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Video - Lent 40 Days of Preparation.

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1 Video - Lent 40 Days of Preparation

2 What is Lent?

3 What is Lent? 1. Lent is the season in the church from Ash Wednesday to Easter 2. Lent is 40 days to prepare for Easter 3. We give up something or add something to challenge ourselves during Lent 4. We go without meat on Friday’s and Ash Wednesday. 5. We pray, fast (go without), and give during Lent. 6. Purple is the Liturgical Color for Lent

4 What is Lent? A time of preparation for Easter
A time to get closer to God A time to build up our determination to succeed in anything we do. A time of penance (being sorry)

5 What is Lent? Lent is build on the TRADITION of the church.
Lent was a 40 day period of time to prepare to be baptized The church fathers chose the tradition and length of Lent to help us prepare for Easter.

6 What is Lent? 40 Days Sunday doesn’t count in the 40 days!
Sunday we remember the Resurrection which is always a reason to celebrate. Sunday is a Mini-Easter!

7 What is Lent? 40 Days 7. The number 40 is used throughout the Bible
8. Noah’s Ark: They were in the ark for 40 days 9. Jonah spread God’s message of repentance (be sorry) in Nineveh for 40 days. 10. Jesus was tempted in the desert for 40 days. 11. Jesus returned for 40 days after His Resurrection (when He rose from the dead.)

8 Biblical Connection Jesus is Tempted in the Wilderness

9 Biblical Connection 12. Summarize Luke 4:1-13.
Jesus was tempted in the desert for 40 days.

10 Compare Ourselves to the Story
13. How is Lent similar to Jesus’ 40 days in the desert? 14. How do you think we know what is God’s will and what negative temptation? 15. What can we do during Lent to help us to be as strong as Jesus was in the desert?

11 What do we DO during Lent?
Fasting, Prayer, and Almsgiving

12 Fasting & Abstaining Giving things up, going without

13 Fasting & Abstaining 16. Fasting: Giving up something.

14 Fasting & Abstaining 17. Ages 14 years old and older must abstain from (go without) meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent.

15 Fasting & Abstaining 18. Ages 18 to 59 are asked to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. 19. Fasting means eating only 1 full meal and 2 smaller meals. Banana for breakfast, regular lunch, small serving of dinner.

16 Fasting & Abstaining Abstinence forbids the use of meat.
Abstinence does not include meat juices like chicken broth or gravy. Eggs, fish, milk, butter, etc. are OK.

17 Fasting & Abstaining 20. Give 5 examples of meatless meals.
Peanut Butter Beans Eggs Cheese Fish

18 Fasting & Abstaining Along with giving up meat, you will choose something personal to give up. Choose something that will be a challenge. Don’t give up something that you need or that you have to do (school, vegetables, etc.)

19 Fasting & Abstaining 21. Make a list of 5 possible things that you could fast or abstain from for Lent. Your list should be practical and personal to YOU.

20 Prayer Talking to God

21 Prayer 22. Prayer: Talking to God
Challenge yourself to prayer more, or differently, during Lent.

22 Prayer Bible Divine Mercy Chaplet Rosary Stations of the Cross
Daily Mass Stations of the Cross Rosary Divine Mercy Chaplet Bible

23 Prayer 23. What are 5 ways you could add more prayer to your life during Lent?

24 Almsgiving Giving to Others

25 Almsgiving 24. Almsgiving: Giving money, time, etc. to others. Showing Kindness

26 Almsgiving: Money and Goods
Donate money or food to the food bank. Tithe extra money at church Donate clothes or goods

27 Almsgiving: Time & Kindness
Write letters to family Invite others to join you in a game Do someone’s chore Give more compliments

28 Almsgiving 25. What are 5 ways that you could give to others?

29 Almsgiving Help someone with their homework Donate Money to church
Take food to the food pantry Donate clothes Donate Money to church Include others in activities Help someone with their homework

30 Fat Tuesday & Ash Wednesday
Lent Begins…. Fat Tuesday & Ash Wednesday

31 Fat Tuesday

32 Fat Tuesday 26. Fat Tuesday is the last celebration before the quiet days of Lent. 27. It is a good chance to get rid of the temptations around the house

33 Pancake Tuesday Old Tradition: Pancake Tuesday— eggs and milk weren’t allowed during Lent (NOW THEY ARE), so they would use that up to make pancakes.

34 Ash Wednesday Video

35 Ash Wednesday 28. On Ash Wednesday, a cross of ashes is drawn on your forehead. 29. It is a reminder of penance (being sorry).

36 Ash Wednesday 30. When the cross is drawn on your forehead, they will say, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Ecclesiastes 3:20)

37 Ash Wednesday Ashes stand for repentance and being prepared for death.
Ashes are a symbol of Humbleness, Grieving and Suffering.

38 Ash Wednesday The church saves the blessed palm branches from last year. The palms are burned to create the ashes for this year!

39 How To receive Ashes. Any age and any faith can receive ashes.
Walk to the front of the church Stand quietly while ashes are placed on your forehead. Walk back to your seat.

40 Keep Ashes on Your Heads
Don’t wipe them off on purpose, but it’s ok if they get wiped off. When people notice them, this is a good chance to share the message with others!

41 Holy Days Palm Sunday video The Last Week of Lent

42 Palm Sunday The Sunday Before Easter

43 Palm Sunday 31. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter.
32. We remember the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem with everyone cheering and praising Him!

44 Palm Sunday 33. We read the Gospel story of Jesus entering Jerusalem at the beginning of Mass. 34. Some churches process into the church, everyone walks together into the church after reading the first Gospel.

45 Palm Sunday 35. During Mass we receive palm branches.
36. The branches have been blessed. Don’t throw them away, keep them or bury them.

46 Palm Sunday 37. Summarize Mark 11:1-10

47 Palm Sunday 38. How do you praise God?
39. Why is it important to praise God?

48 Holy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Monday Before Easter

49 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
These days of Holy Week don’t have special services, but there are biblical events that we remember on these days.

50 Holy Monday 40. Summarize Mark 11:15-18
Jesus yells at people selling in the temple. He said, “‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.” 

51 Holy Tuesday 41. Jesus preached and taught in Jerusalem.

52 Holy Wednesday 42. Summarize Matthew 26:14-16
Judas met with Caiaphas and the Chief Priests to make a deal to turn Jesus over to them. They will pay Judas 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus.

53 Reflection 43. Explain three ways to show respect in church.
44. Give 3 examples of Jesus’ teachings and explain how you can learn from Him. 45. Give an example of a time that you felt betrayed. How did Jesus act when Judas’ betrayed Him? How should we act when we feel betrayed?

54 The Last Three Days Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Before Easter

55 Holy Thursday Video Thursday Before Easter

56 Holy Thursday 46. We remember the Institution of the Eucharist: The Last Supper of Jesus with his Apostles. 47. They will wash feet like Jesus did for his apostles. 48. We will end with Adoration (praying to Jesus in the Eucharist.)

57 Holy Thursday: Adoration
At the end of Mass, we spend time with Jesus. The host will be placed in the Monstrance. You can stay after Mass to prayer to Jesus in the Eucharist.

58 Holy Thursday: Betrayal
49. Summarize Matthew 26:17-25 Jesus told Judas that Judas would betray Jesus!

59 Holy Thursday: Last Supper
50. Summarize Matthew 26:26-30 The is known as the “Last Supper”. It was the first celebration of the Eucharist Jesus said, “This is my Body, this is my Blood.”

60 Holy Thursday: Denial 51. Summarize Matthew 26:31-35
Jesus told Peter that Peter would deny Jesus three times.

61 Holy Thursday: Jesus Prayed
52. Summarize Matthew 26:36-46 Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.

62 Holy Thursday: Reflection
53. Why were the apostles surprised that Jesus washed their feet? 54. How can you “Wash the Feet” and take care of people around you? Give 3 examples.

63 Good Friday Video Friday Before Easter

64 Good Friday 55. On Good Friday, we remember Jesus’ death on the cross.
Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence (no meat, no snacks).

65 Good Friday: Church Service
56. It’s a very solemn day, so we have a service, not a Mass. During the service, we will read the story of the Crucifixion and kneel when Jesus dies. 57. The hosts that we eat on Good Friday were consecrated (blessed) on Holy Thursday.

66 Good Friday: Veneration
58. We venerate the Cross during the service. 59. Venerating the cross means to touch or kiss the cross to show love to Jesus.

67 Good Friday 60. Summarize Matthew 26:49-52
Jesus is arrested and a disciple of Jesus cuts off the ear of a soldier. Jesus heals the soldier.

68 Good Friday 61. Summarize Matthew 26:65-68
Jesus met with Caiphas (Chief Priest) and was mocked (made fun of).

69 Good Friday 62. Summarize Matthew 26:69-75 Peter denied Jesus 3 times.

70 Good Friday 63. Summarize Matthew 27:21-26
Pontius Pilate lets the crowd choose to free Barabbas and crucify Jesus.

71 Good Friday 64. Summarize Matthew 27:27-29
The soldiers put a robe and crown of thorns on Jesus.

72 Good Friday 65. Summarize Matthew 27:33-38
Jesus was crucified and the soldiers gambled for his clothes.

73 Good Friday 66. Summarize Matthew 27:45-51
Jesus died. He said, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?.”

74 Good Friday 67. Summarize Matthew 27:57-60
Jesus was placed in a tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea.

75 Good Friday Reflection
68. Which do you do on Good Friday: fast or abstain or both? 69. Why do you think soldiers were put at the tomb to guard it? 70. How do you think the apostles felt after Jesus’ death? 71. Why do you think Peter denied Jesus? How do you think you would have reacted if you were Peter?

76 Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil
The night before Easter.

77 Holy Saturday 72. On Holy Saturday, we remember that Jesus is dead in the tomb. 73. In the evening, there is the Easter Vigil Mass. 74. Salvation History is told during the Easter Vigil and new Catholics are baptized and welcomed into the church. 75. A new candle is lit for the church. It is called the Paschal Candle.

78 Holy Saturday Reflection
76. How do you think Jesus followers felt on Holy Saturday? Write 2 things you think they might have said to each other. 77. Give an example of a time in your life that you have doubted that someone would follow through on a promise. How did that make you feel?

79 Easter! Video Jesus rose from the dead!

80 Mass On Easter 78. On Easter, we rejoice and celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead!

81 Easter 79. Summarize Matthew 28:1-10

82 Reflection 80. Give 2 examples of things that Jesus’ followers might have said when Jesus rose from the dead. 81. How do you think Pilate felt when Jesus rose? What do you think he said?

83 Vocabulary

84 Vocabulary Monstrance: A stand for the consecrated host (Jesus’ body) for adoration (prayer). Adoration: Prayer of praise, especially in front of the consecrated host. Temple: Jewish center of worship.   Tabernacle: Box that holds the consecrated host (Jesus body). Veneration: To show Respect and reverence.  Consecrated: To make sacred, change the bread and wine to Jesus’ body and blood. Crucifix: Cross with Jesus’ crucified body.  Paschal: Easter

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