 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Here Paul uses the word “received” to communicate that faith in Christ “is not only a matter of believing “in” His person; it also involves a commitment to the apostolic teaching about Christ and His significance” (Moo, 177).

136 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
Christ is enough if you have trusted in the right Christ.

137 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
We “let Christ – and no other! for He is Lord – establish our values, guide our thinking and direct our conduct” (Moo, 179).

138 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
When we uproot our lives from our own plans and agendas for Jesus and His agenda, God permanently gives us a new root system. And, as we keep overflowing in giving thanks to God for our life in Christ, the Spirit keeps on building us in Christ and establishing us or making us firm in the faith.

139 CIE: to Encourage and Stabilize the Church
The Christ who lived, died, rose, ascended and is coming again for me – He is Lord, and He is enough.

140 Response

141 Upward Video


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